At 5 am morning,

after waking up long kai feels energised as he can feel increase of strength in his body as after recuperating , his dantian is been healed reshaped as well . Now, he can sense yuan qi around his sorrounding .

(Sensing the qi is the most basic part to start cultivation. After sensing the most difficult part is to collecting the surrounding qi in his body.)

i have already start sensing the qi . Now i think I should start collecting these qi into my body. according to the understanding of long kai tempered Body is the first stage of cultivation. Tempered body is cultivation of one's body. In path of training one should first be training muscles and bones in order to strengthen them. ... Cultivating in Yuan Power / yin power requires various amounts of nourishing elixirs to supplement the body in order to progress in training

long kai sit in the floor in meditation . after some time he start gather yuan qi and yin qi around his body.

At this time he start revolving his both dantian, at same time , anti clockwise and clockwise .yuan qi and yin qi surround his surrounding start revolving his body.

A tremendous amount of suction power is revolving in his body which is sucking the qi around his body , he start sensing a rich amount yin qi and yuan qi is revolving around his body.

Drop by drop rich amount of qi is been gathering in his both dantian .

after some 6-7 hrs a sound long kai heard from inside his body.

hummmmmmmm.....( a burst sound heard from his dantian and rich amount go qi start nourishing his bones and muscles in his body)

at this time he awoke from his cultivation he was confused to choose which technique at last he decided that he would first start tempering his body using this method ,"The primordial devil / demons transformation" .

According to long kai understanding (knowledge provided by the yin - yang flower ) ,The primordial demons / devils transformation is a tranformation which is a evil tranformation technique in both demon and devil tribes

This techniques should be for most transformation technique of both tribes .according to his understanding using this technique even a human can transcend into a strongest devil/demon.

I think I should start training my body ,now according to the method to cultivate this technique ,the most basic requirement is the nourishment of Pure yin qi .

As long kai understand this cultivating yin - yang means his yin should always equal to yang , that is why he has given two subsidiary techniques .According to the information provided by the lotus this technique contains evil , ice and darkness attributes ,he chooses this technique as these attributes are more suitable for him to live in the forest . There is another reason for it as it is said non- cultivator means (normal human beings ) and low - level cultivators live there that is why he cannot cultivate this technique as this technique aura contain devilish aura which can affect one's

mind .he knew, he would get only few chances cultivating this technique once he officially enters the desolate region.

He start cultivating this technique , after 1 hr he could feel some change in his body as his body is transforming into some ancient devil bit by bit, he could feel murderous aura surging around his mind , controlling the evil thoughts was quite difficult for him he could`nt suppress the thought of killing himself .At the verge of losing his mind a cool aura spread around his mind After fully suppressing the thoughts he to continue practicing this art .

after some time ,hummmmmm.....(a blast sounded in his left dantean).He officially step into the first step of body tempering.

He could feel his left dantean has been enlarged by a bit and he could feel his body has changed a by a bit .after seeing the changes in his body he was quite happy , suddenly he check his right dantean he was shocked to notice the the qi that he collected in his right dantean has been empty.He suddenly begins to understand the Cool feeling during his time of cultivating was in fact the yang aura supplementing by his right dantean...

He was glad to know that he had step into first stage of body tempering.After checking his appearance he was quite shocked to see that his figure is now looking no longer his previous self ,he became much more robust containing an evil aura in it ,he saw his appearance which make him realise his body become much more stronger and his height has increased well (little increase of height) . He was looking like just like a primordial demon waking from a deep slumber.

hah.... finally I step into the path of cultivation. I think now with this extra boost I can might survive better on my way to desert region . After stoping the revolving of his dantean , he gradually the aura around his body revert back to his normal.

huhh ... great!!looks like like I can control this tranformation on my will.

long kai head toward outside the hut ,

I am in this jungle in the middle of no where, now where should I head first...