Meat discussions

"Well, let's see what you have prepared," said Grandfather. He was a famous critic. Grandma often scolded him for that. He popped everywhere, his nose, into ordinary household affairs.

This made the household very angry. But grandfather, he wanted to know everything and control everything. Such was his unbearable character.

"Do you know, ShirAli, that meat produces three types of juices and they have different colors?"

"I did not know about this Grandfather," the grandson was genuinely surprised.

"Well, so learn! The heat gives meat - taste, aroma. If you lightly fry the meat, it will produce red juices. If you fry it on average, you will get pink juices, and if you fry it well, the juices will be colorless! "

"Different people, like different degrees of frying"!

"But, grandfather, our meat is not very high quality, so only a good roast will save us from helminths, from viruses," the grandson reasonably objected.

"Hey, what are you boy? When I worked in management, sometimes I ate raw meat - lizards, snakes, frogs! "

"Oh, what a sissy we raised!" Grandfather spoke sarcastically.

"Dad! How can you! A child just arrived from the camp a couple of months ago! " Hontur was indignant.

"Oh, well, forgive the old man, Grandson! I started saying something completely wrong, "this time my grandfather said embarrassed.

"Yes, okay, you are all men, father do not worry!" said MirAli.

On this the conflict was hushed up.

"Well, for my mistake, I'll tell you one secret! If you want to fry meat well and also have pink juices, then you need to cook meat on charcoal! " "Then the meat will be brown but with a pink crust!"

"You, as a cook, should cook meat, striving to make it tender, juicy, aromatic"!

"Also you must remember that different pieces of meat cut from the hips, from the shoulder blade, neck, ribs have different ways of cooking. Some can be fried over an open fire, others can be steamed or boiled. Some can be stewed. You must remember all this, grandson! "

"Wow, grandfather, there are so many subtleties, but I didn't know!" ShirAli.

"Your path as a cook is still long, you are only at the beginning of this path, do not rush but do not be lazy!"

"There are different ways of cooking meat, you can combine lamb meat with veal meat, wrapping one with the other, you can fry meat in oil, you can steam it or change the taste of meat. This method is used in China. I first soak the meat in water, then in milk, and then in pink water, sometimes wine. Meat completely changes its taste. So this method is used when cooking the famous Chinese dish "Battle of the Dragon and the Tiger"! "

"Wow, GrandPa ?! And what are dragons in China? " Opening his eyes wide, ShirAli asked.

"There is?! Of course there is! This dragon is a snake! " Grandfather smiled.

"Is a tiger a tiger?" asked ShirAli.

"No, it's a cat!" replied Grandfather.

"Ahh," the grandson mumbled. He was shocked.

"Well, these are the culinary traditions, in different countries they with their own characteristics, you as a cultured person, should know about it!"