welcome child

Before Shiro was in the graveyard, Shin was fighting, although with his worry and slight rage, it was slightly sloppy, and many of his attackers hits landed

The attacker was an ugly red demon woman, which I shall explain no more in order to not scar you, age looked at Shin disgusted, as if seeing a fly eat bull shit, "how dare some lowly being like you make my queen stop giving me attention, you shall pay, even if I have to disobey her" she said, in a voice that sounded like fingernails scratching a chalkboard

Shin had to cover his ears, as with his sharpened hearing they started to bleed "so this is how weak you are, I didn't even attack you" the woman kept saying, but she was slow, almost like a snail, I'm Shins eyes at least, in reality she was going faster than an a ranked adventurer

Seeing her move so slow Shin just slashed at her, cutting her in half, he was surprised, he didn't get any XP from killing her, he looked at the repulsive grandma's body and saw how it pulled itself together, and when it was complete she laughed maniacally "did you really think you could kill me, I've been given the power of the maniac God" she told him, then screamed "THERE'S NO WAY YOU CAN DEFEAT ME!" she then ran up to him at the speed of sound, as red veins surrounded her, and although he saw it in slow motion he knew he wouldn't be able to dodge

Time almost stopped for him as he started to think quickly, and in his thoughts he decided to use his phoenix powers, he didn't know If it would work, as his blessing was turned off, but he decided to try anyways, his arms burst into flames, propelling himself forward, he punched the hag and her body burned into oblivion, and unnoticed by him the blue gem glowed, and so did the red one a few seconds later, then when his flame went out they stopped

[2 million XP gained, leveling up, calculating outcome, going from level 50 to 100]

Shin just stared at it and sighed, then started to run, not noticing the white streak of hair he grew, and thought "whatever you are, why could I use my phoenix powers when the blessing was locked?"

[Blessings mutated your body, making you a dragon and a phoenix, and it's just the power boosts that where too much for your body, while magic uses your mana instead, so you may still use the Phoenix flames]

Once Shin knew it was safe, he propelled himself forward with his flames, and he quickly reached the graveyard, when he looked forward he saw scorched land, with Shiro and Hikari in the centre, Hikari floating Infront of him, his body moved on his own, and he hugged Shiro protectively, crying in relief

Both Shiro and Hikari where surprised, even if both of them grew close to Shin, they knew that he was normally apathetic, but here we was crying

Shiro smiled, realising how much he truly was worth to Shin, but after what he faced he was tired and slept, Shin picked the child into his arms and told Hikari "let's go, you can travel in my shadow". Hikari smiled and obediently went into his shadow, then looked directly into Shins mind, and felt the genuine happiness and relief he had towards knowing that Shiro was safe

Shin walked slowly back to the city, and looked at the sky, wondering how it was already night, then thought back to something he read in a book, that there are areas locked in a certain points of time, that are based on the energy released by the area, like big enough graveyards are eternally night

He soon reached back into the city, and carried Shiro back to the city without anyone questioning it, as they seen the two together so many times that it became normal

Shin sun arrived in the orphanage, and when they saw Shiro unconscious they were at first worried, but realising an adventurer like Shin was there with him took away some of the worry


One months passed, as Shin completed the quest and went on to do some more, rising in two ranks, of course he still visited them, and he was able to cook basic food better, as long as someone else was with him, he was banned from cooking by himself

During that month he got some things done, for example he rose up by two ranks, and got asked out many times, by men thinking he's a woman, gay men, straight women, and gay women, but he declined them all. He also tricked the ones involved in Shiro's kidnapping to go to a place where they were vulnerable and made sure that their deaths were slow, painful, and humiliating, then he took what they held, and put most of them in his inventory, but found one white gem with a man having an apathetic look and angel like wings, similar to his other one's, so he put in on his necklace, which makes it the third gem

No one found out that the lord died until a few days later, since the lord told them he would be back in two days, and that time passed, but in the end they couldn't find him

Now, the day he would leave the city he visited to the orphanage, Shin looked at Rinn with a determined face, face, he already decided he was going to do this so there's no way he can turn back now, surprisingly it was harder to make this choice than to defeat Sol, but if he didn't he would regret it "I" he said, almost unable to continue, but knowing that he has no other chance, he told her without thinking "I want to adopt Shiro" he instantly regretted it, he didn't know why but he felt like he made a mistake, but when he heard Rinn say "sure" his face burst with a smile, he had the power to protect Shiro, so he will

They both went through the procedure to legally adopt Shiro, and when they finished Shiro left with him, most people inside the orphanage where sad, someone they knew for a long time was leaving, the kids hugged Shin and Shiro, but they were forced to let go so the two could leave, Shiro was confused, he felt happy to be able to stay with Shin, but the orphanage was where he lived, it was his home "let's go little guy, from now on, our only way is forward, but that doesn't mean that we won't come back to this place" Shin told him, and with that, Shiro was ready to leave

Shiro soon was brought into the guild and registered himself, becoming an official adventurer, the two created a party and left the city

"Hey Shiro, can I see your status?" Shin asked Shiro, who responded with "sure?", "Party status" shin thought in his mind, a screen appearing in front of him with him as the leader, but below that was Shiro's status, which surprised him


Name: Shiro Origin

Race: Human

Title: ????????????, user of origin


Lvl: 10

Health: ????

Mana: ????

Str: 10

Def: ????

Spd: 20 

Int: 100 

Wis: 100 

Luc: 10

Tal: ???

Skills: (closed)

Inventory: (closed)

"Oh yeah" Shiro said "there's one skill I have that I can't read, do you know what it is?" He then opened the skill tab, and pointed at a skill, that said [神の祝福を守る]

Shin was more surprised when he read it, and realised why some of Shiro's stats where unseeable, he told Shiro "you have the the protection God's Blessing"


Name: Shiro Origin 

Description: a young boy with blue hair, he is healthy and quite cute, however because of an incident in the past few got a scar on his face, right now he is blessed by the God of protection, one of the more well known God's, and is the God's chosen hero


•name sound similar to shield