Initial Descriptive Chapter

This is a novel about a gourmet traveling to the past.

The main character is Shir Ali, he is an Asian, with black eyes, black hair, dark skin. Nimble, smart, athletic physique. He likes to eat well, does not like - an unpleasant smell.

Minor Heroes:

MirAli - father of ShirAli, cousin of Dara. Colonel of the special services.

Barnohanum is the wife of MirAli, mother of ShirAli, hailing from the influential trade and political clan Smol-An. Her house is called Hontur, in honor of her grandmother.

Khanbur Khanum - the grandmother of ShirAli's mother - from a well-known Arab aristocratic family, from the family of the chief minister of Small An 18-19 centuries.

Samir Ali is the younger brother.


The number of chapters is from 80 to 120. And then we'll see how it goes.

The number of words in a chapter is from 1200 to 2500.

Update - 3-4 chapters per week.

The recipes in the novel are real, both new and old recipes from past centuries.


The author has English as a third language. Therefore, I immediately write, the grammar is lame. But I check it with machine programs like Deeple and Grammarly.

Thank you for your attention!


The second edit.