Chapter Twelve


First impressions usually lasted a lifetime, they could be swayed by altering factors, but ultimately people judged on that original reaction. Celeste did not really care what others thought of her, she was here against her will, unlike the ladies that had seemed to accept their slavery as a way of life. No, she was going to bide her time until the opportunity presented itself, then she would run as far as her legs would take her. This was no home and there would be no getting use to this barbaric way of life. The idea that so many women shared one man was ludicrous and disgusting, who would actively seek out a man that slept with everything that moved? Celeste steeled her spine as she was shown into the bathing quarters. The room was bright and airy, the tapestries rich in a vibrant red, held back with golden threads. In the middle of the space was what looked like a giant swimming pool, it almost took up the entire space, it was sunk into the floor matching the marble texture. The surface was smooth and cool against Celeste's bare feet.

"This is the bathing quarters for all the ladies of the harem, usually most bathe at the same time, unless requested for a private audience with the Emperor." Natira stated watching Celeste with a keen eye.

A slight blush crept up her neck, "The Emperor chooses women to bathe with here?"

Natira nodded nonchalantly, "The Emperor will do as he pleases." Waving a hand her way she ushered her over, "Come child lets get you out of that shirt before the others see you wearing it."

"What would they care for?" Celeste found herself asking, as the shirt was pulled over her head, her arms came around her chest to hide her nudity.

Natira examined her thoroughly, moving her this way and that, turning her. Celeste was blushing hard buy the end of her evaluation, "The ladies of the harem get jealous easily."

"Is that not a little insane since they are literally part of a harem?"

"What do you know about the structure of a harem?" she shot back, "I worked my way up from nothing to Empress, now Valide Empress." She stated proudly.

Celeste shrugged, "I know that every woman here is expected to share one man." she watched as Natira snapped her fingers and a handful of women stepped up, leading her into the warm water of the pool, they then started sprinkling flower petals into the aqua blue liquid.

"Yes, they are, which makes it all the more dangerous for someone like you." She stated, "Every woman here will want to take your place, the Emperor has already showed you too much favoritism, they will want you out of the way."

"I have no interest in the Emperor." Celeste announced vehemently.

There was a moment of sympathy in the woman's eyes as she regarded her, "What your interest are, no longer matter. You are a lady of the Emperor's harem now, it will be a mine field when you step through those doors' girl, everyone is in battle for their master's attention. The goal is to reach status of Empress and they are not above sabotaging the competition, if it comes to that." Celeste sunk into the water, it came past her lips, and she cocooned herself in the heavenly fluid. "You are an Omega, you are a virgin, and you are beautiful. You can rise quickly here, my son already fancies you quite a bit, but I will give you some advice. Do not see him as a man, he is the Emperor, you can love him as a master but do not love him as yours alone."

Celeste lifted her chin from the water, "How do you separate the two? You obviously found the balance." She acknowledged, "You rose to power, captured the attention of the previous Emperor, and you are still alive… how could you tolerate being with one man, while he had countless of other women?"

The woman smiled fondly into the distance, "I did not separate the two, I loved my husband with all my heart, no holds. I was raised into the harem life, many girls that are born to concubines are brought up here, I was breed with these traditions in my blood." Natira looked back to Celeste, "I loved him, and he loved me, our love held a special place in his heart. I knew no other would be able to touch it, so while many women had him physically, none would ever have him spiritually. That was enough for me."

"I don't think that would ever be enough for me." She admitted with a shake of the head, "I have always dreamed of a partnership with the passion to burn down a thousand planets and a love so deep that when one died the other soon followed. A devoted union that my children could pass down to their children." She let the conviction of her words flow free and true, her passionate plight was endearing.

Natira's eyes softened slightly, "A beautiful naïve sentiment dear girl," she rose from the stone bench she had been perched on, while the women had washed and oiled Celeste from head to toe, "but unfortunately we live in a world where dreams rarely become a reality. Fate deals her wicked hand and we are left with little choice."

Biting the inside of her cheek, Celeste allowed herself to be helped out of the safety of the water and stepped on the marble plains. The helpers wrapped her in a huge towel, drying her body, then proceeded to rub her down with more scented oils. By the time they were done she looked much like she had for the auction, the only difference was the black ink pot that they placed on the table beside her. "What is that for?" she asked curiously eyeing the bottle.

"You are to wear the Royal Vlallasrian Markings, they will be drawn onto your skin every morning after you bathe." Natira stated.

Celeste's brows drew together, "Royal Vlallasrian markings?"

"I forgot that you know little of our cultural," she sighed, "These markings are given to every virgin in the harem, if even one mark is smudged by the hand of another, that is not the Emperor, they will be punished by death. Only eunuchs are allowed beyond the harem walls, placed as guards, but we have had…problems in the past with previous lovers of some women."

"What if I smudge them?"

"We will take precautions, placing the inking in certain areas that you would not easily be able to smudge yourself, just be aware they are there."

What in the fuck kind of twisted place was this? The women were treated like wall flowers, waiting on one mans beck and call, he could take as many lovers as he pleased but they were to remain faithful to only him. Then there was the fact that she was now inked out and had to be cautious of where she touched her own body. It was one irritation after another, these marks basically stated to everyone that she was no longer her own person but just one of the ton. Celeste was seething but she contained her rage, Natira had been nothing but kind to her since she first arrived, it was not her fault that she had been brainwashed at such a young age. One never missed what they did not know. Unlike the Valid Empress, Celeste had known a semblance of freedom, it might not have been much but knowing that there was a different world out there, a better world, she would not let these palace walls keep her from finding her true happiness. These other women might be content living a pampered boring life, waiting on a summons that may never come, but all this was not for her.

"The other concubines will not target you right away, as long as those mark remain, once they know that you have been deflowered…the games will begin. That is when they will see you are true competition for the crown." Natira warned her.

Celeste nodded, "Got it, keep my virginity."

There was an escaped laugh from the woman, and Celeste could not help but grin back at her, "You dear girl are indeed one of a kind. Keep your chin up, your tongue sharp, ears always open, and trust few. I have faith that you will do just fine."

The outfit that they had chosen for her, she was assured, was the normal wear for the Emperors concubines. The top was a sheer fabric the color of blue topaz, it was a band around her breasts, just thick enough to cover her nipples, it left her midriff bare. Celeste was almost positive that wrong move would have her breast spilling out of the slip of material they called a top. The pants were much like the band, same fabric and the same color blue. They hung loose are her hips, flaring out, and then hugged at her ankles. The sides of the pants were open, a slit from the side of her hip bone down to her calves. For her feet they provided a pair of dainty silk slippers, embroidered in gold thread.

"I feel very much like the painted whore." Celeste mussed.

Natira clicked her tongue surveying her, "You are every man's dream and every woman's nightmare." She nodded towards the door, "Alright you are ready, do not let them sense your fear, you will be fine. I am always around if you have any questions."

Celeste turned to take Natira's hands gently, "Thank you for your kindness." There was a look of genuine surprise in the woman's eyes before she just gave a curt nod, backing away from Celeste to open the doors to her new hell…err temporary home.