
Chapter 88 - Hard Truths

Imperator Kama Dean sat beside the Chief Executive at the front of the briefing room as the live news stream projection on the screen displayed the programming of four different channels in different tiles, each one subtitled. Silence reigned in the room, other than the occasional hiss of a sharp inhalation. The Executives, senior military leadership, and advisory staff all watched the spectacle with rapt attention.

Dean could not stop himself from trying to quantify the act of throwing a building. How heavy was a skyscraper? Had a single man really uprooted it and thrown it? Despite his best efforts, Dean felt awe that Marius had managed to catch the thing with the assistance of just one other person. Who was that assistant? The man wasn't Angmari. He looked like a local. Based on the timeline since Marius deserted, the man was probably an ignited kinetic. Still . . . lifting that much weight against gravity defied reason.

Exactly how strong were the Five Saviors? The question buzzed with a nervous persistence inside his mind. Dean had set himself against Cassandane to further his career. Cassandane, with whom even Hafnym seemed uneasy. And now the Savior least regarded had caught a damn building with his kinetic talent. Dean watched from the corner of his eye as Chief Executive Torrent Hafnym squeezed his arm rests in a sudden spasm.

Turning, he beheld a new sight being broadcast by one of the four stations. A new man had appeared by the floating bodies Cassandane left behind. He studied the grisly display with a feral grin before the bodies exploded. The camera shook, traced the fall of body parts to thud on the ground, then lifted back up to put the laughing black man into frame. He spun in a circle, shouting something. Beside him, Hafnym pushed himself deeper into his chair as if attempting to back away from the image of the man.

By now, all four stations were showing feeds of the situation unfolding before them. Dean managed to read the lips of the insane man. Come on out, friends. It's time we had a little get together. I want a mission report. We can tell stories, play games, terrorize bystanders . . . . Come on, Marius. I know you're in the neighborhood.

From above, three more figures descended into view. Cassandane, still wearing her uniform. Marius, hunched over small like a cowering dog. The man from the building catch, brow drawn down and fists clenched as if he intended to fight.

"We need to leave the solar system," Hafnym said.

"Impossible," an Executive countered. "We are not close to being ready for another trip so soon."

Hafnym stood and turned halfway towards facing the audience. He did not quite turn his back on the images of the man on the screen, though. "You have no idea what that man is capable of. He destroyed our world. He will probably destroy this one. We need to leave. Today. Now, if we can."

"You cannot leave, Torrent Hafnym," a familiar voice replied. Everyone turned to look at the too-still form of the Navigator. It continued speaking. "Flight command privileges are on hold. They will not be restored until training of the planetary population commences. Torrent Hafnym's privileges have been permanently revoked."

Hafnym glared at the metallic humanoid. "If you were smarter, you wouldn't want near that monster. He is obsessed with the Angelship."

"The Remnant will not be permitted to enter," the Navigator said.

"Remnant? You mean Nallit?"

The Navigator pointed to the man smiling on all four of the broadcasts. "That one is the Remnant. He will not board the Angelship. Nor will I leave orbit prior to the talents being disseminated."

A collective jump from the audience alerted Dean that the fight had begun. He turned back to the news broadcasts, the Navigator gone from his mind.