Chapter Fourteen


The heavy axe of judgement was swung hard against her neck. The scornful looks of hate weighed down upon her, as soon as her slippered foot entered the keep of the harem's domain, the whispers began. It was hard to act as if she were impenetrable by their barbed tongues, she heard whore, and bitch murmured as she passed along. Were they not all whores themselves, did they put themselves on a high pedestal for some strange reason? As far as she could tell she was the only one in there had the markings of purity, so who was the real whore there? Closing her eyes, she let out a small breath, the short time she was going to be here was going to be no picnic, everyone seen her as competition. There would be no telling them otherwise, they had already made up there minds about her, and she had literally been there only a few minutes. Celeste had to admit that every woman there was beautiful beyond compare, each in their own unique way, no one woman looked the same. Emperor Rysling had quite the collection going on, there were dozens of concubines floating around the room.

Large bags of every color sat in corners, filled with the softest of feathers, Celeste sat upon one not really knowing what to do with herself. Being the outcast was already getting on her nerves, back home she would be out working the fields, here she was to be a wall flower, how was she supposed to spend her time? Biting her lip in thought, she looked around at all the hostile faces, none looked at friendly. Celeste did not mind it overly much, she had not had any friends on her home planet, so why would things here be any different? There was no need to introduce herself, the women that had been brought in with her had seen what the Emperor had done, the spectacle he had made of her and the others no doubt had already been filled in. Being around so much beauty made her feel inferior, why had he chosen her, was it just for the fact that she was an Omega? It did not matter one way or another, she needed to survey the grounds, get a better understanding of were she was, so that way she would eventually be able to make her escape.

Around the room there were guards stationed, their skin tones the darkest shade of purple she had ever seen, amplified by the heavy black metal of armor they donned. Walking over to one of the men, she smiled sweetly at him, "Are we allowed to leave this room?" she asked.

The man glanced at her briefly, "You must speak with Chief Jubal, there is a monitor on the wall." Was all that he said, then dismissed her.

Biting her bottom lip Celeste looked around the room, was that the man that had ridden back with the Emperor? Finding the weird looking control panel on the far side of the wall like directed, she walked up to it, fumbling with how to work the controls.

"Having issues?" came a feminine voice from her side.

Celeste blushed guiltily, "Afraid so, there was never anything so…high tech where I lived before." She admitted looking over at the serine face beside her.

"No problems, I have trouble when I first arrived also." She smiled and pressed her hand up to the screen, it beeped, and a heavy accented voice came over the air.


The woman stepped back allowing Celeste to approach it, "Hi, um I was wondering if we were allowed outside." She asked stupidly, not really knowing how to phrase her question to a screen.

"Hold on." Came the gruff reply.

"I am Morena," the girl introduced herself cheerfully. "You are the Omega, right?"

Celeste bristled slightly, "My name is Celeste." She clarified.

"Oh, of course, sorry that is all we have heard about you. That you are an Omega, rescued by the Emperor in a rather dreamy fashion." She gushed.

"If you call being slung over a shoulder cave man style, dreamy, then I guess so."

Morena giggled a little, "You are funny and beautiful, no wonder the Emperor finds you interesting. Do not worry to much about the other girls, we are all just a little unnerved by being in the presence of an Omega, I have never seen one before." She gazed at Celeste in wonder, "I have no interest in the Emperor myself, I am simply happy to be here and away from the perils of my previous life. It is nice here, roof over my head, and warm food in my belly."

The girl's mood was almost infectious, "Do you not get called to the Emperor's chambers often then?" she asked curiously.

"Good heavens no." she laughed loudly, wiping tears away from the corners of her almond shaped eyes, "No one here has been summoned to the Emperor's chambers yet,"

Celeste raised a brow in surprise, "I'm sorry what?"

Morena shook her head, "Since the Emperor took over, after the passing of his father last spring, he has summoned no one to his chambers. We all are left over from his Father's reign and instead of having us resold, Emperor Rysling has let us all stay, but has yet to favor us with his presence."

Something deep stirred inside of Celeste's body, it stretched along her skin in one fluid motion, a rooted sensation of content laid bare. Pushing it to the back of her mind, she looked at the girl in front of her, "I find that hard to believe." Was all she could think to say in response.

"That is why everyone is so perplexed by you, that the Emperor would go out and buy a dozen more women to be added to a harem that he never visits. As you should know, the position of Empress is still up for grabs, and every girl here wants the title."

It made more sense now why everyone hated her as soon as she walked through the doors. "I have no interest in the position or the man, I just want to get out of here and find my own way of life." She said passionately.

Morena stared at her hard for a second the light leaving her eyes, "I believe you." She said after a moment, "Neither do I, so that puts us in the same boat, I do believe that we could be friends."

"I would like that very much, there is way too much hostility in the air, a friendly face would be nice." She said softly, having the offer of friendship in a place like this was more than she could have hoped for. The man from before appeared through the doors, making his way over to where we stood, women bowed at his presence, but he ignored them. Celeste took a deep breath preparing to initiate phase one of her plan.