Chapter 160- breakdown (part 2)


When the twins told her their plan to hire their father she knew it wouldn't end good.

She tried convincing the twins to let just her meet with their father, but they were standing their ground saying they wouldn't lie to their father when trying to hire him.

She then suggested she would talk to Harry about it, and that she will convince him to agree to hiring the man.

She probably shouldn't have said it.

She could see the twins tense after she said it.

She knew they had a little problem about how Harry seemed to take over most of the business, something that used to be their.

If being honest, while Harry hasn't touched anything that belonged to their original idea of opening a prank store, he did took most of the work about the card dueling, and as the business was mostly about the game right now, Luna could understand why they were ticked off by her words that seem to suggest Harry has the final decision.

"No, we will tell him what we are about to do ourself." They said before leaving the hallway, and as Luna had a lesson, she could only leave the talk to another time.

She should have known.

Hell, the second she arrived near the ROR and saw the aura of anger leaking through the door, something she usually saw leaking behind Harry's Occlumency shields whenever he looked at one of the Potter family or the headmaster, but never saw it like that, it was like Harry dropped his Occlumency shields entirely and all there was behind them was anger, sadness and betrayal, she knew.

They didn't wait to give her a chance, instead they went to the room of requirements, where Harry was spending most of his time nowadays, and talked to him about that, causing an argument that reached the levels that Harry finally couldn't take it causing him to burst. Casting a silencing charm on the door for it to not cause any noise, Luna opened the door slightly, as to listen to the argument between the three most important people in her life at the moment, yet the moment she did, she was shocked, as while she still couldn't see any emotional animals around Harry, for the first time since she met him she could see the colors of his true emotions, instead of the constant rainbow like colors he usually had.

It took her time to understand the difference between emotional animals and aura colors, especially since many wizards had Occlumency, making their colors to be shielded by different colors.

In the end she figured it out.

While emotional animals are changing by your current mood, emotional colors, had two parts, emotions you wouldn't let go of, and emotions you came let go of.

The red was of the first kind.

It was one that Harry most of the time made himself remember so he would never forget.

Even now, when she saw the red color that Harry's aura was releasing she knew it wasn't so much that he was angry, the anger was shallow, it was the other emotions, the ones Harry never let anyone see that make him, not even himself, that make him as angry as he is.

Usually Harry was keeping his Occlumency shields, which made him look like a rainbow- he had blue, purple, green and yellow in his aura, and while it always made her feel calm, she sometimes saw the angry red like outside blinking into existence, yet it always felt shallow, she always wandered what was his true color, would it be like one of the first years this year in Gryffindor, innocent purple? Or could it be the angry she got glimpse of is his true color? it is only now, when she saw it that she knew she didn't know anything about her friend.

It wasn't red that was Harry's true colors, nor was it any of the other obvious ones.

In fact, Harry had two colors at his core of being, something that only few people had. The first was sickly green, which Luna knew was mostly for betrayal, though instead of being like a line, as auras such as that usually are, pointing at the direction of the betrayer, this one was spreading to the world, like he blames everyone and everything.

The second color was the gray color of sadness and detachment, it was warped around his body like a cocoon, and as Luna one those kinds of auras were more then just symbolic, she wondered what would there be inside once the cocoon burst.

"Why does it matter if he is Dumbledore's man?" Fred asked, and she knew they were talking about the twins father father.

"Because someone of his little group killed my parents." Luna felt terribly confused, who were Harry's parents? When were they killed? Why was she never told about them? How long was Harry sitting around with this knowledge alone?

The last question was the one that struck her the most, especially when he told the twins to forget about anything.

So she did the only thing she could, she burst in and yelled "Like hell we do!"


Having Occlumency shields always on haas side affects.

Harry might not have known that when he just arrived to the World, but since he was 11 and got the Occlumency book he has known it.

The main ability of Occlumency is preventing intrusion of forgiving mind magic, having it constantly on would have been positive thing, if not for one thing, it also has the ability to make you compress your emotions.

When you need to think rationally, when you have to perform magic, and when you need specific emotions, this ability is the greatest you could hope for, but, if you use it all the time, when you are rattled your emotions would burst all together, crushing your Occlumency for a period of time.

Harry has known that, yet, he never felt like he has the time to put his shields down, nor did he felt the need too.

If Harry could think rationally right now he would probably observe himself and say "So that's why."

But Harry couldn't.

He could right now feel the same emotions he felt the day his parents had died.

He could feel the coldness that spreed in him as he knew he would never see them again.

He could feel the sense of betrayal he felt toward this world of magic, when he realized it was a magical person's work.

But Harry felt the thing that grew from those two the most, he felt anger.

"Like hell we do!" He heard his best friend say just as he was about to call for Dobby and live for the chamber of secrets, shocking him. Luna never cursed.

"Don't you dare to disappear now! Don't you dare put back the walls in your mind! Aren't we your friends? Tell us everything!"

If he was with his Occlumency shields on, Harry would have never said anything, he would have made an excuse and leave.

But he didn't have them on, so Harry did something he hasn't done since the moment his parents died, Harry cried.