how to be op without trying

Shin stood there, in a clear shell, walking right through it, but before he reached the end he saw a mysterious white haired man, looking down on him "Why are you here?" Shin asked with curiosity, to this other being who felt slightly familiar to him, almost feeling like he was looking at himself.

"You know why, I've been watching you, why did you do this? You're one of the few beings that match my power, no, surpass it, and we're both the same, yet completely different, so I'll just keep watching you" the man with the White hair and eyes replied with a voice devoid of emotions.

Shin looked at the white haired man and told him "I know we are, and I'm bored, that's why I did this, no other reason" he spoke completely honestly, no hint of lies in his voice.

"Alright, just be sure but to break the balance of that world, or I will destroy you, fusing with them if a have to, Shin" the white haired angel said, still devoid of any and all emotions

"I won't, I'll just stay there while I'm still bored, I won't interfere with the balance that you protect" Shin told the man then walked away, going completely through the shell and becoming a part of this new world.


"I feel a strong draconic power, a new dragon is about to be born, one strong enough to have my blessings" said a deep voice, noticing something coming into this world "young one, I give you my blessing, so grow, and take my place as the future Dragon God" the voice said then roared.


I'm other parts of the world, there were many who were bowing down, from lizards to dragons, pythons, snakes, and many more, confusing all other members of the animal kingdom, but by an innate instinct, those bowing down knew their king spoke, and they, not even knowing who this king was, bowed down with only the utmost respect.


Meanwhile, Shin opened his eyes finding himself in a forest, surprised by the life energy the surroundings gave out, but he knew that there were more important things, so he decided to look forward and said out of instinct "status" and a glowing board appeared Infront of him showing this.


Name: Shin Chagin

Race: True Chaos Energy/ True Origin Energy

Title: The 4th being (hidden)


Lvl: 1

Health: 200 (suppressed)

Mana: 150

Str: 20 (suppressed)

Def: 40 (suppressed)

Spd: 20 (suppressed)

Int: 100 (suppressed)

Wis: 100 (suppressed)

Luc: 100 (suppressed)

Tal: ∞

Skills: (closed)

Inventory: (closed)

Shin then said "close status, skills" which opened up and showed.

Status (closed)


Omnipotence (unavailable),God's suppression, Natural talent, perfect mana control, perfect body control, Ext

Inventory (closed)

"I need to block out allot of my skills, they are too op, and bring my talent down, I'll do 10 i guess, then do some things" shin said while moving his fingers on the status board, and editing it so he didn't have as many talents or skills leaving him only with average stats and his skills where now.

Low level mana control

Low level elemental magic

Power up


Mana restoration

Slow regeneration

Fake status

God's cry [unable to remove]

"That should be fine, however why can't I remove the last skill? And what does it do, I can't see the effect" then a message popped up in front of him.


Dragon God wants to give you his blessings

Effects: ×1,000,000,000 stat boost, ×1,000,000,000 boost to Draconic attacks, ×2 power against phoenix type beings, ×2 weakness from phoenix attacks

Do you accept?


'Why would I say yes? To op' Shin thought to himself, which made him accidentally accept as the word yes was in his mind and a message appeared in Infront of him saying.


Dragon God's blessing accepted and integrated

"WHY, WAS ALL I NEEDED TO DO WAS THINK YES, THIS IN ALREADY SO UNFAIR, I F*****G HATE BOREDOM, wait, I can suppress it" Shin said shouting at first then calming down after thinking about it, and then suppressed the effects of Dragon God's blessing which he could only make it a ×5 time multiplier, but he then suppressed his own stats so the blessing was almost useless, then he just walked away, not looking at his inventory, and saw something that caught his interest.

"Is that an egg?" Shin said walking over to what seems to be a golden egg, when he walks up to it he picks it up, seeing that it looks like a burning golden flame, burning eternally until the end of time, only tainted by a dark black shadow. "A phoenix egg, better out it back before it" the egg cracked and a golden flame like bird head with pure black eyes came out, it then fully broke out of its shell showing its golden body with black flames on the edges of its wings and tail and it's pure silver eyes, then it jumps onto Shins shoulder making him sigh.

"What happened to me having some type of difficulty, that's all I ask of you world, some type of challenge" he then sighed and decided to just walk out of the forest, letting the phoenix rest on his shoulder, it wasn't gonna harm him do he saw no reason not to bring it, even if he didn't know that this was the phoenix God's reincarnation.

"he's what!?" Shin asked, making me realize that he can still break the fourth wall, but I wonder, should I make myself a character here, there's no reason not to but I'll decide later "ok you sadist, and what did you say?" Shin asked me again but I decided not to reply hoping he wouldn't notice "I'm watching you write this story, tell me Sak- Sai, I probably shouldn't use your real name, just get on with the story" shin said and walked forward, he went for three whole hours, avoiding traps "this will be easy" shin said jinxing himself and a white spot appeared Infront of him, growling, and giving him a look as if shin was his prey.

Shin stared at the wolf about to fight it when different the phoenix shin decided to ironically name Ryu attacked it, killing it in one blow and making Shin give him a (ಠ_ಠ) look, disappointed that it was finished so easily by his familiar. "Wait, when did he become my familiar and why did I get xp!?!?" Shin screamed, surprising all the animals.

But what he's about to find out right now is that the way people can gain a familiar is by the both the familiar and the person both accept the bond, or, of the user is strong enough, they can force the bond on the creature to become familiars, however, with me using the power of author embodiment, I did a reverse force familiar to force Shin to have the phoenix as a familiar, and get it's blessings which is the same as the dragon god's blessing just phoenix, also exp is shared by the familiar and owner, and with that little explanation, back to the story.


Shin finally reached the end of the forest, and walked onto a path, looking for a town which he can join a guild in, and after a few hours of walking he finally reached one, although he wondered the what the time was since the sun had only set recently even after he walked for 24 hours, but he decided to find out later, and walked to the town gate, and walked towards it although without a small bird friend with him and with even more suppression used

"Halt, where's your i.d kid, we have to see it before you can enter" one of the guards said, talking to Shin. "I have it here" Shin said and pulled out an i.d he created earlier. The guard hovered a rectangle over the I.d, the rectangle glowed green for a few seconds before turning back to its original grey color. "Everything seems fine, you can pass after giving us ten copper as payment to enter" a guard said to Shin, who complied and have them ten copper which he stole from a bandit camp he took down and looted while walking towards the town

He didn't realize how difficult things would get soon, as he walked over to someone and asked "Yo, is there a local guild here?" Someone replied to him "Haha it's in the north of the town, however you're not likely to be able to get in" "why not?" Shin asked, making many people laugh at him "you really don't know, the princess of the half dragon race is coming, not only is she part dragon but she has the blood of the sky and water Goddess , Aqua Sky,flowing through her, why do you think anyone would let you go in there when someone as royal as her is in the place" said the voice of a woman, a really annoying one which made Shin angry listening to for some reason, so he memories her voice and face and looked down to see a small child with purple noticeable hair "mister, here's a map of the town" the child says and gives him a very detailed map of the town "thanks" Shin told the child, and left.

After he left he heard the woman shout "What are you doing brat, that kid is going to go to the guild now and if he annoys the guard or princess, we're gonna be punished, you're gonna get punished now that you've possibly ruined our chances of getting a higher position in nobility, and possibly my chances to seduce there king, we're going to our mansion and you're gonna stay outside, got that" and then her voice faded away as Shin was too far away to hear, he was angry but didn't show it, and walked to the guild, thinking about all the ways to torture that bitch along the way, and she's need to be lucky to be let off by him without feeling pain equivalent of giving birth to 300 babies at once, that would be way to easy, and finally, he reached the guild