Good find

In nature, everything is interconnected. Here, a person was treated in nature as a consumer, she sent him viruses and sent him to herself from his limitless idiocy! It is necessary to clean the banks of rivers, clean lakes, wells, seas and oceans, and clean them from plastic. Less air emissions, less pollutants. To be people, not cattle. For the sake of political gain, economic, they can sacrifice a million people, and as if everything is in order. It is time for humanity to recover! So said his mother, Hontur. Shir Ali agreed with her!

Therefore, he dug up only part of the root, so that later he could grow further! If you give a natural root, then only raw materials, you will not get much for it. But nomads appreciate sweets! So, ShirAli decided to make small licorice sweets. He collected dew (lat. Alhági) with camel spikes, he made sugar from it, its properties have not yet been studied. But there was nothing wrong with that. And ShirAli can already make sweets from sugar by adding licorice juice to them.

"I have to feed them, otherwise they are so weak, who knew that fate would be so?" she said to herself.

"Hey girl, don't be a fool, be patient, these are life's tests, if you pass them, endure, there will be relief," suddenly at her head she heard her father's hard voice.

"" Yes, father, even now with me ... you need to get together, think about how to feed them? "

People in the Small-An colony tried several times to gain freedom, but all their attempts were suppressed by imperial troops. Every now and again. And after in the society of Small-An, they began to reject, all those who thought independently, wanted to live differently. Every decade, liquidation took place, all those who did not want to serve the clans.

"It's a pity that I didn't leave for Europe, but remained in the empire," thought Hontur.

"On the other hand, who knows what happened there, with all of us?"

"After all, in the homeland, both water and air help, and there is a foreign land, strangers," she thought.

Since the farther from the capital, the lower the level of doctors. And in the desert, where to find a good doctor? He, a famous doctor, a woman, she flew from one steppe village to another in a helicopter, helped many. But she is alone, and there are thousands of patients. Therefore, healers, healers, herbalists, alchemists, even in the 20th century, were valued in the desert. They were treated with great respect, they occupied the rightful place with the owner of the yurt, they were first brought to the head of a ram and given the best pieces. They were accompanied by the whole village, given rich gifts and escorts along the way.

Shir Ali already knew the local nomads as a connoisseur of plants, he helped them more than once, and they fed him for it. This time, ShirAli wanted to have several different types of medical solutions on hand. Spring has always been accompanied by an epidemic of SARS. Nomads did not suffer from this before, but with the advent of cars, the world became closer, and therefore truck drivers, oilmen, gold miners, miners brought new viruses with them to the desert.

Spring was a golden time for doctors to treat patients and fill their pockets with money or build a reputation.

Now Shir Ali was respected in the desert, he was one of them! Nomad from the "middle eight" clan in the desert lived only the ancestors of the "small eight" clan!

Therefore, Shir Ali wanted in his flu season to have as many different means on his hands as possible for their treatment and treatment of side diseases, his relatives.

In the end, the licorice root had to be managed and properly prepared. Requires knowledge and skills, time. And for this, the roots had to be cleaned of the earth, washed with cold water. They fade slightly and then begin to dry. Only then cut the root 35 cm in length. Expand and dry again in the sun. When the roots break, when bent, then we can assume that the roots are ready. Such roots can be easily stored for a long time. To get the juice, the roots need to be boiled. And the juice then turns into candy.

And they help to better cough up phlegm with bronchitis, soften cough, help relieve inflammation in the bronchi, and also reduce the effect of allergic phenomena. Strengthens the immune system, a natural immunostimulant. With a weakened body, the disease, simply dissolving the lollipops, it became possible to cure the disease. Especially these sweets attracted children and the elderly. Therefore, they were popular among young mothers and older women.

Shir Ali, perked up he cast small licorice sweets in the form of balls. He put their canvas bags of 30 lozenges each and prescribed them to patients. Probably now it will be perceived as a dietary supplement. But then they did not hear about it. For some reason, ShirAli medicines brought relief, while other doctors tried to give the same plants, but they gave less effect.

What was the matter, they could not understand?

Shir Ali knew that licorice root contains many useful substances that relieve inflammation in bronze and lungs, and also allows you to quickly remove phlegm. It can also be used as a medicine for inflammation of the ears, nose and inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. But you should not abuse it like any medical pill or even a regular product. Everything is good in moderation.

There were many other plants in the desert that he needed to collect.

After spending half a day digging a root, tired and contented, he returned home, because spending the night in the desert was unsafe for the young Shir Ali. And the heat, abruptly replaced by frost. At night, snakes also go hunting. Therefore, he sought to return home as soon as possible, and he also had to prepare licorice root. In order to have time to prepare everything for the season and do it secretly, so that mom would not have guessed. Shir Ali has always loved to surprise. That was his thinking.

He did not have time to get home. Therefore, I decided to cut the path, go through the "taboo" zone. Through a mountain that stuck in the desert. It was the remainder of an ancient glacier. Slate outlier. Nomads forbade climbing this mountain, since ancient times, those people who disobeyed the ban died in the morning.

When the imperialists arrived, they did not believe in legends and decided to check it. None of the scientific expeditions survived. Three times they wanted to check and three times everyone on the expedition died. Then the scientists explained this fact that in this place there were uranium veins and in the desert there was an already increased background of radiation. Therefore, scientists and their protection were dying from invisible death, radiation.

Since then, no one went there.

Shir Ali, he decided to go. The mountain was only 450 meters above sea level. The rocks were red, purple, and brown. Some stones broke like chips. This was a consequence of wind erosion. These rocks have stood here for the past 200 thousand years. Previously, a shallow, warm sea splashed in the desert. With a maximum depth of 35 meters and along the coast of the islands, the depth of the sea reached only 4-5 meters.

The best time for the inhabitants of the sea world. Heat, of predators only large sharks that could not swim in shallow water.

The boy climbed up the cliff, he fell off a couple of times and fell down, but it's good that he could catch on small ledges, so that he did not beat much. He just scrambled his hands in the blood, as it seemed to him.

He climbed up, rearranging his hands and looking for hooks, feet with his feet on the ledges of the rocks, rising higher and higher. Until he got up, to a small platform. To his surprise, Shir Ali saw there a pool of blood that flowed down the rocks. Now he realized that the blood on his hands was not his. In a pool of blood, lay some deformed pieces, something earlier than living.

They were covered with purple scales. On which cuts from someone's paws were clearly visible. Four on each side.

This was part of the tail, the diameter of which is by eye, Shir Ali identified in 8 of his hands. By type of meat, the snake did not lie on the site for so long, the blood had not yet clotted, and the meat was red. Not rotten yet.

Shir Ali thought that it was a big snake that crashed, apparently, it fell out of the claws of an eagle. The snake was relatively fresh. In order not to teach such a valuable find, he decided to linger a little.

Since snake meat and fat are very useful for stimulating the vitality of the body, especially in old age, they help with anemia and exhaustion, and snake fat and skin are a great opportunity to make a healing ointment! He could replenish his first-aid kit. And he could bring meat home. The snake weighed decently. Snake soup would be right if you added healing herbs, it would be useful for his whole family!

"Wow, here is a snake, its pieces, blood flows! How great, now we will have meat for dinner! And the fat and skin of the snake can make an ointment!"

"Wuhu! Now it will be possible to exchange the ointment for meat and milk from the nomads!"

"How lucky I am to get through here!"

"Damn, as I lingered, the sun was already setting, I won't have time to return home, I urgently need to look for a place to spend the night!"

"Otherwise, I'll freeze, and wolves can attack, wild dogs ..."

ShirAli spoke about it loudly to calm himself.

Staying at night in the desert was scary for an 8 year old boy.

It was quickly evening. Shir Ali realized that he did not have time to get home. Therefore, he decided to look for a place to sleep on the mountain.