Chapter 164- the dark mark


Learning how the dark mark works was mostly easy.

The dark mark was built on two different abilities, one active and once passive.

The active ability is a variation of the portkey or more specifically, the vanishing cabinets.

It was ingenious.

The portkey way of working is based on making the world believe two places is the same, making a person be on the two places at the same time before cutting the connection, leaving the person on the other side.

The same thing is with the vanishing cabinets only constantly connected.

The dark mark takes it a step farther.

It connects the people with it on them as if they were one person, making them able to reach the same location the person who activates it is.

It is why activating the dark mark cause pain.

Making the world believe something as you regret it is very dangerous.

It also made Harry wonder if it's why so manny Death Eaters are insane, if you embrace the fact you aren't a person unique to yourself but a part of a collective it isn't shocking to lose your mind.

If it is, whoever isn't insane has to have great Occlumency, as he can divide the party of him that feels a part of a collective and the other parts.

The passive ability is the connection to Voldemort, it is a variation of the spells parents put on their babies to make sure their of their health and location.

It is usually connected to different objects, the Weasley put it on their clock for example.

Voldemort on the other hand, put it on his followers body with a little change, while it shows his health, it makes sure Voldemort know where they are, which is probably who no traitor survived escaping him.

Understanding that, it took Harry 4 hours from when came into the house to figure out the exact way to change the spell to make sure it moves to be on the new Voldemort (his Golem), while not completely showing it to the Death Eaters, instead keeping it look like the health grow little by little.

Giving Voldemort his orders, Harry left the town, traveling back to Hogwarts.


Since the moment the dark mark started growing stronger, Lucius made sure to check on it twice a day.

While most wizards were terrified because of the dark lord's ability with the killing curse and his ability to inflict pain, Lucius was a Malfoy, a family that made its original money by creating portkeys, and till today keep on manufacturing them for the ministry.

Lucius knew how the dark mark works, he knew about the side affects, and knew what was most terrifying about the dark lord is his willingness to drive his followers mad.

It only takes one to look at Bellatrix and the other people at Azkaban to see it.

Most of them are purebloods, and more importantly, Slytherin, who learned since they were born to be leaders and to take advantage about everything you have.

Now each of his fellow pureblood elitists who don't have as god Occlumency shields as him were in hell on earth because they lost it.

Yes, Lucius was terrified about the fact the dark lord is about to return, but not for himself, his mental shields are good enough to make sure he won't have a mental breakdown, instead he fears for his son, Draco, who he wasn't sure would manage it so well.

Which is why, when he checked his dark mark to see its progress and saw it changed to its faded look Lucius was relived, only for him to find out that evening, when he took a shower that it returned to the color it was before.

Lucius night and might not cried himself to sleep that night.