Reasoning about the flower

"Wow! The soup is very tasty, and even some kind of magic," the highlander suddenly muttered.

Shir Ali looked at him with wide eyes.

The highlander choked, and then "no, I'm not a heretic, I don't worship perfume, but the soup is some kind of wonderful, what do you think about this? I used to make this soup and never before had such a reaction!"

"I think the whole thing is in my seasoning! I gathered it on the sacred mountain, the former king of the desert was killed there. The big serpent. His blood was this reason, wonderful power," it seems to me. Looking thoughtfully into the distance, Shir Ali noticed.

"What? Big snake? Is it in that desert? I only heard about it from the old people. They saw pictures on the rocks where there was a battle of people with a big snake. People fought with him for 5 years. He ate a lot of people, sheep, villages. Only a large stone from the sky could kill him. And you say that another one appeared? " with a fright in his eyes, the mountaineer spoke.

"No, someone already killed him, it seems that it was the king of heaven, the desert of the red dragon, I saw claw marks on pieces of a large snake," ShirAli yawned to the side.

"What did you see the king of heaven? And only pieces? And did not see your head?" the highlander began to pry. "

"No, there was no head, only small pieces of the body and a lot of blood, for some reason it was emerald. I left and the next morning, there were no pieces of the body, and in this place, there were purple flowers, stirrup orange pestles. and collected "! and what? Shir Ali, inhaled, rounded his eyes, and a little closer to the mountaineer.

"Ah! Sorry! If there was ahead, there would be more strength in this flower! But so you are lucky, as indeed all of us! This flower, these stamens, they extend life by 30 years, a person will never be sick! Ahahahahhahahaha! " the highlander laughed.

The children were also delighted!

Shir Ali could have guessed this, but probably didn't know!


An hour has passed.

"Well, what have you eaten? Girls, let's clean the table and we will cook pilaf now!" the highlander said with a broad smile.