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Chapter Twelve


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Back at the king private room, the king stood up and was surrounded by lot of magic sealing boxes that can be seen floating around but the king didn't pay attention to them, some lightens up after some time while some darken and emitted a shrinking sound before disappearing. The king walked to his chair and as he walked there, his robe changes from royal blue to white and if one look closely, one could see some flickering symbols on the sleeves of the robe, he sat down on the chair while playing around with the parcel in his hands, dropping it on the table and picking it up again, there was a lost facial expression on his face as he was undecided of what do to about it, with a long and heavy sigh, he dropped it back on the table; it seems that he already made his decision.

What was in the parcel wasn't new to the king, it wasn't anything strange but he still hesitated, instead of sending it to the guardian so that it could be sent to the man, he had an urge to keep it with him. He knew that Dan was eyeing it but baiting him with this should work, right?

His ears twitched as he heard a barely audible sound coming from outside it was more like a disturbance in space. He stood up as he looked out from the window, the kingdom was prospering, there was little dead rate but the number of cultivators - I shouldn't be thinking about that, but if only, that seal can be undone, he was sure that the kingdom will have more than enough powerhouses in this earthly realm.

His attention was drawn back to a particular place as he looked down at it; it was far from where the palace guards were, he really needed to get them stationed there, maybe, they will exercise some restraint. A slight tremble and some distortion in the space around that place was visible, a figure came through after. He looked at the figure, chuckled lightly and sat down quickly, snapping his left hand in some random direction in the room, some gestures at the east and some at the west direction as he undid some of the seals in the room, a slight tremble and a dim happened after.

A figure appeared directly in his room, another figure came after few seconds later. There were two figures in the room apart from the king and both were aiming for the parcel that the king had laid on the table.

It was a show of power between the two figures, one side was pulling at the parcel to get it while the other side was opposing the force and aiming to get the parcel as well, as for the king, he continued to looked on at both of them, finally picking up the parcel in his hands; he had had enough of their show.

"Alright stop, with the way you both are fighting, you might also tear me apart as well if I am not powerful enough to protect myself," the king commented. 'Common decency of behavior, you both lack,' the king commented in his heart but he dared not voice it out because he didn't want to see the outcome.

The two figures stopped their action when the king picked up the parcel and had their seat, one turned out to be the beggar man while the other figure was a man with a very aged face, he has a slim body and his back was rod straight as he sat straight on the chair; he had wrinkles around his face and his cultivation base was deep, he almost has the same cultivation level with the beggar man if not higher. His face was fair white apart from the wrinkles and a single strand in his hair that was black while the others remained white.

"You both came so fast, I am surprised," the king said sarcastically but his voice didn't sound surprised. He already knew who told the other man as he glared at the beggar man.

"Eh," the beggar man chuckled nervously. "Can we have a look at it?" he changed the topic.

"Yes, can we check it? I have to go back and check that moron in that place, he should be attacking the bottleneck soon, the faster he break through, the better it will be if another person can occupy his place," his voice was smooth and soft like a baby, a huge contradiction to his aged face.

"Ah, my heart," the beggar man swooned, holding his chest like a young maiden and gasping for breath; he was slightly dramatic. Even the king was partly affected by his voice, but he was able to control his facial expression.

"How can an old man have such a nice voice?" the beggar man asked.

But his question was left hanging in the air as the old man rolled his eyes; he knew that they knew that was the effect of his cultivation method, his eyes remained on the parcel.

The king went back to the topic at hand. "What are you both doing here by the way?" the king asked.

"I came for the parcel," the old man answered.

"I came to see the parcel," the beggar man answer was way off the mark. It was as if he was referring to the parcel as a person.

The king wanted to scold him but he held himself back, his ears were still hurting, "this parcel won't be taken away by you," he said to the old man.

"Why?" the old man asked.

"I feel like inspecting it the more," the king replied. "To cut the matter short, I think it isn't time to send it there."

"If you say so, then, I won't be polite to tarry here anymore, I will take my leave immediately," the old man said and disappeared immediately.

"And you, what are you still doing here?"

"Well, I came to relax," the beggar man said, finally resting his back on the chair. His eyes lighten up and the king knew that he was about to start a tale or a story, "I met a strange rock boy earlier, I am surprised he looked well taken care of, he almost gave me that feeling of being a prince but alas, he had no cultivation base."

"Then take him as your disciple, you have been pretty much alone since you came from your sect," the king replied.

"He looks fine but I can't go picking all the fine looking fruits because I think they will taste good right?" the beggar man retorted. "Isn't your palace stable in short of a stable hand?"

"Don't bring that suggestion," the king rebuked, angry lines appeared on his face. "I don't like the rock people here."

"That is the bane of you all," the beggar man commented. "Ah, I wonder what the reason is behind all the bad mood whenever they are mentioned, even the lady's husband is also against them," he commented.

"He has his reason and I have mine, why don't you ask him when he comes back since you are so curious?" the king asked.

"You this heartless brute, will you really do that to your loving uncle? Who doesn't know that his mood is the foulest in the kingdom?"

Another person arrived at that time, he had silently entered the room and he overheard the last word that the beggar man uttered, his facial expression looked grim. A silent grin sneaked unto the king face when he saw the person.

"I heard that," a hard sounding tone came from behind the beggar man.

"Damn it, you and that your technique," the beggar man cursed, teleporting away from the room immediately. The king put the seal back on.

"Greetings, my king," the man curtsy. He was almost the exact replica of the old man that came earlier apart from the difference in voice, he could be mistaken as the man son but he wasn't, he had a long history behind him.

"You may rise, how was the journey?"

"It went smoothly, we've managed to seize some slots from our opponent," the man replied.

"That is great, how many did you get your hands on?"


"I will have to entrust the task to you, you know what to do," the king said.

"Yes sire, but that will take years before the slot can be used. I've heard that the sealed gate won't be opening their gate until the calamity period has pass. They are waiting for the bearer of the sword of Ize and the last royal blood princess to come back," the man said.

"Have your seat," the king interest was perked. "Where did you hear this from?" the king asked.

"From a reliable source, another emissary from the heaven realm," the man answered.

The king nodded, 'well, that was better, it sounded reliable.'

"Your wife is back, I told her that you will be arriving tomorrow, didn't know that you will be here early," the king said. "But, you won't be going back until tomorrow I have a task for you."

"Yes sire."

There was a slight pause before the king talked, "It is about Dan."

The man squinted his eyes, "Dan, what has he done this time around?" there was a hint of dislike in his tone.

"Waylaying, he seems to have grown a backbone," the king didn't beat about the bush. "Aren't you forgetting something as well?"

"What?" the man said in surprise.

"The letter of permission to IOHA sect in the sub-heaven realm," the king stated.

"Oh! Pardon me sire, I got it here," the man said, bringing out the letter from the storage ring on his left hand.

As soon as he laid the letter down, the room shook, and the letter emitted a strange sound before the color lighten up around it for a minute and then stopped. None of them touched the letter until everything went back to normal.

"Which paper did the man use?" the king asked, finally taking up the letter.

"Dragon blood infused paper, one of the expensive in the sub-heaven realm," the man replied.

"Hmm, flamboyancy, that could have fed thousands of my subordinate," the king said remorseful.

"To them, that's the only paper they could use and it was below their rank, if not for the realm passing, they won't have used it," the man explained. "The paper is the only one that can pass through realms without being destroyed. It is also the most-cheapest paper in the heaven realm."

The king harrumphed as he opened the seal on the letter; the paper came to life as the word appeared one by one.

The dragon infused paper was famous for one thing; its ability to recreate the scene of writing for the receiver which means every pause, every start and end will be felt by the receiver as if they were there.

"… As of now, the sect leader has no objection to you sending your son but," there was a long pause as the word stopped, "passage into the sect can only be after the calamity period has passed. Until then, if your kingdom survives it, then, we can extend the permission to few more people. As of now, as I write, most of the sect in the sub-heaven realm has closed their doors and after sending this letter, we will also be closing our door."

The king finished reading the letter, although there was no sender address or name, he didn't have to worry. What he was worried about the most was the calamity period that will happened, he needed to consult with the sorcerer to know more about it.

"Did you find out some information about the calamity period while in the sub-heaven realm?" the king asked, folding the letter. With a flick of his hand, it disappeared inside his hanging pendant; it was also a type of storage ring.

"I only found out little details, it has to do with the demons rebellion, that is all I heard," the man replied.

"Demons, sword of Ize, ancient sages, sect closure ... Haven't the demons been sealed in Heru for ages?" the king asked.

"They are still sealed there. I don't know why people are afraid of them. If their seal is broken, they should be able to reseal it, right?" the man said.

"What do you know?" for the first time, the king facial feature changes, he was no longer the young looking king but rather an old heavy laden man that seems to bear the whole world on his shoulder. "That war that took place millennium of years ago took a lot of lives. Do not underrate the demons, they are more powerful than we the cultivators, as for locking them in Heru, everyone knows it won't last long but at least their access to cultivating will be limited. A single demon of the peak lord rank can clear this kingdom in one breathe."

The man inhaled sharply, taking a deep breath to calm down. "There was no record of the fight in the book of history?" the man stated.

"That was because the heaven emperor deems it as a black spot on their history and requested that all book should be sent to his library, he never allow anyone in," the king said forcefully, he seems to not have approved of his approached but there was nothing a tiny king like him could do or say.

"If any war breaks out, how will the people fight, at least, we should know the method used during the previous war," the man said.

"The same pill can't be used twice for the demons; they will develop a resistance against it. We were able to succeed against them because they let down their guards, this time around, they will have wise up," the king said.

Only silent prevailed after that, both lost in different thoughts.


Dan walked through and fro the length of his room, his breathe was slightly irregular, sometimes he stopped and peeped outside. He was the only one in the room as Jane was nowhere to be seen; the moment they had gotten to his house she had silently sneaked out before the guards stationed around could catch her.

Another pause near the window, he watched as extra palace guards were positioning themselves, 'I guess I will have to lie low for now,' Dan thought as he left the room and went to his inner chamber.