Chapter Seven

Thane knew better than to think his mother would leave well enough alone, the glint in her eyes always gave her intentions away. There was a knock on the door and Jubal stepped into the room. "I assume you are about to tell me of an errand you suddenly need to run at the marketplace?" Thane asked raising a brow in his friends' direction.

Jubal had the good sense to laugh guiltily, "You know your mother, she does what she thinks is best for you." A flash of amusement entering his dark eyes.

"She interferes too much in my affairs, I am afraid."

His first in command regarded him seriously for a moment, "You know she is right my friend, you have other duties, besides political that need looked after. You need an Empress to rule beside you-" at Thane's shake of the head, Jubal relented slightly, "then your harem needs to feel our attention at least, in the meantime, going so long without a woman is not good for you. You are a man in his prime, as an Emperor your stress is immense, the women are there to relieve some of it. It is not good to keep all that pent up for too long."

"That is not my harem Jubal, those are not my women, I have no taste for that kind of life. It was harmless enough, when it was my father's harem, and I could trifle through them with no long-lasting effects." Thane sighed, "but now they all expect something of me, they would just be doing what they think I want, it just does not sit well with me." He finished.

A small envelope laying on his desk caught Thane's attention and he reached down to pick it up, brows drawn together, he opened it.

You are cordially invited to Vlallas Square Market for the reveal of a lifetime.

Never has an exotic like this been up for auction, it is to be the chance of legends.

An Omega.

A Virgin.

Bring your chips in plenty, the bidding starts at 500,000

-Sisisky, The Slave Trader

Blinking at the letter, Thane looked at Jubal, "Have you heard of this?" he asked the man.

Jubal nodded, "I had heard rumors over the last few days, I did not really give it any merit, slave traders of notorious for their lies. They just want to get you to the auction block with false information and trick you into buying whatever common woman they have stolen."

"This does not seem like something to be taken lightly. Depending on how many others have received this invitation, the market place will be swarming with Alpha's, do I need to remind you what happened last time so many Alpha's gathered in one place?" he asked Jubal with a shake of his head.

"Of course, your Highness, I am sorry that I did not report it immediately." Jubal bowed respectfully.

Thane waved him off, "No need, I understand why, we just can not afford to have a straight-out brawl in the streets at this point in time." Looking at the letter once again, he sucked on a tooth thoughtfully, "It is settled than, ready out Kripton's, we will be attending the auction block today."

"Yes sir." Jubal nodded, turning to exit the room.

An Omega? There had not been an Omega surface in nearly a decade. It was said they had all been bread out, the ones that had remained were so mistreated that, the Alpha's had all gone into a rut and split them apart in their savage lust. Just the whisper of finding one would no doubt bring ever Alpha lord to the Village Market this eve. Thane himself found the thought so appealing he was excited to see for himself if it was indeed true. Omega's were so rare, their body's fragile, and so responsive. An Alpha's call was said to send one straight to orgasm, Thane had never witnessed it himself, but that was the lore that had been told from generation to generation. To poses such a female would be the grandest, it would make his power seem even more impressive, his reign over Vlallas would be legendary. Omega's were the only creatures that would poses the ability to bring forth a truly powerful heir, they were told to be very fertile, and some even possessed powers that could be passed down to their offspring's. The thought of having such a powerful heir made Thane's blood pound in his ears, what a legacy to leave.


The marketplace of Vlallas was not a place that the Emperor of Vlallas was usually seen, his clothes were common enough, just a white silk shirt and tan riding pants. His boots were high and black with the Rysling family crest embroidered on the cuffs. Jubal was in similar attire, though where Thanes were light, his were rather dark and dingy. Thane made a mental note to update Jubal's wardrobe in the back of his mind, could not have his first in command looking shabby, it would reflect poorly on himself.

There was a huge mass of people gathered around the auction block as they approached. Jubal and himself rode up upon the crowd and stayed on their Kripton's to have an advantage of the view from above. Thane scoured the area and was not surprised to see so many Alpha Lords in attendance. They had all come themselves to see if in fact this slave trader had found the rare Omega. So far there was no smell of violence in the air, thank the Gods for small mercies, no there was just the stench of curiosity thus far. The women had not yet emerged from the building, but Thane knew the custom in which they were to be pranced about. They would be in a single file line, marched down the street naked for all the men to ogle, then walk up the platform to stand before the leering swine of Vlallas. It was a custom that Thane himself despised but could not yet banish without causing an out roar from its people. The village was still pretty set in its primitive ways, this being one of the long-standing traditions.

There was a roar in the distance as Thane watched a tall willowy figure appear from one of the ruined buildings, he walked across the street, and took his place upon the podium right in front of the platform. The man wore robs of brown and green, it billowed around him, and when he took his hood off Thane's lips thinned. It had been a long while since he had seen Sisisky and like always his lap dog Draco was not too far behind. The man's cruelty towards women was known wide and one too many times had he witnessed the brutality in his youth firsthand. No one said a word though, because once a woman was paid for, she was his to do with as he seen fit, until she was sold. This city could be cruel at times and Thane longed for a time that would be different, but he had a way to go, before he could start making the hard changes that needed to be done. Right now, he was doing everything in his power to keep the people happy and not revolting since he had taken the crown.

"My Lords, I am so happy that each of you have gotten my invitation, today you will see a verity of exotic treasures from across the universes. I have twelve lovely creatures awaiting a new owner and of course as my letter stated, one is the rare Omega." There was a bunch of howls at that and Sisisky raised his hands smiling, "Yes, she is quite the gem but be warned she is a feisty one, it will most rewarding to break her in, especially since she is untried by any man." More howls bellowed into the air. "but without further ado I will bring out the lovely ladies." He snapped his fingers and Draco moved down the street opening the doors.

Draco led the first woman out by a leather rope that bound her wrists, the following women in the same position, each connected by the leather binding them. Thane watched heavy hearted as each woman marched head held high through the streets of Vlallas, naked. Not one of the women thus far had caught his attention for more than a moment, his father's harem had many that looked just as these. They were all beautiful and striking in their own way but- his thoughts clamored together as his eyes narrowed in on the last girl to walk out of the doors. Her height was short, shorter than his six feet five inches, she would probably just come up to his chest. Her body was small and taunt, thicker than that of the other women, but in all the right places. The swell of her slightly above average breasts, the sway of her flared hips, and nicely rounded ass all beckoned to him. Traveling further up her body he took in the unique way her golden hair caught in the sunlight, it appeared like a halo upon her head, the cascading curls reached down the middle of her back, stopping right above her tail bone. The dainty fair eyebrows and pert nose, those full luscious lips rosy pink all but hooked him in. Thane found himself wanting to trace the line of those juicy plump lips with his tongue. Blinking he focused in on her eyes, from where he sat on top of his Kripton, it looked as if her eyes were of two different colors but that was impossible. Surely it was a trick of the light, two different colored eyes had never been seen before on any universe, which neither had an Omega. Was this the girl that was rumored to be the Omega? Thane tried to resolve himself and wait till she was standing in her spot on the auction block, before taking a closer inspection.