Grandfather's Trick and Grandson's Secret

"You should know that our food is the tastiest, but at the same time the most dangerous to health," Feruz-Mirzo's grandfather said instructively.

"I know about this grandfather, but it all depends on the region, who lives and where, everyone has different food," objected the grandson.

"Yes, you are right, but at the same time my stupid grandson is wrong, you did not take into account the fact that the world has changed now!"

"Our food is the tastiest because it contains oil, oil, fat. It was good in old days, but not now, but why?" asked the grandfather, squinting slyly.

"Because ... because, because, people began to work differently. They do not ride horses, do not fight with tigers, do not work in the field. People have become lazy, sit in offices, work on computers," the grandson said enthusiastically.

"Yes, you are right! People began to spend less energy and eat even more than before. At the same time, the food itself has become cheaper, simpler and of poor quality," the grandfather chuckled.

"Grandpa, do you know how much butter and salt is contained in fried pies, pilaf?"

"No ?! Do you know"?

Shir Ali scratched his head and said "to be honest, we didn't do such research, but the British did it ... it was in the BBC program. Large pizza contains 3 grams of salt more than the daily norm. And butter 9 grams ".

"So what"? asked the grandfather, his eyes lit up, he licked his upper lip.

"Yes, whoever eats fatty and salty foods every day, they put their bodies at great risk, their blood vessels are clogged," the grandson said with an intelligent look that he looked on YouTube.

The grandfather only laughed internally, the grandson did not notice how he gave him external symbols that he was interested in the conversation.

Feruz the Sage, hoped that his grandson would be more attentive in conversation with him. That he will learn not only cooking, but also communication with people. And there it is important to follow the postures of people, their eyes, gestures, this allows you to determine what kind of people are in front of him.

Grandfather was a secret police officer, so he wanted to be observant in his grandson. But alas, his grandson was naive and did not look around.

Shir-Ali was actually a gourmet-dao cultivator, so he did not show his grandfather that he was in complete control of the situation and could see through people.

Now young Shir-Ali, was looking in the big city for any places where he could increase the level of cultivation just by eating food. In the manuscripts he read, there was information that in the ancient city, which was 3000 years old, there were still masters. They cook food according to ancient recipes that could increase the level of cultivation. Only such masters had to be found.

Moreover, the masters themselves did not know how to raise the level of cultivation themselves. But they had ancient recipes that they used to cook.

So Shir-Ali was looking for them, he got stuck at level 4 *. To develop his professional skills as a cook and a cultivator, he needed to grow and develop. Food prepared according to ancient recipes could help him with this.

Of course, Shir-Ali understood that over the past epochs, the products themselves have changed, many species have disappeared, they have been replaced by new varieties that have already largely lost their original energy.

However, the most valuable thing in food was the recipes, the cooking process, just allowed to extract the substances so necessary for the growth of cultivation from the products.

The combination of cooking processes and foods allowed even a small amount of energy to be blended to increase strength.

But the grandfather, of course, did not know all this. As for Dungan Noodles, it seems it was one of those dishes that could help him increase his level of cultivation. Only Shir-Ali has not yet tasted the food so that he can figure out if the necessary substances are there. Indeed, over the centuries, a new master could change the recipe and replace the necessary products ...

