'I should have asked Alicia to the Yule Ball instead of Angelina' Fred thought as they danced together, George and Katie dancing near them, though he really wished she stopped talking about the unfairness of there not having quidditch this year.
"... there are only three tasks and they happen 3 month apart, why can't we have quidditch in the mean while?" He heard the same thing for the last four months, and it was George who actually had taken a liking to her, only wasn't willing to put up with her constant talking about quidditch, he was actually planning to ask Fleur Delacour, who Harry told him was looking for a date, only to ask Angelina instead when trying to prove a point to their little brother.
'At least the music good' he thought with a smirk as another song was playing, the first one they didn't make to promote products or for laughs, only thing that sucks is that as George was the lead singer, and Luna is the one that sings it, so his twin got the chance to play the drums making Fred jealous.
"The next song is about never giving up, and the one to sing it won't be me, give it up to Bella." Applauses were heard around the audience before the song begun.
I hold the message that's our rising hope!
As the song begun, illusions of the champions standing against the dragons were shown making people who were talking stoped and look around themselves.
(Hey, welcome to a special rising
Can you please stay on standby?)
Here we go!
I'm in too deep to keep my sanity as world around comes to its end
I try my best to calm down heart but with this overwhelming blow I fall short
Still I hold it back: The desperation that's swelling deep inside my soul
But if this path's another dead end then I swear to God that I'll go berserk
Pay attention! Hey, what is it? (Watch your step now)
Just shut your mouth, I know your lie
(Are you serious?!) No, No, No don't worry! 1, 2, 3
Listen close to the rhythm of my heart
I blink away the haziness that's in my way
You gotta keep your faith in me
I swear I'll never let you down
Do you trust me?
Some may say that I'm blind but I can hear that shot in the dark
Now matter how I now find glory or defeat
Against a foe that I can't beat
I will still wake up to a brand new day (I believe rising hope)
There's not a spell or swell of magic left in me but still I won't surrender
I'll see our wish come true 'cause I can't forsake the oath I made to you
(I sing my heart)
If tears scream to break free
I'll crush that cry with the resolve now swelling in me
I hold the message that's our rising hope!
As the song ran its course Fred still felt this unbelievable sense of pride.
This song was with quick and complicated rhythm, not to mention the longest they ever did.
Knowing it came out this good! It made all the practice hours worth it.
As the song finished, there was a brake, when everyone who danced could rest as familiar ('boring' his mind supplied) songs took place.
Going to take something to drink, he accidentally heard an argument Ron and Hermione were having.
"Viktor?" his little brother said snakly. "Hasn't he asked you to call him Vicky yet?" Fred Really need to teach him how to talk with the ladies
Hermione looked at him in surprise. "What's up with you?" she said.
"If you don't know," said Ron scathingly, "I'm not going to tell you." He can't believe it, his brother is using the lines his mother keep telling his father, Fred swallowed a laughter as he listened
"Ron, what - ?"
"He's from Durmstrang!" spat Ron. "He's competing against Marcus! Against Hogwarts! You -you're -" Ron was obviously casting around for words strong enough to describe Hermione's crime, "fraternizing with the enemy, that's what you're doing!"
Hermione's mouth fell open.
"Don't be so stupid!" she said after a moment. "The enemy! Honestly - who was the one who was all excited when they saw him arrive? Who was the one who wanted his autograph? Who's got a model of him up in their dormitory?"
Ron chose to ignore this. "I s'pose he asked you to come with him while you were both in the library?"
"Yes, he did," said Hermione, the pink patches on her cheeks glowing more brightly. "So what?"
"What happened - trying to get him to join spew, were you?"
"No, I wasn't! If you really want to know, he - he said he'd been coming up to the library every day to try and talk to me, but he hadn't been able to pluck up the courage!"
Hermione said this very quickly, and blushed so deeply that she was the same color as Marcus's date's robes.
"Yeah, well - that's his story," said Ron nastily.
"And what's that supposed to mean?"
"Obvious, isn't it? He's Karkaroff's student, isn't he? He knows who you hang around with. . . . He's just trying to get closer to Marcus - get inside information on him - or get near enough to jinx him -"
'So my brother does have a brain.' Fred thought as he listen, he heard from Harry that Krum told him about Karkaroff choosing his date for him. 'I guess I owe George five Knuts'
Yet, Hermione didn't think it is funny as she looked as though Ron had slapped her. When she spoke, her voice quivered.
"For your information, he hasn't asked me one single thing about Marcus, not one -"
Ron changed tack at the speed of light.
"Then he's hoping you'll help him find out what his egg means! I suppose you've been putting your heads together during those cozy little library sessions -"
"I'd never help him work out that egg!" said Hermione, looking outraged. "Never. How could you say something like that - I want Marcus to win, you know that Marcus, don't you?" The boy who lived looked like he is stuck between two natural disasters, and in a way, a was.
"Why don't you go and find Vicky, he'll be wondering where you are," said Ron.
"Don't call him Vicky!" She said storming off.
As Fred took the drinks away, he couldn't help but think, how did Harry knew it was about to happen?
George was having a terrific night.
Katie was fun to be with, the food was delicious and, of course, the songs are great.
Yet, everything must come to an end, and as the night being almost over the illusion of Tommy said "Until now, all the songs were for love and success, this next song is for failure, and it is for all the couples that won't survive after tonight, enjoy- the breakup song."
An illusion of Ron, their little brother, and Hermione was shown to everyone, and the singer was Ron
I love you, yes
And I'll confess
The thought of staying is so enticing
And when you speak
My knees get weak
I can't believe what I'm sacrificing
But let's get real
We know the deal
So darling let's not tiptoe
This thing we had
Was not just bad
It was a shit show
We can't undo, can't make amends
Dysfunction is our way of living
We can't unsay the things we said
Nor can we forget their meaning
There's 'hard to get', then there's neglect
To say it's fate, you'd have to be a bit slow
Not to be crass
But this sucked ass
This was a shit show
Fyrefiend next to us looks like a campfire
Cruciatus is just some tickling
We have magic, of course, but that's a formula for divorce
A play about pieces of feces is what we are together
Oh, what the hell, let's get a hotel
'Cause life is short and we're not getting any younger
But after sex, what happens next
I mean in the long run, not just fatigue and hunger?
And when you say that I should stay
That's exactly when I should split
Though I won't forget, I won't regret
This beautiful, heart stopping
Breathtaking, life-changing...!
'I know Harry is smart, but Is he a seer?'