Chapter Five

Celeste stepped up into a bucket of rust, the ship literally looked like it would not support her own weight, let alone the two decent sized men that followed behind her. The leather that bound her wrists cut a little deeper with each tug as she tried prying them apart. They had left her feet loosely shackled, leaving enough room for her short steps. The reality of her situation was finally starting to sink in as she approached the entrance of the ship that would carter her away to her unknown destiny. An unknown terrifying destiny. Who would want to buy her and what for? Would she be used as a sex slave or maybe she would get lucky enough to just be a maid of some sort. Did they have maids on other planets? So many questions were forming in her mind and she felt her heart racing in her chest. If she were being honest, she did not think that anyone in their right mind would pay money to buy someone like her, she was not an exotic beauty, her looks were average at best. Often, she had been referred to as plain, which had been fine with her, she did not care much for dolling herself up. The amount of time it took to apply makeup or do her hair felt like such a waste. Celeste had always thought the energy she would spend on herself could be better used working, on an isolated planet especially. There had never been anyone around that she found herself wanting to impress, she was grateful for that now, if these slave traders wanted to sell her out easily than they were in for a rude awakening.

Stopping at the entrance, she stubbed up only to be pushed from behind, falling to her knees she turned on her back and kicked as hard as she could at Draco's legs taking him by surprise. The hulk of a man went down with a curse and Celeste rolled to her stomach using her bound hands to push herself up. Quickly she made a dash around Sisisky shouldering him on her way and felt a bolt of electricity travel up her spin. Celeste found herself falling onto the ramp of the ship face first, her head bounced off the metal, and winced at the pain. Her insides felt fried, she could not move a single muscle and for a moment panic settled in. What did they do to her? She could her body being lifted into the air and Draco's face sneered down at hers. "Foolish girl, you make this more difficult than it need be." He stated.

Celeste tried to force her mouth open, but it was pointless, all she could manage was to keep conscious, her eyes wanted to close from the pain, but she refused to let them. They had her right where they wanted her, and she had done little more than help them. Fuming inwardly, she cursed them all, she prayed to the Gods that they would all burn in the fiery pits of whatever hell they deserved. Draco carried her into the ship, it was as impressive as the outside had been, covered in rust, dirt, and maybe even blood. The thought made her blood curdle in her veins, what kind of people where these? Seeing no encouraging presence made things seem ten times worse, it was gloom upon gloom, no light anywhere in sight. Finding no comfort in her surroundings, red lights went off in her head, when she was brought to a small room. There was a pallet on the floor that Draco ungracefully dumped her on, then stepped back grinning sickly. Sisisky stepped into the room behind him, they both starred down at her, Celeste felt icy. Their stares were pure carnal, she was a lamb brought to the slaughter, would they rape her right here? Take turns using her body before they sold her?

"Strip her clothes Draco." He commanded smiling slightly.

Celeste felt the air rush out of her lungs, she tried in vain to take control of her body but even though her mind was aware, her body was not listening. Draco approached her and ripped the fabric from her body, she felt a tear slid down her face, and was disgusted with herself for letting them see her fragility. She was barred to their greedy vision, she could feel their lustful eyes penetrating her naked skin, Celeste closed her eyes against the horrification of what was about to happen to her.

"If her hymen is intact than we will leave her be, she will fetch an even higher price being untried." Sisisky stated.

Draco licked his lips, "If she is not, can I have a few rounds with her?" he asked.

Sisisky laughed harshly, "Depends on if you plan on keeping her alive when you are done, you do not have a great track record Draco, remember the last girl I let you have…fun with?" he replied shaking his head. "We need this girl alive, besides I do not think whatever Alpha buys her would apricate another males scent on her skin."

Draco scoffed but nodded, "Fine."

"Spread her legs." Sisisky ordered his laky.

Celeste stopped breathing, waiting for the pain of having her body violated. Draco picked up her legs and spread them painfully wide, she felt Sisisky step between her legs, there was the cool feel of metal at her woman's entrance. Bracing herself Celeste felt the slightest touch of a machine graze against her hole, there was a moment of silence that seemed to stretch on for a lifetime, but only lasted a few seconds. It beeped and Sisisky sighed pulling it away, looking at it he smiled, "Well girl, you will fetch me a ton of money, I might be able to retire on the amount. An Omega and a virgin, you are indeed a treasure my dear."

Celeste's face was red in rage and embarrassment, she could not believe that these men had seen her naked and in such an intimate way, never had a man looked at her bare before. Draco dropped her legs and Celeste was left there naked and lying on the ground, while Sisisky addressed Draco, "We will need to get word to the highest ranking officials in Vlallas, every man is going to want to put their hat in the ring for her."

"Yes sir, I will spread the word."

The slave master turned back towards her, "The effects of the stun gun will wear off shortly and you will be able to move again. We will be at Vlallas soon, when there you will be placed with the other women to be auctioned off." With those departing words he shut the door and left her to her seething anger. Celeste had never felt so violated in her life and she knew that it would only get worse from here. There were no good stories of the Alpha men on planet Vlallas, they were all rumored to be hard and cruel. They tortured women for sport and took them against their will. When Celeste was younger, she had been walking home from school one day and seen one of the Alpha men that patrolled the street, take a woman against the wall forcefully, she screamed, and he egged her on. He told her that he liked his women with fight and loved hearing them scream in pain. It was a memory that had been scarred in her mind, it completely turned her away from any Alpha men that had ever approached her, they were huge and scary. Celeste had always made it a point to stir clear from them and never be in the same room as one. The thought of being sold to one made her think that dying probably would be a far better fate.