Zeireshia's Plan

Zeireshia's Pov

I plan to surprise my son.i engaged him to Yesha,I know he loves Yesha so much since the day he met yesha.First I need to ask Areyel and my bestfriend for that.The Saavedra family accepted my plan.They said they will surprise her/his daughter too so I'm happy that time.

I,Zeireshia Smith mother of zayn.I know y'all know that. I asked my husband about my plan but he just smiled at me and gave me a kissed.He's so sweet,he never failed to make me smile.

I'm here at the sofa waiting for my son.I'm about to text him when I already heard him.

"Ow son,come to me I have something to tell you."I said in a serious tone.

"What is it mom?"He asked.

"Your getting married son, I engaged you to our business partner daughter."I simply said.

"What!?seriously?!I love yesha, She's the only one i love,I can't marry to your business partner's daughter mom."He shouted but I laughed.

"You'll marry her no matter what happened.You like it or not I don't care,you will marry her soon."I said and left him.I laughed when I finally inside my room.He don't know our business partner is Saavedra family.

You're crazy son.


Zayn Pov.

What!?I'm getting married with someone else?fuck no wayyyyyy! I have to do something!Aishhhh!shit.

I'm here at yesha's house in going to surprise her..Fuck I can't marry that girl. But who's the fuck that girl?What should I do?

I'm shocked when I saw someone hug me.She hug me so tight

"Zayn..I miss you."She whispered. I heard her crying.

"shh Don't cry I'm here ok?I will never leave you again..Ahhh stop crying."I said while smiling.

"Really?I love you so much!"She excitedly said

"Ofcourse,I love you too."I answered.

"Btw my mom wants to meet and talk to you something"She said so I nodded.

"Let's go then."I said.


"Tita!"I shouted at yesha's mother.

"Come here we need to talk."She serious said.

"Ok.What is it tita?"I asked her.

"I heard your getting married soon? Who's that lucky girl?"She said while smiling at me.

"Y-you know?How did you know tita?"I asked.

"Your mom told me, aren't you happy?"She asked again.

"I don't know who's my fiancee and I don't care anyway,I only Love Yesha tita."I directly said so she smiled so wide.

"Oh I see,btw is Yesha knows about it?"She asked.

"Not yet.."I said and shook my head.

"I don't want her to be sad tita."I said

"You need to tell her Zayn!"She Zayn and tapped my shoulder.

"How?if I tell her I'm going to marry other girl and not her,I don't want to her her and see her crying because of me."I said.

"Ok,but you should tell her no matter what happened."She said before leave me alone.

"Zayn are ok?"Finally she's back after her mom told me that I need to tell her.

"Ofcourse..Take a rest yesha,I need to go home"I coldly said.

"O-ok..are you really ok?"She asked again.

"Im just sleepy ok?Don't mind me, I'll pick you up tomorrow so rest now Yesha."I said and gave her a kissed on her forehead.

"I love you,bye!"I cheerfully said.

"I love you too,take care"She answered.

After that I leave her and went to my house.Sorry Yesha i hope you'll forgive me if you finnaly find out that I'm going to marry someone else.

At the house.

"Mom!"I shouted.

"Son are you ok?"My father asked.

Mom!do I need to marry someone else!?"I shouted again.

"You should son."My mom said..

I cry after hearing those word to her.

"Mom I know you know I loves Yesha so much but what are you doing this to me?"I asked while crying infront of them.

"For your own good and for our company so you need to marry that girl." She said but I shook my head.

No mom!No..please don't do this to me."I said.I begging my family to stop that proposal to our business partner.

"it's a no son,I know you'll be happy if you know who's the girl you'll marry."She said and winked at me.

"What do you mean mom?"I asked. but I saw my mom and dad laughing at me.

"Nothing son,you need to sleep now.Take a rest my son."She said while laughing at me..

The heck? What's wrong with my family?She's crazyyy.