It was about an hour since Harry stepped into the SWOR before he came out and Nagini could instantly tell the difference.
His face became with perfect proportions, his cheeks angular and the imperfections that used to be there disappeared.
His body became less buff, with the muscles becoming less pronounced yet somehow seem to have not lost any of his strength.
Yet the thing that captured the eyes the most were his eyes.
Muggles say the eyes are the windows for the soul, but the magical people know different.
Eyes are the doors to the mind, not soul, and his eyes got a new color to them.
Before, Harry's eyes were green, they were pretty, but nothing special really, but now? Now they looked like emeralds, sparkling and drawing you in as you look at them.
Nagini knew what the change in eye color signify, she has seen it numerous times.
She has seen it in Dumbledore sparkling blue eyes that seemed to calm you down whenever you look into them, in Grindelwald's eyes of blue and black eyes that seemed capable of understanding what you want and temp you to agree with what he said, in Voldemort's red eyes that brought fear into your heart whenever you looked at them.
Those eye were the symbol of succeeding in becoming a fire stage magical person, and were said to reflect the ambition a person has.
Harry's eyes, as she looked right into them, seem capable of seeing right through her, making her feel a bit naked, which, as she spent most of her life in snake form, didn't bother her at all, though Bellatrix, who stood next to her, gained an embarrassed look as her cheeks became red.
"Congratulations." Nagini said to her friend, a word that was still hard to think about as something real, considering her previous 'friends' forgot about her after the war was done.
"Thank you." He smiled and walked to her and she could feel his body being more relaxed while also having a bit of a difficulty moving. "How about we go back and play something?" He said as he hugged her with Joy. "I could use some time to relax." Nagini's heart started beating a little faster at the unfamiliar hugging, as while Harry didn't have a problem with hugging, he has never initiated it.
"You seem to be happy." She noted out loud. "How could I not be?" He grinned. "I have finally finished the project I had worked on for four years." he changed into a bear, changed to look like Luna and turned back to his form. "And, I also passed the liquid stage of magic and can finally move to new spells and magical subjects." He lifted her up and did a little spin, making her laugh.
"Calm down." She smiled at him. "We should return."
"Dobby!" Harry called and the house elf appeared as he turned to give orders to Bellatrix.
"Bella, I need the Death Eaters to gather the blood of as many magical creatures as possible and put them in bottles, and do the same for as many magical plants as possible." The servant nodded. "It will be done."
With that, we both held Dobby's hands s as he popped us away.
Fred'S POV
Winter vacation was something George and he didn't get.
The time that in past years was used for having fun before Christmas was now probably the busiest time of the year in Wonder Alley, which forced them to help their employees as they were swamped.
When they weren't helping, they went through the paperwork that Harry's computers couldn't do alone, closed the deal with Gary Corelson for him to open a bar in Wonder Alley and installed MTVs (magical television) in it that will show either the Duels played in the arena right now, or the quidditch games that are soon to be played.
All in all, they were busy as hell till Christmas night.
Of course, when Christmas finally arrived it changed for the worse.
They considered returning to the castle through Harry's vanishing cabinet, spending time with their friends and having fun, but their father asked them to join the family for Christmas, which was done in the Potter mansion, he said their mother would like to apologize, and that he wants to have his family reconcile.
They stupidly agreed.
The awkwardness that filled the room Christmas night as they showed up was incredible.
Their mother, who was in the middle of a conversation with Lily Potter froze, the room, that was filled with the laughter of Ron, their brother, and his friends quietened, and only Ginny gave the two of them a small smile.
"Boys! You are here!" Their father's voice, who appeared from the kitchen, broke the silence as he rushed to hug them.
"Why are you so excited?" George asked over their dad's shoulder as they hugged him back. "We just saw you yesterday."
"Oh, I miss you everyday." He said back before releasing them.
Their mother finally unfroze and walked toward them.
"Hey mom." Fred said with caution. "How are you?"
The caution must have been heard in his voice, as our mother ran toward the two of them, shoving dad to the side and hugged them in one of her famous bear hugs.
"I am so glad you came!" She said and by the wetness on his shirt Fred could tell she is crying.
"We are glad to be here as well." Fred's twin said and Fred nodded as she let go.
"I knew you would get over this phase!" She said and both George and him froze. "You should focus on your N.E.W.Ts and your dad will work on getting his job back!"
"What?" George asked, both of them turning to their father. "You told us she accepted everything!"
"No, I said she will." Their father answered. "She just need a bit more time, and with you here, it will be easier for her to get used to it."
"Why would we want to go work anywhere else?" Fred asked their mother. "Our Alley is the best! In fact, why would dad want to go back to the ministry, the profits from the MTV he helped creating are about to start showing up!"
"Why would he want to go back?" Their mother exclaimed. "Because it's a respectable, safe job! Because your 'Alley' would never be able to survive for more than two years! And than what would we do?"
"That's enough!" Their father shouted. "We are guests in this house, and we will act appropriately!" He took a deep breath. "Now, we will have a nice Christmas together, as family, and we will have this discussion later, alone."
It was then that Fred noticed Ginny, Ron and his friends were all looking at them with a bit of disappointment at how it ended inconclusively, and the Potter parents with awkwardness.
Yes, this Christmas is turning to be the worst, hopefully, the gifts tomorrow would be enough to turn it around.