
Chapter 118 - EDA-TRN-PUB-001-1

Document EDA-TRN-PUB-001-1

Introduction To The Three Talents

The Three Talents are made possible through the use of substances known as precursor. These substances can be harnessed by a mind attuned to them. Each talent requires a specific precursor. It is possible for an individual to attune to a single precursor, two precursors, or all three precursors.

The Noetic Talent. This talent harnesses the nous precursor to enhance the mind and broadcast thought.

The Kinetic Talent. This talent harnesses the animas precursor to induce motion.

The Teleotic Talent. This talent harnesses the gravitas precursor to manipulate the probability of physical patterns.

An unattuned individual may receive a charge of precursor and use all three talents. Upon attunement, an individual can harness attuned precursors automatically but can no longer use non-attuned precursors. There are seven possible attunement combinations which lead to the following outcomes.

Noetics. Attuned exclusively to nous.

Kinetics. Attuned exclusively to animas.

Teleotics. Attuned exclusively to gravitas.

Aeronauts. Attuned to both nous and animas.

Brutes. Attuned to both animas and gravitas.

Sirens. Attuned to both gravitas and nous.

Paragons. Attuned to all three precursors.

The outcome of the attunement process relies on both psychological aspects and chance. A majority of individuals will attune to a single precursor. Approximately one in three will attune to two precursors. It is rare to attune all three.

It is a crime among the Angmari to attune an individual using a charge of anything less than all three precursors, as this eliminates the potential to gain a triple attunement. A Paragon precursor charge provides the greatest chance of full attunement. The coordination of multiple talents (for example, a Noetic, Kinetic, and Teleotic) can provide a balanced charge that is a close substitute.

There are additional consequences to the number of precursors attuned. Precursor residue builds up over time and reduces the ability to use the talents. Those attuned to a single precursor will lose all ability to use their talent in approximately thirty years. Those attuned to two precursors will lose their ability to use their two talents in approximately fifteen years. However, a paragon is able to clear the residue and maintain their talents indefinitely.

Individuals may choose to ignite, a process that greatly increases the amount of precursor they can handle. Igniting reduces the duration of talent in an individual by a significant amount, which makes the decision less popular. One with a single talent reduces their effective time with talent from thirty years to ten years. One with two talents reduces their effective time with talent from fifteen years to five years. The actual process of igniting is simple for individuals with a single talent, but becomes challenging for individuals with two talents. It is exceedingly rare for a paragon to ignite.

Attunement Preparation

In preparation for your attunement, you will receive a full day of instruction in all three talents using precursor charges provided to you. To maximize your chances of a favorable attunement, it is recommended that you avoid intoxicants and get a full night of sleep prior to your second day. An EDA Paragon will provide you with a large precursor charge to catalyze your attunement. Be aware that the process is unpleasant. The discomfort is temporary and will result in the attainment of power.

Do not eat or drink the morning of your attunement.

Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing.

Be cognizant that any improper behavior during attunement may result in your expulsion from the EDA class. Your sponsoring organization will not be reimbursed once attunement commences. The more advanced instruction will be forfeited and a negative report will be returned to your organization. While the EDA is sympathetic to the discomfort students experience during attunement, our standards of behavior will remain unchanged.