
after 7 years passed in this extraordinary world I can't help but say its been the best time I've ever had. From training with my personal trainer to sparing with my sister and learning the arts of witch craft from my mother.But now that I'm ten and a prince of Asgard my father has told me and my sister who is 15 to go visit Midgard and see new things. Although I am excited with going to visit my old world, my sister is not, she thinks the humans with there measly couple decades of life are inferior to her. But not just her most people are like this in Asgard, to them other races and people weaker than them are inferior and they shouldn't mingle with them.

From what I can see my father and the asgardian warrior are constantly going out and subjugating the other planets in the nine realms. Around 40 percent of the other planets in the realm are not bowing down to us as the leaders of the realm, So the warrior go out and subjugate these plants and are in a constant state of war with there armies. I know from the movies that Asgard wasn't always peaceful and they united the nine realms with war and not peace as odin foretold his sons in the future, so this fact didn't surprise me much.

But knowing all this only gets my blood pumping even more, the thought of me going to battle and fighting my enemies with honour gives me a sense of pride. Maybe me hanging around these proud and dignified asgardians has influenced my personality but I couldn't care less.

Heading towards the bifrost, me and hella were escorted by four royal guards. r

Reaching Hiemdell he greeted us with a nod and proceeded to use his sword and give us passage down to Midgard.

Walking towards the newly opened portal we get sucked in start the journey to earth, within two minutes we can already see the fast approaching planet and the different contents the split it up.Within next minute we landed on the planet with the ground being imprinted with a array of asgardian symbols, it appears that we have landed inside a village as the inhabitants all stoped and turned to look in our direction, seeing how they are all now bowing before us I look to the guards. One of the guards then inform me that asgardians have been down before and now the humans worship us as gods.

Glancing at hella I can see her look down upon the humans with disdain, ignoring the superior complex that the rest of my people have I rush down and start greeting the people, although bit apprehensive at first they soon warm up to me and show me around there village.

after spending a few days coming back and forth visiting these people they have come to make a name fo me, the god of trickery and mischief. Like the other asgardians they base the names of the powers they see the asgardians perform, so by seeing me turn invisible and make clones of myself along with other such wizardry they came up with this name. They then went onto write my name into the book of gods, now, they call it the book of gods but its really just a big cave with the names of the gods written on the walls, with story including the into it. I went into said room and looked at the names they have written and I can see that they've made most of the names up from the way the weather works and other such trivial things.

After visiting a few more times I decided to stop visiting because It was getting extremely boring, with the time period on earth being in the b.c period they lacked technology and they also lacked good enough fighting techniques to stand a chance against my ten year old self, yes thats right I fought a couple of there warriors but the fights were very lackluster with me using my skills to end the fights in seconds.

After informing odin about the trip and the lack of strong opponents he suggested the idea of me fighting in the battle arena, usually you would have to be older with a little battle experience, but he informed me that with my skills I would be able to fight in the lower brackets and it would help to gain more combat experience for when I venture onto the battle field.