Chapter 77- traveling across the world without seeing it

Harry's POV

Harry's first month was planned entirely, he was going to use every single part of the week day(except his daily physical and magical workout) to figure out the next part in the blood curse cure, his only real breaks from DNA studies were his blacksmithing lessons.

Right now he only managed to create a spell to show a hologram ofthe DNA in the living creature the spell hit (he called it the basis charm, as DNA is the basis to life), and the only improvement he managed to do is that by putting a couple holograms on top of each other he can make either the differences to disappear or the similarities but he knew that to be able to truly understand this genetic curse he would have to find in which part of the DNA the blood curse is.

he didn't really thought he could go through each base in a month, after all the human DNA consists of about 3 billion bases even with all of his knowledge, talent and hard work, not to mention magic, it would be impossible, instead, he was working on minimizing the bases.

Human DNA consists of about 3 billion bases, that is true, but it is also true that more than 99 percent of those bases are the same in all people.

Which is why his plan was to hit as many and as diverse people as possible- no matter if it is difference in nationality- British, French,Germans... difference in skin color- white, black, brown, yellow... hair color- blonds, brown haired, black, and reds... muggle and magicals.

Yes, her had no need nor want to find the right DNA base right now, as it would be not only impossible but it might have negative consequences on Harry's wish to get a time turner, right now he only needed to show Daphne's father it is possible.

Thinking about him as an investor while Harry is a visionary helped.

Harry didn't need or want to show mr. Greengrass the complete product, as he wanted his 'investor' to need him and to invest in his research, by showing he can do it, and has made great progress, he can make the investor, who has gained hope to give him what he want.

But if he manage to show the person that he got to the end of step two in his cure in less then a year, mr. Greengrass would have bigger expectations then Harry was willing to put on himself as it would make him have less time to work on his other projects.

Thus started the most grueling week in Harry's life, everyday after his workout he went into Diagon Ally and looked for wizards and witches with different skin tones, hair and eye colors and even differences in height for three hours with his notice me not charm on, and with a swift summoning charm go one hair from them, before going to London and doing the same.

Then he went home and cast the basis charm on every single hair before putting the holograms one on top of the other and making the differences disappear with only separating the wizarding and muggle holograms.

By the end of the week he managed to minimize the amount of DNA bases to almost 40 million in the muggle's DNA and 50 million in the wizard's DNA, knowing his results won't get better by much in Britain, he bought a plane ticket to USA, New York.

If there is one thing he felt he was lucky about, it was his choice to buy first class ticket.

He only did it because it was his first time in a plane, but with the illusion he put on himself to look like an adult throughout the flight, his magic was empty at the middle of it, so he closed the curtains and rested until it was full again and casted another illusion.

You would think illusion doesn't take a lot of energy... and you would be right, of all the spells Harry casted it would be in the middle in terms of magical power needed to cast.

The problem with this spell other than the need for a clear picture of your intended result and the need of same built body, is that you need to continuously pour magic into it to keep it working, just like the levitation charm and transfiguration, which is probably why even the best wizards prefer polyjuice.

He thought about taking a portkey, but after a little bit of research he found out that not only is using it is regulated in the wizarding world, but that there are many accidents in which the user loose a part of his body because of the creators.

As for making it himself? He didn't even managed to understand switching charm, he won't touch the much more complicated portkey creation.

Arriving in one of the biggest centers of cultural mush (muggle and wizarding) it took four days before his muggle and wizard's DNA holograms reached about 35 million and 43 million respectively.

He traveled to Ottawa, Mexico City, Jerusalem, Cario, Beijing and Tokyo, and as the end of the month reached his muggle and wizard's DNA holograms reached about 30 million and 36 million respectively.

As he has only one more day before his meeting with Daphne and her father, he took the flight to London promising himself that next summer he would actually see the places he travel to.