Chapter 138- illusion music

Harry's POV

Harry's hasn't found much about the group except their name, but he did know about major philosophers in Ancient Greek - Aristotle, Plato, Socrates, etc... each of them was a person who influenced the world of both science and philosophy.

In the eastern books they are mocked for their unwillingness to choose one direction to walk in as they never progressed much, and while Harry understood why they are mocked, he had one advantage the ancient philosophers didn't- he was in the far away future, when science and philosophy progressed far beyond their wildest dreams.

Knowing that, Harry decided to do it like them, not to choose a specific subject of magic, not to choose a specific realm of magic, Harry would train his belief by connecting to the spiritual world by learning philosophy and about belief, and in addition he would create his own rules in magic, as to check his own progress in magic, and this is the thing that made him create the band illusions.

The illusions, which were created by using a basic language he had GAI create by using the parameters he wanted, the main one being that it should be a picture based language in which each picture is a word, and that each word is made out of equations that confirm to math, physics and arithmancy, and then added for the last week of the summer the will for the words that meant following, instruction, illusions and voice his magic, will and his belief in them working until he managed to create his illusionary band.

While it sounds easy, the amount of magic needed to create it made him exhausted, and if you add the other needs, not to mention magical control, which was needed to seep the exact amount of magical energy, even Harry who in addition of being at the peak of the second stage and could do a seventh year transfigurations wandlessly was barely able to create four runes.

After doing that, it felt easy to create the show, he only had to take a video of the band play, a video of Fred and Luna dance, scan Draco and Granger, and have GAI do the rest.

Seriously, Harry didn't know what he would have done without GAI.

George's POV

Everybody were excited for the performance of new song their band created, Fred and him included.

After all, not only was the new song entirely different then the last one, it was extremely funny for them.

But even without those two reasons they would be excited, if only because of Harry telling them that if this worked, their next phase in the monster card dueling would be ready.

"HELLO EVERYBODY." the changed voice of Fred was heard as the illusion of Tommy and his eaters showed upfront.

"For all the muggleborn first year who are confused, this song will explain the blood wars in school." Tommy said in a calm voice as everybody looked at him.

Please welcome the two most condescending pure blood and Muggle born in school- Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger.

Up front appeared illusions of the two fourth year as the illusions of Bella and Tommy disappeared, a smile was growing even farther on George's face as the two started to dance.

(Draco sings)

Anything you can do,

I can do better

I can do anything

Better than you.

No, you can't.

Yes, I can. No, you can't.

Yes, I can. No, you can't.

Yes, I can,

Yes, I can!

(Hermione sings)

Anything you can be

I can be greater.

Sooner or later,

I'm greater than you.

No, you're not. Yes, I am.

No, you're not. Yes, I am.

No, you're NOT!. Yes, I am.

Yes, I am!

(Draco sings)

I can cast a spell

With a single swish.

I can transfigure

With only a wish.

I know astronomy like my back hand.



So can a muggle!

(Hermione sings)

Any charm you can cast

I can cast better.

I can can cast

Charms better than you.

No, you can't. (High)

Yes, I can. (Higher) No, you can't. (Higher)

Yes, I can. (Higher) No, you can't. (Higher)

Yes, I can. (Higher) No, you can't. (Higher)

Yes, I can. (Higher) No, you can't. (Higher)

Yes, I CAN! (Highest)

(Draco sings)

Any curse you can do

I can do faster.

I can cast anything

Faster than you.

In a sec?

Half of that! quarter?

In a eighth! No, you can't!

Yes, I can,

Yes, I can!

(Hermione sings)

Any potion you can make

I can make better.

I can make potions

Better than you.

No, you can't. (Softly)

Yes, I can. (Softer) No, you can't. (Softer)

Yes, I can. (Softer) No, you can't. (Softer)

Yes, I can. (Softer)

YES, I CAN! (Full volume)

While George could see interested looks in some of the students faces and angry looks on a few others, the smile he saw on most was the best thing he saw in a while, especially as he saw Harry's smile, which meant it worked, broom dueling passed to the next stage.

Albus' POV

They didn't come to him! He gave them the chance and they threw it away, does it mean they don't trust him?

Well, it doesn't matter, the band had the chance to just have their memories about Tom erased, now, when he finds them it would be about their entire life that gets deleted, Albus won't let any danger near his plan.