JeonJa's Flashback I




It has been three days now and things have been going smoothly, if you call living in a castle training with immature goons 'smooth'.

Toto and Hoba are inseparable like always, getting on my nerves from time to time. When one makes a silly joke, the other joins in, and when one hugs me, the other one does too. Hoba is a very serious person but living with his mate for so long under the same roof has also made him unpredictable. Occasionally, I see him pouting and squealing, making cute faces for his mate which is weird but also entertaining to watch.

They have yet to ask me anything relevant, all they talk about is how handsome I grew up to be or how rude I have turned out to be... as if they aren't.

I remembered the dinner last night, when Toga suddenly had this rush to feed me choco chips. He was so persistent that I had to listen to him, plus Hoba's glare told me I should. Every inch of my body had been against it, knowing that Toga loved to prank me, but I still ate it and, how to say it, my burning mouth and running nose were an indication enough, the choco chips were nothing but an avatar of black pepper, I don't even know how I didn't smell the spicy scent of it. How I didn't notice it.

The table had burst into laughter after that little incident, everyone good and jolly, questioning my instincts and lack of recognition. I too wondered, how I couldn't differentiate between a pepper and a choco chip. But well, both were dark and somewhat round, so I was a bit… alas, I fell into the trap.

Jiner was specially vocal about his annoyance at the dinner table, wanting to enjoy his food and not have spit on it. Hinting at the lack of manners Jackson had, who was too into laughing to notice he was doing it right above Jiner's dessert bowl full of sweet cream. Jiner had been in mid of scooping out some for himself when the incident happened.

I sighed, paying a little more attention to the books in front of me. Currently I was far away from all the hustle bustle and was enjoying myself in the library, searching the literature for something interesting. There were several of them, the whole section was filled with both new and the ancient.

It gave me a sense of peace which I had been lacking for so long, I felt better than I ever had, the emptiness in me not boasting its presence for once.

I got up from my cushioned couch and walked along the curb, the wooden floorboard creaking with every step I took. The place was actually eating dust to be honest.

And while mentioning dust, I did need to understand why there was so much of it, like Min didn't have a staff shortage, they just worked for lesser period of hours, then why... did he not let anyone have access to this section, could it be that he was hiding something in here? Well I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case, Maunir was surely not someone who was without secrets of his own.

Min and Razur were two individuals whom I couldn't understand, they were always away on one mission or the other, not telling anyone what these missions were about, while Jackson had taken upon himself to train everyone in the absence of his brothers.

Toto and Hoba were just spar partners who exchanged fists and kicks with us, but all it amounted to was a physical session of pain and agony, we were just tiring ourselves out. While I also noticed that this mated duo kind of avoided me like a plague, for reasons unknown.

I had asked them to spar with me, wanting to see how far I had reached, but they didn't want to even hear me out.

And to be honest, I wasn't ready for any kind of physical labor... my body was acting strange, very needy and weak, and I am not sure why it was like this. Yesterday I hadn't been able to use my claws, which even the weakest of omegas could.

The rest never questioned me when I resorted to just using my punches in a short sport with Yuga. As if they knew I wasn't in my right state. To top it off, the fest was about to begin in about 25 days, a time not enough to learn anything exceptional. Even if I did, there wasn't enough time to practice it.

I know they were all waiting for Razur and Min to come back so we could start fresh with whatever the two had to teach us, the question was when they would return.

It was still a mystery to me of how their pack worked or what they did for business, Jackson's pack wasn't telling me anything, avoiding the topic all together. Something was wrong with these people, even Toto was tight lipped, well... he always had been, he was just good with showing more affection towards strangers right off the bat.

Besides, I was here to train, it was none of my business to meddle with their affairs, I was content with whatever I had got and my main worry was just the fest, my stepping stone.

Alas, today had been dedicated to relaxing, everyone was out there doing things they preferred and some were just sleeping it off. Jackson was probably worried about his pack back home so he sent off Jae, Jinyo and Jay to take care of any crisis they might have on their hands. He was especially worried about the Kwongs retaliating, but kept his unease to himself.

I wasn't bothered though, Jackson and I may had settled with a truce but it was simply an arrangement of peace. So his worry was not mine to shoulder.

Moving a bit, I winced, messaging my neck as it had stiffened with the lack of activity.

After every heat I went back to normal, this time too it would have been the same, if not for my previous battle against that prince and Michi.

I had healed after, I don't think I had any other inner injuries left and it wasn't like that Michi mated with me, he just helped me out, I had accepted that fact.

I had waited for him to come to me again, but he never did after that night, only God knows where he was hiding. And above that I felt very restless ever since. I had dreams of him touching me, hugging me, cuddling with me, but it never went to that sexual level. And even if it did, my memories were hazy, disoriented and confusing, so I left it be.

And aside from all the confusion, Yuga was another subject that worried me, seriously, he was acting strange. He was way too much interested in talking to me, always following me around, looking at me with inquisitive glances and... sniffing me when he thought I didn't notice. Like what the hell, it was becoming bothersome. A troublesome new development I was very weary of.

Maybe I hadn't punched him even once and that is why was being this annoying.

When asked he would never tell me what the reason was, he only left me alone when I went to the library to go through the books or when we had company. So that was the main reason why today I made the library my personal home, dusty or not.

Yuga was weirder than any alpha and beta I had ever met, they at least showed me signs if they were interested in me in 'that' sense, but he never did, he just followed me around and sneaked by me, always smiling at me.

The vibe from him was kind of scary, to be honest. And I wasn't one to get easily scared.

A knock on the door startled me and I could tell it was Yuga, his scent invading my senses immediately, even if a giant door separated us.

"Yes?" I called, hoping he was just here to summon me for dinner, he had taken over the escort job from Jackson, who now rarely talked to me, his focus was diverted for now.

"Want to visit the market with me, I heard it is very pretty." He was still outside, not entering without my permission.

"I don't like crowds," I mumbled, knowing he heard me. As far as I remembered he was a gamma... right?

"One day you are going to fight in front of bigger crowds, the fest is all about crowds. You should come with me, it will help."

I sighed deeply, already more tired than necessary. "Alright but just for today."