Chapter 155- other people’s thoughts


Ludo watched as Harry and the other two champions talked.

He watched as they sat on the brooms.

He watched as they all executed the same plans.

And he is really close to lose his mind!

Seriously, when he bet on the boy he thought 'With my help he will sure win.'

And then at the first task he refused his help!

Seeing the forth year boy on whom Ludo bet his and other people's entire life's saving go up against a freaking dragon was probably the scariest thing he has to watch his entire life- and he had to watch a jury decide if he goes to Azkaban!

It was at that second that Ludo regretted not putting his money on Marcus Potter, if someone could turn the odds is the one boy who survived the killing curse!

But then the boy went and somehow did it.

And in fact he did it easily.

Switching the egg with a rock at the same size, absolutely terrific!

Though some of the other judges thought it to be boring.

So what? Boring and quick are the best ways to win things!

Although, seeing the next two champions do the same thing, with Fleur using a little enchantment as an extra was kind of boring.

And Marcus' way of out flying a dragon was very heroic.

But Ludo didn't care, his bet was second place, and as long as he preform well at the next challenge he would be first place.

And then the boy went and did that.

'I mean, why would he help the other two? Doesn't he want to win?" Ludo thought at he watched the boy jump from his broom holding a big rock.

It took less then three minutes from his jump for a big splash of water to appear, with Harry and Luna coming up and less then a minute later the other two contesters showed up, leaving only the boy who lived in the water.

While he said how amazing all of them are and all to the audience, and even as he felt happy his bet was doing as good as he did, Ludo couldn't help but feel annoyed.

Two years of hard work, working with Barty every day, negotiating with the three schools, bringing dragons and negotiating with mermaids, and it took them 10 minutes to finish both tasks in the most boring ways possible? He really hoped the third task would be more interesting, as long as Harry wins of course.


When the dark lord gives you a task you don't question it, never.

It doesn't matter if you understand it or not, you just do it.

Especially when it is about his resurrection.

Though, if it is only inside Barty's mind he might have to wonder, why put Potter into the tournament?

Yes, he understood the dark lord's need for the fresh blood of the Potter boy in the ritual, but Barty could have kidnapped him without the tournament, or even just slice the boy's hand by 'accident' and keep the knife.

That wasn't the biggest problem.

The problem was that boy's kicked out twin brother, who keeps not only out preform Marcus, but help the other two do it too.

He could understand him.

Wanting to show he isn't a failure, that kicking him out was a mistake.

Barty was like that once, joining the dark lord as a way to show his father what a mistake he did by making him feel worthless no matter what he did, before the dark lord showed him what true power was, and that his father is the worthless one.

Seriously, if Barty didn't have to stay incognito he would have convinced the boy to join the Death Eaters.

Actually, that has some merit, he can do it, and if he feels the boy is about to say anything to anyone he could always obliviate him.

After all, he knew the boy didn't have any Occlumency shields.


She didn't know what was worse, that her Marcus had to join the tournament or that he was last place.

She couldn't figure out how they scored the champions.

In the first task the other three assentingly used the same method, two of them with the same two spells, and they didn't even showed courage.

On the other hand, Marcus, her son, managed to outfly a dragon!

He should be first place!

And then came the second task.

As she was a school teacher, she can't help him directly in the tasks, she had to make an oath.

What she could do, is give a list of ways to breath underwater to her husband who could do with it whatever he wants.

She told James while winking, and apparently he didn't understand, because he hasn't brought anything to their son.

Instead, for what seemed like since the end of last year, James was too head deep in his problems, non of which she understood why it takes him so much time to get over.

She truly couldn't understand what's the difference between deep end vault and upper ones, even if they spend a little bit too much, the Potter family's money is old, it won't be suddenly over.

Nor can she understand why he suddenly cares for Harry, he was the one that demanded they kicked the boy out saying everyone who has been touched by Slytherin is evil, she truly didn't care much either way.

As for Sirius, yes, that was a mistake, a grave one, but it wasn't their fault, their memory has been messed with, not to mention the dog animagus forgave them.

Yes, James need to get over himself, and he need to do it quick, because if their son once more need help and he isn't there to help he will need to find a real comfy couch to sleep on, because the bed will be off limit.

Anyway, even without his father's help, Marcus seemed to be doing fine.

Having Neville give him gillyweed? Absolutely genius, though, it is extremely annoying that the other champions seem to be collaborating together, it is like they haven't learned the words 'fair play'.

What could she expect from a Durmstrang student, a Slytherin, and worse then all a French?