
Mir Ali himself poured steaming soup into wooden bowls. Then he stepped a little away from the yurt and picked up a fragrant "deer grass". She had a pleasant aroma. He returned to the Jura, near which stood a white enameled bucket, and an iron mug hung on a chain. Having removed the lid from it, he scooped up water with a mug, and poured it on the grass. Three times. It was believed that if water was made seven times revolutions, it cleans everything. He wiped his hands on his waist scarf.

The soup was now decorated with finely chopped branches of this herb, which added flavor to it. The family was already hungry. In the yurt there were loud sounds of bellies "gr-gr-gr-gr". And even his wife, who was embarrassed by this, covering her face with her hands, her cheeks were red."Mom, mom, when will we eat?" I want to eat"! whined beside Samir Ali.

"Now dear, wait, dad will bring food and we will all eat, be patient," sabr "- patience, it benefits, so learn to wait!" she said in a kind but firm voice.

"I want to eat! There is"! the youngest son ached.

"Hey, stop annoying mom, let's go, better help our father carry bowls with soup, then we'll start eating faster," Shir-Ali said heavily.

"Come on, come on"! said the younger brother. His voice was trembling, and he began to fidget on the spot.

Two brothers, the eldest and the youngest, jogged to their father.And now four steaming bowls stood on the table. And the table was very simple, small, wooden, with carved legs, he stood on a carpet of felt. In the center, moonlight illuminated across the Shanyrak table. On the edges of the table were spread, velvet cotton blankets, in two pieces, with pillows beautifully decorated with brocade. Having propped their sides, Mir Ali, like a khan, sat at the head of the table, as befits the head of the family!

Sitting on the right hand, Shir Ali, then Samir Ali. And on the left, his wife, Hontur.Everyone was waiting for his father, the first to take a spoon and take a sip. The world of Ali did not pause, everyone was hungry. After reading a thank-you prayer, thanking the Creator, for food, water, and the opportunity to gather today, he took a spoon and took a sip. The soup was fragrant, the taste was revealed gradually. From a pleasant fat content, then it was replaced by pungency, spiciness, it was a little sweet. Shir-Ali's world felt that the soup was not easy. At first his sky was burned, then it froze, swallowing, pleasant burning, along with frosty freshness it got into his stomach.

Sweat appeared on his forehead, he felt his blood begin to move faster through the veins. He sensed and the brain projected his internal organs on his retina. The diseased liver began to regenerate cells, his complexion became healthy, and the constantly former "panda eyes" acquired a natural color.

It was only the first spoonful of broth! Therefore, he leaned forward a little, opened his eyes wide, exhaling, he took out the meat! Thrusting his teeth into him, Mir Ali World disconnected. The taste was very good. The skin of the snake was pleasantly springy, the meat was juicy, aromatic, full of mysterious energy, which began to quickly enter into a reaction with his blood. She nourished his body, he felt it on a psychological, mental and physical level.

Unlike ordinary civilians, intelligence officers were trained according to a special program of cultivators. This program included training in psychological abilities. Scouts could sense the distance of people, their moods, their strength, even through barriers. Such as doors, walls. They have been trained. They were taught by masters of practice, cultivators in the first and fourth years - school Martial Peak, masters with a level of Zhen Yuan Boundary, who taught how to harden the body, and on master's studies they were taught by masters of Taoist cultivators - Earth immortal Di Xian. They comprehended how to cultivate spirit and psychic energy.

Such knowledge could only be obtained in special services or in closed sects. In everyday life, only light practices for attaining entry-level spiritual cultivation were available. These were the teachings of ZEN practices, psychological strength - Integral Yoga, breathing control - Qigong, body building - various martial arts.

At the same time, the scouts had their own skills, allowing not to make unnecessary movements. At the same time, accumulate energy in yourself. The civilians also had this method of "rider's pose" in Gygun, but the energy was not enough to break through the spirit and psychological attack. But for scouts, the same method was improved and it was called "Dragon Rider."The first two courses of cadets of intelligence academies taught how to influence and covertly control consciousness, mentally attack the consciousness of people. At courses in special psychology.

Shir Ali learns about this already in his youth, from his cousin, who revolved in circles associated with the guys from the Soul Research Department and was aware of superficial knowledge. Of course, more detailed information was not available to him. But, they did not strive for them. But it will be later, in 20 years.

In the meantime ...

... while the World of Ali felt that its Chi energy is increasing, but naturally increasing, its meridians open, new points of force appear. Before his demotion, he had openly 27 points of strength. But when they exiled to the desert, its cultivation and meridians broke.

And then Mir Ali was surprised to find that the meridians not only recovered, but also increased, and the points of strength reached 340!

Super top masters from 860 to 1060 had them in total. There is where to grow. But this level was very high. Ali's world, was not sure that his knowledge of the two cultivation schools could determine his level.

Of course, he did not know that he had become a desert cultivator of the third level, it was a completely different school of cultivation. While only 4 levels were known, simply no one from the followers of this school went further. It was a school of cultivators - spiritual beasts.

However, no one knew that originally it was a school of spiritual cultivators - gourmets. This is an ancient school, but in the heat of the wars that have been on Earth for the past 48,000 years, there are almost no followers of this school. Only individual knowledge, preserved on 6 continents ... now, it was necessary to comprehend everything by ourselves or find ancient manuscripts, if they were still of course preserved.

But all this will be later ... and now ...

"Hey father, what have you quieted down!" asked Hontur."Ahh, I was just overwhelmed with taste, oh yes I!" Smiling, boastfully remarked on Ali World to hide his thoughts from his family. They did not need to know this. The less you know the better you sleep!

"Uh, you're lying!" If it weren't for the earner Shir Ali, we would have been without meat "his wife didn't let up.

"Well, you know how there is a saying, Well done, but not You ?! And your Father! " with a sly smile, noted Shir- Ali.

"Yeah, who, on the floor, slept and then fell," his wife, who was amused by the food, did not resist. She seemed to become young and beautiful again **, he thought and had the imprudence to say.Hontur was silent for a moment, became blacker than a cloud, Samir-Ali, ate, in two spoons, not paying attention to the change in atmosphere. Shir Ali, only "pu" sighed heavily and hastily drank the soup, took the hand of a younger brother, holding a bowl with both hands, left the yurt to be aired.

After some time, they returned, her mother was cheerful again, her eyes sparkled with thousands of lightning, her father, huddled in a corner, sat embarrassed. He himself was not happy that he blurted out, this is a phrase.

Noticing the children who returned, Hontur, laughing cheerfully, remarked to them, "Have you become wise, Shir Ali, the same as your father, right?" Why did you run away that the heels only sparkled in the dark? Do you also think that I'm not so young and beautiful? "

"No, father, as always, could not see your beauty, you became even more beautiful," Shir Ali clumsily tried to get out. A minute later he joined his father. The world of Ali smiled maliciously, out of the corner of his face so his wife would not see. Escape, betrayal, son, was a good tactic, but the strategy was a failure. Well, now Hontur will eat all bald spots for a month. Shir Ali, I realized that I need to appease my mother with something. Buy what she most needs. And she needed freedom, theaters, museums. But it was very difficult to do now. The maximum that he could do was move his mother to a cottage, life was better there. And with the move, maybe mom will forget his miss.Behind these matters, the whole family did not notice, except for the father, that their bodies had changed, that they too had become cultivators of the third layer (Chapter - Level of cultivation in Auxiliary Volume).

Dissatisfied, Hontur, lay down in the corner where the children slept. And Shir Ali went to bed with his father.

Everyone had a dream.

To MirAli's surprise, I felt like I was in a severe nightmare, that his tired body suddenly became hot, as if he would be in a steam bath. He had a wonderful dream, a meeting with Princess Hontur, who chose him, an ordinary lieutenant from a poor family. Although rich children, golden youth, the cream of elite society asked for her hands, and even patriarchs of large and powerful clans of the Bolshoi came. He did not know why she chose him! But he was happy and proud that he was able to win the heart of such a beautiful princess.

Poor MirAli, if he knew the truth, now he would not sleep with such a blissful smile, but rather laughed from irony to himself.

Hotnur had a dream. She never considered herself a princess, worked hard, studied, received new knowledge. She did not like to be in high society, much less communicate with the vulgar and close descendants of large clans. She sought to break out of her parental home, as there was high competition, pressure from relatives. Everyone wanted to use the opportunities for their advancement, no one thought about her feelings. Her father loved and helped her, her mother wanted profitable parties, she tried to get as much as possible for herself. Therefore, she was looking for someone who could pull her out of the palace. However, he will not be too annoying and constantly looming at home. MirAli was the perfect candidate. He spent all his time at the academy and intelligence school and attended only on weekends. It was an ideal time, Hontur went to museums, watched ballet, read books, defended her doctorate.

And then the bam and she and her husband and children were sent from the capital for labor re-education in the desert. And she was able to withstand, did not break, and why? She felt that her husband loved her, although she was so obsessed with art and science, and the children were not interested in either astrophysics or art. Everyone chose his own calling for himself.

Hontur dreamed about her grandmother. How she deftly managed the horse, milked the mares, fermented milk, made kefir, and butter. As she fought off the wolves and shouted "Good Rich" robbed caravans, in which she met her husband. A merchant, a merchant who could deceive her. She didn't forgive him this and married him, so that now, hidden from her then, she would get the gold! She wanted to know how he hid the gold coins from her! She found out, and as she found out, she laughed for a long time.

Grandfather thought so, as they walked near the desert, they could be robbed. Therefore, he put all the proceeds in jugs and poured them with ghee.

The grandmother's family led a nomadic lifestyle. Only the last 200-300 years, their family became inactive and lives in the city.

You cannot fool the blood, these instincts were difficult in difficult conditions, so it was not as difficult for them as they expected in the second empire. The MirAli family was at home, and in the homeland both sky and water give strength.

Hontur dozed off and in a dream she saw a white camel, who told her that it was necessary to change, abandon the external and acquire the internal. Comprehend the way.

Hontur still could not understand that she had followed the wrong path, the path of error, but before the age of 60 she managed to return to the path of enlightenment. The main thing was to understand. And then go and do not turn off this path. She still had a long way to go. But she seems to have already accepted for herself that it is necessary to abandon the easy path.

Samir Ali laughed at the fact that his tummy was full, he dreamed of baking, ice cream, pastilles, marshmallows, a vibrant city, green grass, fountains with clean water. Cool, the shadow of the spreading trees. Smiles of grandparents playing catch-up with their family and friends. He chatted cheerfully in a dream, said something. Smiled.

ShirAli controlled the dream in a dream, he studied the Zen methodology, so for him the dream was like a plan, an action for tomorrow. He thought about where he would go and what he would do. He needed to dry the roots of licorice, remove the skin from the snake, dry the meat and melt the fat from the snake, then mix it with the herbs found and prepare a healing ointment. Little time was left before the bazaar opened, but he needed to prepare goods for exchange. So far, he only had raw materials, and it takes time to make a finished product.

In a dream, he dreamed that if he went to the middle passage that was in the cave, he would be able to find more new and useful artifacts for him.


* Shanyrak, tundyuk, toono - a constructive element crowning the dome of the yurt in the form of a trellised cross, inscribed in a circle. Designed to hold the side elements of the dome - the cleats and create an opening for sunlight to enter and smoke to escape from the source

** Do not try to say such things out loud, you will get it, because women are always very attentive to such words, especially if it is indirectly related to their beauty and age. Logically, everything is clear that there is no subtext, sexism or a hint that now this beauty is not the same. But a woman does not think logically. Here you need to read gender psychology. But it doesn't help much. Therefore, there is no need to shine with your wit. Better to be silent, you'll be whole!