Chapter 70- Divination

Harry's POV

It took him three hours to read the book on the wall, and in the end of it, it was explained he needed to use magic to see the future to look on the next wall.

Apparently, inside the room, the use of divination would only let him see the next part of the writing, and as you progress you would be able to see the walls after that and after that.

Harry was fascinated at how it was possible, but he left the question on the side to focus on what he read just now.

Divination, the art of seeing probabilities is an art that can be accomplished in two ways.

1) By having an ancestor who was accomplished in it, as some magical abilities go to your descendents in the DNA, just like being metamorphmagus, it is an ability which once you get it, it has a chance manifesting in them.

The problem in this way, is that the ability would be unstable without the right training, leading for you seeing only pieces of the future all the time, and you also become a conduct to the universe to pass down prophecies.

The only way to avoid this, is to learn the art how it is supposed to be taught, and controlling your abilities.

2) Learn the hard way.

Divination is about knowing to open and close yourself to the universe.

By doing so, you gain the ability to not only sense what is going to happen next, but move yourself out of those predictions, thus making it possible to change them.

It took Harry some time but he managed to find explanation to this part, sort of.

Everything in the universe is made from quarks, and the way they spin and interact dictates how everything works- that to say, those things are also affected by energy, thus, by opening yourself to the magic it the world, and trying to understand the meaning of the way everything moves, you can 'see' the future.

It is right to call it an art, cause everything you sense is up to interpretation and the only way to understand it better is by keep trying.

After Harry understood it, he really wanted to try this amazing art, but was sad, as he understood the only way to be able to open yourself without being passed the gift is by having your magic change it state for the second time (the first was from gas like state to liquid like state) and although Harry felt like he was close to it, he wasn't there yet.

So the only thing he could do right now is leave, continue to practice and come back when he is ready.

With a heavy heart, Harry left the room.

A few weeks later

Marcus's POV

Marcus was pissed, he was so pissed, all of his fears disappeared.

He was pissed at himself, he was pissed at Lockhart, but most of all, he was pissed at Ron.

He knew Ron wasn't in sound mind when he wanted to ask help from Lockhart, but he went with the idea, as he also heard the teachers talking about Lockhart saving them all, (although, now that he think about that, he should have figured out they were sarcastic.) , but the worst part is that he let Lockhart steal his wand, and Lockhart was now planing on wipe's their memories like he did to His previous victims for glory.

Yes Marcus was pissed.

Harry's POV

Harry was just returning from the ROR where he was alone, as Luna was studying for the tests and the twins didn't show up, to the Slytherin common room, which meant he was going from the seventh floor to the Dungeons, and as he passed the second floor he saw Lockhart going toward the girl's bathroom with Marcus and Ron behind him.

It didn't take much to figure out Ginny went to the chamber for the last time, especially, as the end of the year tests were near and Harry knew they would be canceled.

After thinking for a few moments, and making sure his secret weapon was in his pocket Harry decided to follow them, as the chance to see Voldemort's most dangerous Horcrux in action was too tempting to pass.

Casting invisibility charm on himself, he went down the pipe for a second time only to hit Lockhart in his fall, yes, he overlooked the part Lockhart was planing to stunning charms on everyone when they were still shocked about something invisible knocking Lockhart to the ground, Harry started thinking about what was he to do now.

Deciding canon was the easiest solution, he broke Ron's wand, casted a complete obliviate charm on Lockhart, and partial one on Marcus and Ron, with a confusion one to make different memories about what happened.

After that, he moved Marcus deeper, he transfigured the floor in the middle to look like a ceiling and revived all three of them.

After a few moments of talking, Marcus decided to move deeper to look for Ginny while Ron keep trying to figure out a way out.

As Harry followed Marcus he couldn't help but ponder about whether Marcus has the main character aura, otherwise, why is he so lucky?


Tom wasn't sure how, but he knew one of the other Horcruxes his main body created was getting closer.

He knew one of them was hidden at the castle as even before he was created he already knew where he would put one of them, in the other secret room he discovered, the room of hidden things, or the come and go room.

But the other, that was a surprise, he could feel it in the castle, but because it was smaller then him by a lot, because he was still weak, and because of all the other people he couldn't identify it.

He thought the other horcrux would meet him down here as soon as he wrote about the chamber on Halloween, but as it didn't work, he tried it again and again.

This was his last chance to appear, after that he would take the chance with the other horcrux, the one who is closer in size to himself, the one who actually has a chance at beating him in the swallowing fight, where one part of the soul try to assimilate with the other part to become stronger, and he could feel the other soul come closer and closer, so imagine his surprise when he saw the one who comes in is non other then the one who defeated his original body, the one who wrote inside the Journal before, the one he was sure didn't have the memories of the strongest wizards to ever exist, Marcus Potter.

'Well, this is interesting.'