
There's a guy who caught my attention.I don't even know his name but I call him Zayy, He's my first boybestfriend when i was 7 yrs old.He became my protector, he protected me from the bullies at school

Zayy was my crush until I need to go to Korea to study.I left him without saying go

I miss him so much...sorry for leaving you that time..please tell me zayy where are you. I need you now, you promised to me right?you promised you'll never leave me,but I'm the one who leave you sorry. you promised that someday you'll marry me please don't break your promise.

zayy was my first love but I need to this,I need to leave him for my study on korea. Sorry for leaving you without saying goodbye zayy I hope you'll forgive me and accept me again.

promise I'll find you and marry you soon.If you can't remember your promises to me. I'll do everything, so you can remember what you said to me when we we're 10.

I'll wait for you... I love you..

I stopped remembering my childhood boybestfriend when I heard my mom.

"Sweetie what are you doing here?"My mom asked me.

"Sorry mom, I'm just relaxing myself..I'm tired mom."I answered and smile at her.

"Take a rest sweetie." My mom said before she leave me in my room.

After she left I texted Zayn if he enjoy his birthday party.

"Zayn did you enjoy your birthday party?"I texted him while smiling.

"Ofcourse by the way where are you my yesha?"He replied. Gosh my heart beat so fast!

"In my room zayn."I replied and put my phone in my mini table.

"Go outside your house and I'll wait for you."Zayn replied

so I wondered what we would do outside the house?

"Ok."I replied and put my phone on my pocket.


"What are we going to do here? "I asked zayn.

"Secret..Just follow me ok?"Zayn said while smirking.

"Ok."I said but I'm surprised what he did.She kneel down in front of me while saying this word.

"Yesha..I know we are too young but can I court you?"He said with serious face. What did he say?He want to court me?the fuck?what happened to him?

"Zayn are you serious with that?you want to court me?"I asked him.

"Yes Yesha I'm serious with that,

you don't need to worry about your mom because i already told her that I'll court you."He said so.. I said yes

"Yes you can court me but in one condition."I answered but he only raised his eyebrows.

"What?"He answered with curious face.

"First you need to get my trust and my heart also." i said so he laughed so hard!

"Why are you laughing?"I said.

"Nothing,thank you yesha."He said and give me a kiss on my forehead. omg I'm blushing!

a-ah I gotta go zayn, let's meet tommorow ok?in our favorite place see you tommorow!"I said while waving my hand to him.

Zayn Pov.

fuck she's so cute! She's blushing because of me!Fuck I can't control myself so I gave her a kiss on her forehead to ease my lust shit! I know i don't a right to kiss her but shit!I need it to ease what I felt right now.

"I love you Yesha."I whispered while walking at the park.

while walking I heard my phone rang so I took my phone on my pocket.

"Hello? Who's this?"I asked him/her.

"Watzup bro!Long time no see."He answered.. He's familiar.

"Khaizeus?"I said but he chuckled.

"Ow yes bro!."He laughed.

"Let's meet tomorrow at the airport ok?"He added so I said yes.

"Ok..I have something to tell you khai."I said with excited tone.

"What is it bro?"He answered.

"I court Yesha bro!I'm excited she gave me a permission to courted her bro!"I said while smiling. I wonder why Khai end up the call without saying goodbye to me. What's your problem Khai?Is he ok? What's wrong with you?

after he end up the call I went back to my house.


at my house.

"Son did you enjoy your birthday huh?"my dad said while smiling at me.

"Yes Dad,I have something to tell you,btw where's mommy?"I raised my eyebrow.

"Why son?You missed me already?"my mom said while walking towards me and gave me a hug.

"Mom!Dad! I courted Yesha and she said yes to me!"I said with excited tone.

"Really son?"my mom and dad said.

Yes Dad!I'm so excited!"I said and gave them a hug!

"Bye mom and dad,I'm going to sleep."I said before went to my room.

"Sleep well my son."My dad and mom said.


I'm excited,should I ask her a date tomorrow?or should I kiss her on her cheeks tommorow before ask her a date?Fuck I don't know what to do!I'm so excited!

After I made a decision I decided to sleep but before I close my eyes I took my cellphone and text Yesha

"Goodnight my Yesha."After I send goodnight to her I close my eyes again and fall asleep.


The next day I found myself smiling while walking to my comfort room! I prepared my everyday routine.

"soup,towel,toothbrush and toothpaste"


I took my soap and gentle wash my face after that I took my favorite toothbrush and brush my teeth!

I took my towel and wiped my face

I'm done doing my everyday routine!

I about to leave when I heard my mom trying to open the door.

"What is it mom?"I asked.

"Break fast ready son so let's eat"She said before leaving my room.

"Ok mom,wait for me!" I said while smiling at her.