For the first time since she heard about the spell Nagini understood why when you obliviate a person you have to delete his memory of the spell.
Knowing there is a period of time that you don't remember because of a spell is the most unbalancing thing you can ever encourage.
It did help that Harry put in their place different memories, but even those unbalanced her, in a different way, as she could remember studying the human body, remember learning about the cells, the organs, the blood, the skin, and the meridians, but it didn't change the fact that she also knew it wasn't really her studying it.
To combat that, she and Harry spent the next few days studying the human body in general to make those memories her own.
During that time they became sort of friends, as she liked the way he seemed passionate about the study of human anatomy, and he liked her attitude.
He even agreed to take her out of the cage once she took an oath to not try to kill him, making her stay whenever possible on his neck after shrinking herself as much as possible, as it was easier to move around like that.
In the end, it took her six days to get rid of that disorienting feelings and be ready to the ritual, and when she told it to Harry he brought her to a different location.
$What the bloody hell are we doing here?$ She asked him when they arrived near a manor like house.
$This is the house of my employer, we will do the ritual here as a demonstration.$ Sighing, she said nothing as she knew that no matter how much their relationship developed into friends, he would still consider the curing of her as nothing more then a demonstration.
A second after he knocked on the door a blond girl around Harry's age answered.
"Harry!" She said excitedly, only taking one look at her before ignoring her entirely. "Is what Luna told me true? Have you found a cure?"
"we might have." He smiled at her.
"Come in, come in." The girl said, pulling him inside.
"What would the ice queen fans think if they saw you like that, Daphne?" He chuckled as he let Daphne lead him toward the living room where another blond girl sat with a white haired girl and a man, drinking tea.
"Who the bloody heel cares? You found a cure for my sister!" Daphne's grin was threatening to split her face in two.
"We probably did, today we will know for sure." He said looking the other occupants of the room.
"Her Luna, I'm glad you could make it." He said.
"Of course Harry, I will never miss this, even if it does mean my dad will have to do the shopping for the school year."
"Well maybe if you didn't spend the entire summer in Rome searching for clues about the Rotfang conspiracy you would have had the chance to buy them before." He said in a teasing tone.
"Well, you try to explain to my father that gum disease has to do with with tiny creatures living in your mouth without breaking him out." She said in a funny condescending voice before adding "Hey Nagini." with a smile toward her, making Nagini decide she like that girl.
"Hello Harry," The man nodded expressionlessly when Harry looked toward him. "you would be happy to know we let your Golems sat the runic scheme in our ritual room, which we made sure is clean from any sort of magic, though I would like to talk to you later about them and the runes, at least before e we do the ritual on my daughter.
A nod from Harry was all it took for the man to drop the subject as he looked at her.
"And that's the other patient with 'Blood Malediction'?"
"Meet Nagini, she agreed to be the first it is performed upon and took all the needed studies seriously."
Nagini couldn't help but laugh sarcastically at that, as if she had any choose in both those matters.
Giving her a pointy look Harry continued.
"Now, I know you would like to know what we are about to do today-" he was interrupted mid sentence by the man. "That won't be necessary, miss Lovegood was nice enough to explain it herself, I do have some questions she said was best to wait for you to answer."
"She did? Great! Well, ask away!" Harry said.
"First of all, how do you propose Astoria learn about the human body?"
"Well Basitill, there are two ways I can think about, either you buy her books to read and have someone to teach it to her, something that will take about 10 years as she also has her Hogwarts education, or you insert those memories into her by replacing them with different memories she has, as Nagini did."
Basitill frowned at that.
"Who would you propose teach her? You?"
"Oh, god no! I have other projects to attend to, you should probably have a muggle doctor who has a magical child to teach her, with me adding the things that are different in magical people." Harry said quickly, showing he already thought about it.
"We can talk about it later, another thing I wanted to talk to you about is side affects, will there be any?" That perked Nagini's interest, She didn't notice anything in the ritual that could create a side affect, but it could be that Harry did.
"Well, there shouldn't be any except her animal nature and appetite appearing more pronounced then when she suppress it right now, but with it being a modified ritual there could be, that's why we don't use it on a child first, and instead testing it on a consenting adult."
It disturbed Nagini a little bit the way he didn't mind excitement on her but it also felt right.
No matter what, she already lived her life, and was already considering finishing it, it made more sense to use the ritual on her before using it on a child with her life only started.
"Well, shall we go to the ritual room?" Basitill said after asking a few more questions.
"I need to be alone with her in the room, we can't have anyone interrupt it." Harry said, having the rest nod.
Walking inside the ritual room, Harry placed Nagini in the middle of the weird rune scheme before going toward a circle in the corner of the room.
$I need you to pour all your magic into the circle.$ he said and she did as he said.
$ready?$ he asked and she nodded.
$Here we go!$ he said, pouring his own magic and everything went back.