First Kiss

Yesha Pov.

I'm here at Jeju island i saw how beautiful Jeju island is. My dream come true because of Zayn! should I say thank you to him for bringing me here? What if I kiss him for bringing me here?What do you think guys?

i'm like crazy thinking how to thank zayn for bringing me here.

"What are you thinking Yesha?"Zayn said while holding my hands.

"A-ah N-nothing"I answered.

"Don't be nervous ok?I'm here!"He said while giving me a sweet smile.

"Thank you!I don't know what should I do without you."I said while playing my finger.

"It's ok my yesha,as long as i lived I will protect and love you ok?"He said and kissed me on my forehead.

"Thank you."I said while smiling.


we're here at the sea watching the sunset.

" the sun is beautiful."I whispered while looking at the sun.

"You're beautiful too."He said so I chuckled.

"Now I'm free! I want to drink wine Zayn!can I?"I asked him but he held my hand and say.

"No,you can't drink any alcoholic here ok?"He answered.

"But I want to drink Zayn."I whispered.

Fine let's drink wine together but in one condition. Deal?"He said so I laughed.

"What's your condition gay?"I said while laughing at him.

"kiss me when we get drunk."He answered so I shocked. No way this is my first kiss but.. I want to drink so no choice.

"O-ok I'll kiss you later."I said so he smiled at me but I'm just raised my eyebrows. fuck I'm blushing!


"Let's drunk Zayn!Cheers!!"I shouted at him.

"Stop let's go to my room ok?let's sleep."He answered but I pulled him and gave him a smack kiss.

"What the fuck! let's go yesha."He said with irritated tone but I refused.

"Nah,later ok?let me finish this."I asnwered while smiling at him.

"I'll kiss you if you don't want to sleep Yesha,I warning you."He said but I laughed at him.

You'll kiss me?Then kiss me." I said while smiling at him.I know he can't do it.

"Fuck!"He curse.

He curse but after that I felt his lips in mine..He kiss me torridly,He grab my waist and held my head..That was my first kiss!This is wrong and we both know but it's ok co'z we still know our limitations.

"Yeshaa let's go ok?Take a rest now since we still have time to do that ok?"He said so I nodded. I stand up and left him alone then went to our room,yeah you read it right we share at the same room. since he is my boyfriend nothing wrong with that right?

While walking there's a guy who call me.

"Hey miss,wanna go with me?"He husky said but I rolled my eyes.

"No,so I excuse myself now."I said with irritated voice that's why he laughed at me.He even touch my forehead.

"Ms I know you like me,don't be shy you'll like it later."He said and winked at me.

"Gross,fuckk off mister"I said left him but he grab my hand.

"No you can't leave me here ms let me bring you to heaven I mean pleasure"He said.Im about to cry when I heard a familiar voice.

"Don't you dare to hurt her or else you'll die,Fuck you for touching her She's mine!So back off"Zayn shouted at him.But this man is laughed so hard then I saw Zayn punching the man who dare to touched and own me.

"Stop it Zayn,I'm ok let's go."I said but he give another punch that man.

"I said stop,look what you did that's enough Zayn."I said again but he didn't listen to me.He continue punching the man so I grab his hand and hug him tightly.

"Calm down Zayn,that's enough.Please let's go."I said while pouting at him.

"Ok.Wait let me remind this man ok?"Zayn said so I nodded.

"Let me remind you bastart!Don't you ever dare to lay your hands again to my girl or else I will kill you but before that I will torture you understood?."He gritted his teeth while saying those words.

"Yes I'm sorry."I heard that guy,He said sorry to Zayn but Zayn is give him a death glare.After that we left that guy and went to our room.


At our room.

Someone Pov.

"Damn..See what happened to you!?"He angrily said.The girl was shocked because this is the first time she saw his boyfriend angry and shouted at her.

"I-im s-sorry."The girl whispered but She doesn't know if her boyfriend heard that.

"Fuck.I just want your safety but you leave me and what happened to almost cry while I'm not with you."He shouted at the girl.The girl was crying in front of him.After he saw the tears of his girl,he gave his girl a hug..

"Shh stop crying love..I hate seeing you please stop"He said and gave his girl a kiss.

"I'm sorry ok?I didn't mean it."He said while looking at his girl.

"I'm tired.. Let's go to our room and take a rest."She codly said and left the man.She continue walking but sadly the man Grab her hand and said..

"Im sorry Yesha...promise I'll never do that to you again..Please forgive me,I know you hate me co'z I shouted at you but please I didn't mean to do that."The man said while pouting..

"It's ok.. let's sleep zayn."She said while looking at his man..She laughed when she saw her boyfriend pouting..aww He's cute..

"Don't worry I'm fine ok?"She said again before she left her boyfriend and went to her room.


Yesha Pov.

Can I hug you while we're sleeping?"Zayn said so I nodded.

"I love you Yesha.."I heard him whipered to my ears so I chuckled.

"I love you too."I said and gave him a snack kiss.