
Chapter 66 - The Men Behind the Curtain

Executive Merrick Bert and Imperator Kama Dean awaited him when Hafnym arrived in his receiving room. He took a seat equidistant from each of them around the circular table and folded his hands in a somber pose. "How bad is it, Imperator?"

Imperator Kama Dean stood to make his report, hands on his hips to emphasize the medal-covered dress uniform he wore at all times. "It's bad. Rogue kinetics are active on the planet and the media reporting has correctly deduced that the Fleet is the source of the talents. Our government liaison has reassured their president that this activity is not condoned by the fleet, but he is becoming insistent that he wants the talents we promised him immediately. The mental agent has aged and he is no longer as compliant as he once was. I'm anticipating we will need to become more aggressive in our dealings."

Executive Merrik Bert snorted. "What do we have to worry about? They can't strike at us in orbit, but we can rain destruction down on them. If the American nation takes a hard stance against trade with us, then we can resupply with another one. Angmari is a major language on this world. We don't need them."

The Imperator frowned. "We have assets on the ground. Two supply depots manned and full of purchased goods."

"Assets who can handle themselves. And we can arrange an emergency extraction in hours if necessary. There is no emergency."

Hafnym drummed his fingers on the table to get their attention. "There is a complication to this situation. Imperator, you are aware of the unidentified object that crashed onto the planet?"

"Yes, Chief Executive," the Imperator mumbled.

"Zellar Wilson has been out of contact ever since he went to investigate. I can only conclude that he is dead, killed by the occupant of the U.O."

Merrik Bert squinted at him. "Are you serious, Hafnym? Zellar Wilson was a formidable man."

"I believe the man inside that tiny spacecraft to be the one who instructed us. He went by the name of Nallit and all five saviors together could not equal him. He might as well be the demon he has named himself after." Hafnym made solid eye contact with the other Executive. "By agreement, the four surviving saviors never spoke of Nallit. But that needs to change now. Nallit singlehandedly dropped that asteroid onto our world. He somehow followed us to a new solar system in a container too small to host a self-contained environment. I can't even conceive of the metabolic trickery he would need to use to survive for years without fresh food. Any time we encountered Chekowan who recognized him, they would prostrate themselves before him in terror. Sometimes I'm not even certain he is human. Maybe he is one of the Outsiders that the Chekowan spoke of. I'm almost certain that the miscreants attacking that hospital were attuned by Nallit. Marius would select for more . . . fawning underlings. Easily impressed yokels, or maybe a harem of loose women."

The Imperator raised a finger. "Is the fleet in any danger from Nallit?"

"He can't enter the Angelship for some reason. The other ships may be at risk."

The Imperator nodded. "We should move them further from the planet then. And I hesitate to suggest this, but we have several problematic elements in play right now. Tyler Marius. Stateira Cassandane. This Nallit. Could we perhaps set them against one another?"

Executive Merrik Bert's jaw dropped. "Imperator! Stateira Cassandane may be difficult to manage, but she is an unparalleled asset to the fleet. I don't care how many Synths Mengko Virkell is able to deliver to us, we need every paragon we have. Especially a full paragon of Stateira Cassandane's skill."

"The Aoleyen is a danger to every Angmari so long as she is on the Angelship," the Imperator stated. "I don't trust her not to turn on us."

Hafnym raised both hands in a dramatic gesture. "I agree with both of you. Cassandane is an incredible asset we cannot afford to throw away. She is also a threat to her own people. For now we just have to manage the risk. Sending anyone after Nallit is a suicide mission and she would know our intentions the moment we issued the order. Sending her after Marius is problematic as well. I don't know if she would eliminate him or join him."

The Executive squinted at Hafnym. "What are you after, Hafnym? I've been playing politics alongside you long enough to know you don't give out information for free. Why tell us of Nallit now?"

Hafnym let a wry half-smile grace his lips. "It's quite simple, Bert. We can't stay in this solar system for as long as we had originally planned."

"The Angelship might be ready for another trip, but the other ships need significant repairs before we leave." Merrik Bert folded his arms. "We can't afford to leave early."

"Bert." Hafnym waited until the other man gave his full attention. "I am terrified of what that creature might do to our fleet. He destroyed a world as a diversion. And probably giggled while he did it."

After a moment, Merrik Bert sat back in his chair. "If you are acting, you're doing a good job. But if you want my support in this, you need to get me proof that this Nallit is here and that he is as dangerous as you claim."

"Oh, Executive, I don't need to do a thing. If Nallit is here, he will provide all the proof you need."