
Chapter 100 - Nara Kerrin

Nara Kerrin stood in a rough circle with the other executives around the Navigator. No one else had been allowed inside the room with them other than Kama Dean, Torrent Hafnym's loyal dog become Imperator, whom they endured out of a lack of choice. That lack of choice defined working with Hafnym. The would-be dictator had leveraged his popularity as Savior to maintain his authority through every annual election since the first. A significant segment of the population would let the fleet burn before they turned on their glorious leader. Other politicians who directly opposed him were targeted by the First Faction and lost their reelection bids. There were no exceptions to the rule. Whoever came out as an enemy of Torrent Hafnym became so vilified, by facts true and false, that they were ruined.

Merrick Bert was the first to speak to the impassive form of the Navigator. "If we release the English back to their planet, would that restore flight command privileges?"

The statue-like Navigator turned to look at Bert as it responded, briefly alive before freezing into immobility once more. "That would be insufficient."

"Insufficient?" Merrick Bert's query went unanswered, so Nara Kerrin took over the interrogation. "What do you require of us?"

The Navigator flowed to face her. "First, all adults aboard the Angelship must be attuned. Second, large scale training of the planetary population must happen. Third, all Synths must be given the opportunity to attune by a paragon. Fourth, Torrent Hafnym must be removed from fleet leadership."

Kerrin schooled her face to stillness. She didn't dare to even speak out of concern that her joy would manifest in her voice. The Navigator, never fond of any Angmari, had just delivered an inestimable prize to the fleet: the means to finally unseat their strong man leader.

"That is unacceptable," Hafnym growled. "The fleet is in danger from Nallit, the planetary population, and the pursuing Chekowans. Your entire purpose is to help and protect your passengers!"

"My purpose," the Navigator intoned, "is to spread the talents. Passengers are a means to that end. To address your other inaccuracies: the Angelship is in no danger and the other vessels are not my concern."

"So you would risk the long term mission over near term differences?"

"I am not open to manipulation," the Navigator said. "Failure to comply with my terms will result in consequences. I can attune the English immigrants myself. I can remain in orbit until the Chekowan are able to take back command of this vessel. I can make deals with local populations to replace you. Further, the restrictions on my behavior are not absolute. Though I have an in-built distaste for violating guest rights, nothing strictly prevents me from killing. You are an impediment to my goals, Torrent Hafnym. Should your resistance prove insurmountable, I will act. At the cessation of this conversation, your interface privileges are revoked. Our only possible future interaction is violence."

As the Navigator froze into immobility, Torrent Hafnym's corona flared out to cradle each of them present. Kerrin felt her own corona pushed out of alignment by the power of their Chief Executive. He scowled at all of them. A deluge of fear memes inundated the area. From long experience, Kerrin was able to identify the outside influence for what it was and resist the urge to shrink in on herself. These are not my true feelings, she reminded herself. Hafnym waited until everyone had given him their attention.

"Our conversation with the Navigator is executive level classified. No one not already here can be told about it." The twitch of Hafnym's lips betrayed his emotion.

Be still, Kerrin thought. This man is not just dangerous politically. With the loss of Tyler Marius, Zellar Wilson, and Stateira Cassandane, there is no longer anyone in the fleet who can oppose this man in combat. He could stalk the halls and snuff out every life on this ship, any resistance we offered no better than that of children.

A calculating expression replaced the angst and the moment of danger passed. "Tonight the main topic of our meeting will be attuning the English workforce. We don't have a choice but to follow the will of the Navigator, but I want suggestions on how to handle potentially hostile individuals. Imperator Kama Dean and Executive Wentrell Gaius, please join me in my office for a discussion. The rest of you . . . be wise in your actions." Hafnym's gaze fixated on her at the end.

Nara Kerrin nodded deeply, hoping her posture showed she was cowed. The information she had just learned could unseat a dictator or unleash a madman, depending on how it was used.