
Listening to that meow sound Ali looked behind her. And seeing the same furry cat on the ground which Kate told about just some moments ago.

The cat stood there looking at them with her innocent watery eyes, With brownish fur and some white streaks on them.

Looking at that adorable ball of fur. Ali forgot everything that happened, she even forgot her crying. She bent down and pulled that cute little cat in her arms.

"Aww! My darling!! From now onwards you are my most favorite person."

Looking at her friend who some moments ago was at her throat suddenly acting so girlish Kate felt releived.

"She is my pet. So if u want to meet her u have to be good to me Ali!!"

Looking at her disdainfully Ali hugged the cat more tightly and said, " Just look at the person you saved my darling!! She is so horrible! Now onwards you are my best friend!! So I would always stay with you now onwards."

Warmth spread through Kate's heart as she so well knew how much her friend wanted to be with her and wanted to protect her.

Giving her a hug and Kate coquettishly said" I love you Ali!! Would you please marry me!!!

"Go to hell!! Whoes going to marry you!! I am going to marry my darling! Go and cook something for both of us fast we are so hungry."

"Yes! My queen!! I would cook something real fast"

"But before that, let's think of some cool name for your little darling."

Leaving her stupid friend deep in thought Kate went in kitchen to cook them some pasta.

Her worry and fear disappearing with the arrival of Alison.

She felt reassured that yess I am not alone someone is with me.

Even after having breakfast Kate and Ali had some pasta to energize themselves from the emotional and terrifying story.

"Hey Kate! I am going to my apartment to bring clothes and necessary things. On the way back I would bring some food for my little darling."

Smiling to herself Katie busied herself in some work. After finishing her work she sat in the balcony with the cat snuggled in her arms. And looked at the beautiful scenery that could be seen.

The river that snaked through the city of Zurich. With far away snow peaked mountains it gave her immense peace.

She suddenly remembered that she had some grocery shopping to do. Getting out of that peaceful reverie she got up.

Putting the kitty down in her basket she said, "Hey darling I need to go. But I feel so lazy to even take a step. No choice!"

She took her purse and was going out of her room. Suddenly something struck her and she happily looked behind her at the kitten and exclaimed.

"I got what we can call you! Let's name you Hazel n in short Haze! Woww!!! Do you love it haze! "

Picking her up she kissed Haze on her nose.

"I would bring some treat for you. Wait for me my dear Haze then we would have lots of fun!"

Saying that Kate went out for grocery shopping with a wide smile!!

But little did she know her happiness was going to be short-lived.