This Gyaru Will Date the Otaku in 54 Days

The Otaku is in quite a good mood heading into the middle of the week. He sure is lucky to have met girls like Kinjyou and Koyamauchi who have been absolute treats to hang out with. The former actually seems cool with his manga reading, and the latter is into gaming as much as he is, if not more. It doesn't hurt that he finds them both so pretty, but that seems to be the norm around this school.

In fact, not only are there a lot of cute girls, but a lot of gyarus too. And for most, it seems a bit all that him, an otherwise normal looking and weird otaku, seems to have a relationship with most of them. But that would be putting it strongly. At most, he's friends with them, and in the case of Himekawa, someone who's tolerated.

Though speaking of those gyarus, there is one he sees right now that should have his attention. That being Otomore, blasting along her music as usual.

"H-hey!" He calls out to her, trying to be loud enough to overcome her music. Thankfully, she noticed him and takes off one of the pair. "Haven't seen you in a while." It's odd, he thinks. With her music as loud as it is, he should pretty much always know where she is on school grounds. Yet it seems their encounters are rare.

"Me neither." She replies. "Seems like you've been busy for an otaku."

"I guess you could say that." Hearing that statement, it does make him a bit self conscious about the things he's done lately. "Oh! I'm so sorry." Quickly, he realizes something he's done wrong and bows down to her. "I really haven't had a chance to hang out with you often."

She was one of the first girls who was nice to him. Well, kind of, but she's still a friend. However, the Otaku has been spending so much time with girls like Kinjyou and Koyamauchi that he's nearly forgotten about her. Sure, those two are pretty outgoing and it's mostly coincidence, but so has it been with Otomore.

"I didn't realize you thought we were so close." Apparently she hasn't been on the same page this entire time. The girl considered a lot of their interactions were in passing, so she thought he thought she was only an acquaintance.

"Well, if we're not already… I do want to make it clear we're friends." He says. "As a los… otaku, I didn't have many friends going into high school so far. But now that I've gotten to know some people, it's nice to have friends." His speech couldn't have possibly come across as more cringy with how he spoke. The boy really isn't good at expressing his feelings like a normal person.

"Well, if you want that… Then how about we share contact?" She offers, switching from the music app on her phone to her email.

"Yes, I'd love that!" He answers, way too enthusiastically. Thinking about it later, it seems Otomore is the first girl who he's ever shared contact with. Not counting the Gyaru since they only apparently did so because of work reasons.