ahhhh!!! (screaming due to pain)

wait a second , I remember I should be dead right now .

how am I alive?(memories of the past life surface in front of the young kai)

I am long kai , A captain of Indian army , during a mission to save Indian captives from terrorist camp . I was the one commanding this operation ,we infiltrate their camp and save the captives from the terrorist but arriving of their reinforcement make our plan failed to rescue the captives unharmed .I remember that at that time I was in very pressure as to how to save them ,so I divide the team into two in which one take the captives back to India and another group will be leaded by me , which make detour so that first group. can leave that place . we successfully fool them as they pursuit of our group , huhhh!!..... i remember all my teammates died only I was the lone survivor left of the second group. I ran from my pursuirer and hide in cave , in that cave I found a very strange lotus , the lotus was petals were divided in two parts one side was black and other white.

At the end I remember before I lost my consciousness ,that I was heavily injured at that time, blood was dripping from my hand. I lay down in a rock which was beside the lotus , seeing that strange lotus due to curiosity I touch that lotus . Due to blood dripping from hands when I touch that lotus ,the whole lotus colour been changed into red after that I lost my consiousness.

I still cannot believe it but I should be dead right now . why I am in a body of young boy?(memories of current life surface ).

tsk.tsk...I see , this boy huuh...., "

he is long Chen 12 years old, the young prince of the long dynasty , a good for nothing , crippled young master of the long clan , which is one the five great dynasty in Tianwu continent . ( he is the 2`nd young prince of long clan )

he was born crippled ,the young master of the long clan become just a black sheep of the clan which cannot be removed . his very own father the king never talk to me straight face .He has a elder brother a younger sister, from his memories he learn his elder brother and sister get praise his father and mother for being born as geniuses of the kingdom.

2 months ago he has a fight with his parents and leave his home ...

tsk.tsk,"I still remember that night ,I was being berated by his own parents for being a useless son as they told me ,"he only knows to go bar or know how to waste money in betting.""

huhh..that night after they leave his room. he was broken completely , he was in pain for being useless.He came to know once that desert region is a place which is a barren land as their only low level cultivators or common people live.

Due to being angry with his parents ,he pack his stuff , some martial coins and some martial arts scroll of our royal family, then leave his home.

he know , If he live here he will only be burden of his family .He decided to leave to desolate region, in the western part of the Tianwu continent as to live a peaceful life . he came to know very few people live on this barren lands which is perfect for him to live in a peaceful environment.

NOTE: In Tianwu continent there are 4 dynasty, in each dynasty there are hundreds of clans and sects. Desert region is as bigger as the other 4 dynasty but being as barren land it is unsuitable to grow crops . since being unfertilised land it isn't profitable for any dynasty to occupy the land therefore it is not part of any 4 dynasty .Only some low level cultivators ,thieves and common civilian lives there .

On his travel to desolate region ,he was besieged by assassins he run for his life and hide in the this broken hut ,huhh..later after beating him to death they told him that they were send by his own kingdom .They told him, "that it was his very own fault for being completely useless .

so at the brink of my death , he came to realize that it was all lie .... there is no family ...i.iam just alone in this world..."

And after that I enter in his body . what a fool he was but if he was`nt besieged by assasins I could`nt get the chance to live again .

whatever it is god has given me another chance to live again ,I am thankful for him to give me another life even it means to live in complete different world. If I have to live , I should first need to check my injuries. (after seeing his injuries) Despite being so badly injured how am still alive ?...let me check ,my internal injuries first .uhhh!!!(shock was present in long kai eyes)

fuck ! This lotus has repaired my dantean and is also healing my wounds( a mysterious lotus resides in long kai dantean) How is this possible the lotus that I touch before my death in my previous life is now in my Dantean,is in my my dantian .. of...of my current life.

This life god has given another chance to live again ... since I reborn again then , I will make up for the time previous long chen has wasted and start cultivation , Since I have the over your body it means everything related to you in past concerns me as well ,huuhhhhh.... I promise you change this name of your cripple in your life ,I will train hard to be the strongest person in this continent.

since his own family doesn't want him then its still fine , i am no longer part of the long dynasty ,

I will make my own kingdom which will be stronger than long dynasty and make an army which will be strongest army in this continent.

one day ,I will also definitely ask my parents why I was betrayed by my family ?...why they send assassin to kill me ?

From the experience of my previous life , I will have to survive in this new world , become a cultivator and become the strongest person in this continent !!....