Delightful Encounter - 4 (NSFW)

"Yes, I find it reasonable enough. Plus the main question is why you are here, why help me with my heat? I think you know more about me than I do about you."

He burst out in laughter after hearing my response, very amused, his eyes shining with mirth. "You are exceptional, simple and to the point, I like that about you. And for why I am here, let's just say I knew you would need me." then he moved his head a bit to focus better on me, while still lying down, "But I like people like you, no hidden intent whatsoever."

"Well, we can't say the same about you, now can we?" I asked, lifting myself up and sliding my hand under his dark skinny pants, in process shifting the material down, lower, revealing a slight tuft of silver hair peaking through, disappearing below south.

He shivered, delighting me as I moved my fingers above his rock hard member, feeling it quiver under my touch. The length was long and thick, making me gulp just thinking about it being rammed into my hole.

I wasn't a pervert, had no interest in opposite gender or terms of passion, but I was well aware of what went on, my omega status made it so that I had to suffer all kinds of suggestive gestures and forceful encounters. I beat my way through those, but then… also gained second hand knowledge about all that went on between an omega and his partner.

"Trying to pleasure me?" Michi asked with a baffled look, his voice throaty and gruff as he watched me intently.

I felt his breathing hitch as I started massaging his balls with my other hand, before focusing back on his d*ck. "Hm," I sounded out, a desire licking my heart, "It is a favor."

And the next second I found myself facing the bed, my butt upwards in the air and my hole bare for him to see.

"Oh really?" I heard him ask.

I panicked, twisted slightly to look at him... but what I saw made my blood rush south again, it was hot enough to instigating another longing in me.

"Wh-What are you doing?" I asked, my breath already rushing out in gasps.

He just chortled, "What do you think?" he asked, pumping his own d*ck while moving in towards my butt hole, his eyes focused on my hole as he licked it once.

"D-Dirty," I whispered, clutching the bed sheet tightly, my hole quivering under his want. The lust in the air enough to make my pheromones release and a new slickness forming inside my anus.

I had never experienced it before, the desire to have someone had always been there during my heat, but this leaking slick I smelled now was something that had never happened before, I had never reacted like this to anything, anybody.

I heard him groan as he took in my state, obviously smelling the change around me, the sweetness and sexual arousal enough to overwhelm both of us. "D-Do it," I whispered, feeling a sense of deja vu as I felt his tongue swipe away the leaking slick from my butt hole, a purr reverberating from his chest, vibrating through his mouth as he licked me again.

"You taste down right delectable," he complimented, his pumping hand on his d*ck going faster in reaction to me.

I thought he would lick me again, but instead he pushed his finger in me, a blinding desire hitting me hard as my limbs started to shake, buckling under my weight.

"You are so tight," he whispered to himself, I could feel how much it was affecting him, but he was controlling it.

He pushed in and out of me like it was nothing. Did he even know I was a virgin…?

"Harder." I echoed, feeling him go harder with his finger, ramming into me as a squelching noise started to resound around our little bubble, the cold wind from the window making me shiver.

I wondered how he could do the multi-tasking when I was in such daze, my eyes shut and breathing heavy.

Now I did remember that I had been injured and hurt, but at the moment it was a negligible existence, my heat was covering it up well.

I grit my teeth as he inserted two more fingers in me, widening my entrance, but what made it even more arousing was his hot seeds bursting on to my thighs as he finished off silently without even a grunt. Yet despite all he never paused his infiltration on my butt hole, keeping up the slide in and slide out via his fingers, my overflowing slick helping his cause.

It was both frustrating and unfulfilling yet at the same time triggering.

"Imagine my length instead of my fingers, squeezing in your butt as you whine for me to go faster, rougher. I want to see your face then, how flustered you would look under me, I want to see how you would react to my teasing or how you would beg for my d*ck..."

I listened as he rambled on about how he would dominate me and tease me or... f*ck me, he was very coarse about it, wanting me to know just how crude he could be with me, and I actually loved every second of it.

If someone dirty desired you, you would feel humiliated and repulsed, but it was Michi this time, and his genuine approach made it very pleasurable for me.

Soon, I felt myself getting closer, closer to my end again, but it still wasn't enough.

"Cum, let go JeonJa, let me taste your release. Let me see just how luscious you are." It was like a mantra that echoed in my ears, it was sinful.

And that did it for me, the way he pronounced my name in such an erotic manner was enough to trigger me hard, my moan hindered by the sheets, as I came in waves, each wave stimulating another, as he licked the squirted content with delight, his wet fingers holding my hips as I collapsed.

Finishing me off he just chuckled, "Good boy."

At last he never defiled me like I had thought he would. How considerate, I rolled my eyes in my mind. It made me curious about him.

But I was tired so a deep sleep overtook me, my body too tired to take anything anymore. His scent all around me, lulled me to sleep.