This Gyaru Will Date the Otaku in 51 Days

Ah, such a wonderful sight. There's a little girl with long white hair swinging on the swing set. She looks so cute. What is going on? It seems that the Otaku is a kid again? Right, this is what he looked like when he was merely in the single digits of age.

"Hmm?" The girl says something he can barely hear. "Is that you?" The boy can barely make out the words she's saying. It seems like she recognizes him.

"Um, it's me." He says, not even realizing what he's saying as the little boy reaches a hand out to her. Just as he's about to touch her shoulder, everything fades from view. "Ahh!" Quickly, the Otaku finds himself waking up in a cold sweat in bed. He's a teen again, so what he just felt was a dream.

That was weird. Something about that dream felt so familiar, like he had lived it before. Though racking his brain didn't develop any memory of having a dream like that before. Unless the feeling came from something that happened in reality? If that's the case, then he doesn't remember that moment either.

Well, now he's up pretty early. It's nearly four in the morning of this otherwise normal Saturday. Well, the timing isn't good for going back to sleep, especially now that he's full of energy. That only leaves him with doing one other thing then.

That being to take a short trip to the nearby convenience store to grab some breakfast and maybe pick up a new copy of a manga. As he's scrolling through the shelves, he hears the sound of someone yawning, which nearly prompts him to do the same thing.

There's something about that sound which sounds familiar to him as well. Turning his head, the boy sees Otomore, her hair all messed up and ruffled browsing through for some goods. "Ah, it's you." He greets her.

"Huh?" She's a bit inattentive due to the lack of energy. It's weird for the two of them to happen to run into each other during these early hours. "Oh, it's you." She's also lacking a bunch of the enthusiasm he's used to hearing her have. Though part of that is likely because he's not hearing her blast out music at a volume that's way too high.

"So, how are you?" He moves over to her, which prompts the girl to put a hand on her head to try and straighten out her hair.

"I'm fine…" She says quietly. It seems she's gotten a bit shy now, having someone like him see her like this. "Just tired."

"Huh?" He's not used to seeing her like this. Otomore never really showed herself as a shy girl, but then again, he's only ever seen her act with little emotion at school. Is this how she truly when not being a loner at school.

"Anyway, I need to get going." She's also quick to want to leave him, taking the things she wants to buy to the cashier immediately.

"N-nice seeing you." He bids her farewell, a bit confused about this entire exchange.