Coming up with a new dessert

He had nuts in the form of twigs, leaves in the form of citrus fruits, roots like strawberries and apples, berries like a mixture of horseradish and mustard. The choice is difficult!

A whole tricky puzzle of what to create out of such strange tastes. In his place, Dara would have done it easier. He wanted to grind the root. Give it the shape of a peach, attach a branch, attach leaves to it ... but he had no idea what to do with the berry.

Dara, he loved simple solutions, frankly, he was a terrible lazy person, only sometimes a creative revelation descended on him. Then he could create. However, this rarely happened to him. Dara, he lived in poverty, thanks to his Grandfather, so he dreamed of becoming a rich, wealthy person all his life. Everyday work, perseverance, efficiency, could bring him money, slowly he could become a wealthy person.

However, Dara wanted some quick money. Therefore, he was engaged not only in the farm, with his cheat, but also in search of treasures, speculation, looking for any opportunity to quickly get money. His condition was decent by the standards of the poor people of his country. But he was not a millionaire. And so he wanted to be. Unlike his cousin Shir Ali, it was more refined and refined. But he did not have the same opportunities to achieve the goal as Dara did.

With luck, Shir-Ali was better than Dar. The culinary Dao went to Shir-Ali, and Dara, suffered a lot, but in the end he accidentally acquired a Czyan coin, a space virus that gave him cheat abilities. And now Dara, got a good opportunity to become rich right away, but he has not forgotten his cousin either. Drink water and let another drink, eat bread and meat, share with your relatives.

A beggar came, treat him with meat, bread, fruits from your table. Feed the hungry. Remove the obstacle from the path of another and you will be reckoned with in this and the far-off world. Dara was not a super good person, but he was not bad either. He did everything to the extent of his understanding and striving to cognize the path of enlightenment.

His Dao was a path to enrichment, but also to support his loved ones. Helping the disadvantaged. Each person has his own choice of Tao, his own path according to his state of mind. Suddenly, a lemon came to Shir-Ali's mind! Why not make a lemon-shaped dessert? Peach, trite! Was it necessary to find mastic or marzipan ?! There are nuts!

You just need to get an extract of sugar or its substitute. In Shir-Ali, images of different methods of obtaining sweetness began to appear in my head. One of which was the ancient way of extracting a sweet substance from juice. So in ancient times, farmers received the sweets that they loved so much. It was boiled juice of fruits, berries or vegetables.

To do this, it was necessary to squeeze out the juice from the fruit or berry. Cook it over an open fire for a long time until the juice thickens. Allow to cool when finished. It will naturally thicken itself. The second way the boiled mass was laid out on oiled sheets and left to dry in the sun. This is how fruit, berry or vegetable marshmallows were obtained.

And it was possible to combine the sweetness of this world with products from another world. See their compatibility with each other. Maybe the healing properties will become stronger and more effective. The ability to combine products so that the therapeutic effect increases and does not decrease, and even worse harms the human body.

Different peoples in their unique geographical conditions, historical conditions, social, said what can be combined with each other from products and what not. On the Great Central Asian Plains, the ancient peoples of the Sogdians and Bactyrians said that it is impossible to combine melons - watermelon, melon with other products.

Like the Persians said that pears are a separate dish. The Romans noticed that fresh pear fruit is poison, but baked pear is an antidote to any poison. Modern Italians happily eat melon pulp with cheese. Each nation has its own culinary culture and preferences. The Chinese in different years, had their lean years, sometimes famine after a prolonged war. Therefore, they learned to eat almost everything that runs, swims, flies, except airplanes.

As Dara's, friend sometimes joked, Fang, a native of Chengdu. Guangzhou cuisine, for example, used field mice as a cooking product, swallow's nest. According to Fang, who shocked the local public with these statements. They didn't believe him! We went to google to see, yes, it turned out to be true! In the world after the famine, fast food also appeared.

Not healthy food, but satisfying. Sometimes you can eat it to relieve stress. It's like cigarettes, they relieve stress and tension in a person, but with constant consumption, they kill him.

A person chooses his own path, cannot resist his desires, indulges his addictions. This is his choice and he is a victim of his choice! All products are good in moderation, if you eat a little and not often - jellied meat, it will serve as a medicine for joints and knees. If there is more than 3 days, it will lead to an increase in bad cholesterol and problems with blood vessels. Jellied meat is a dish of the northern peoples, they cooked a thick meat broth.

They boiled it down. Then they were allowed to cool. The result was a jelly-like jelly. Fat, meat. Stored for 7 days. You could eat 20 grams in the morning and 20 grams in the evening without danger to health. But many could not stop and ate 100 or more grams a day. This led to the clogging of blood vessels with cholesterol plaques.

Blood pressure increased. To change this situation afterwards I had to drink a lot of medicines, walk, change my usual way of life. And all due to the fact that someone failed to stop in time. If there is an elixir every day it will become poison. But there is everything, but a little bit it will be a medicine. This is the main point of healing nutrition.

Don't overeat. Small but varied portions of food. Lemon, very pretty shape. Firestarter! To make the peel from the marshmallow obtained from the boiled juice? From the marshmallow!