Harry's pov
Best birthday presents ever, the telescope which they bought at the beginning was enough, really. But they said it was a school requirement and a way to remember that even if I have magic, I also have science.
The occlumency book? Just seeing it was enough for me to be almost drool, after years of working on my own I finally have som guidance in this department.
And finally, the cabinet? The only teleportation device that can breach the Hogwarts wards! Pure gold.
The only birthday day which was better was the one when mom and dad took me from the orphanage.
Anyway, we just returned home, and I couldn't wait to read the occlumency book, so when we finished eating dinner, I told my parents thank you for everything and that I'm going to Shower and to bed.
After showering I came to my room and started reading.
One hour later
I have bad news, and good news.
After reading the entire book, I discovered one thing about my method of creating a second mind- everyone who did it went crazy when the second mind matured, the good news is that as I am a child with adult mind I can still fix it, you see, the second mind is a young mind and there for weak so I can just destroy it!
Then I went inside my mind and the battle between the main mind and second mind began.
Third pov
It wasn't an easy battle, it was a battle for survival and sanity, so everything was used in it. It was the battlefield of nightmares, science and magic, of Fiendfyre and nuclear weapons, even star destroyers were seen on the battlefield, the main mind through to the battlefield most of his emotions and the second mind through most of his rationality, but in the end when both sides were exhausted and the main mind thanked the heavens above for helping him find the book before the second mind got even stronger, they decided on compromise, as they both lost too much in battle instead of destroying one another, they would merge into one mind as the main mind was planning since the creation of the second mind, no one would die, they would just become one.
As the process began, it was so painful that the only ones that could have said to be in more pain were the Cruciatus Curse victims, only after 3 hours of the marge it was finally over and Harry fainted.