Now I am rewriting the chapters of Auxiliary volume. Therefore there are no updates. It remains to rewrite or shorten another 9 chapters. This will take some time.

This always happens when you rewrite chapters in real time, some readers leave. But on the other hand, as an author, it seems to me that the novel is becoming more interesting, lively, though the story itself also changes somewhat.

The original idea was a traveler to the past, looking for (real) recipes from different centuries and reviving them.

Then I added that the gourmet brings fruit from the past with him. Since then they were different.

Now I want to add that passing through the artifact of movement all the viruses of that time become not dangerous in the 20-21 century.

Another new idea came up, to add a new school of cultivation through delicious food. An ancient school of cultivation - Gourmet Dao. Some of the knowledge has been lost, and some are waiting for their researcher.

Now rewritten chapters take from 2400 to 4004 words.Not always, there is inspiration to write. Today it arrived only after 1 am.

Thanks to the remaining readers, for your patience. I hope to force the writing of new chapters.