
While running from the drones I see what's left of the rest of the squad and stop to collect their dog tags and resume running with the others to the umbilical connecting our ships and see Geneva setting charges on the Umbilical so separate the ships because we used a disposable one so we could blow it in a pinch.

"Sarge I'm here blow it " I say as the door closes behind me. She hits the detonator which blows the Umbilical apart and causes a chain reaction which destroys the alien ship.

"Goddamit what the hell is going on and where the hell is everyone" the colonel Jackson says as he stomps up to me in his ridiculous gold colored EVA suit that has special boots to make him look taller. "Sir we went to investigate an unknown vessel and were set upon by several powerful drones and unfortunately none of the others made it" I say as I hand him the dog tags and walk away with Anita and Geneva following right behind. The colonel yells "where the hell are you going private" I turn around and say "My bunk sir" and walk away with the others.

As I round the corner I say to the ladies" ok I'm going to take a two hour nap and we will meet up after to discuss this weird tech in my head" the ladies nod yes and I lay down in my bunk and sleep.

I wake up two hours exactly after my head hit the pillow and run to Professor Anita's lab and show the guards my visitors pass and walk in where the ladies are waiting for me and I ask Professor Anita" are you sure no one is listening in on us Professor" she flips a switch on the table in front of her and says"if there was they can't hear us now. So what items did this computer voice gave you Adrian and I told you call me Anita"

"Ok Anita here goes nothing"I say and then I think Access system and see a menu pop-up in front of me saying:

[Welcome Adrian would you like to Access the rest of your starter pack?]

I think"Yes system access all but the drop ship because there isn't enough space okay"

[Affirmative Adrian dispensing rewards would you like a list?]

"Yes please"

[Affirmative you have received]

[One crate of six M41A2 pulse rifles of which you retrieved two] (avp universe)

[1 genetically improved Nexu] (star wars)

[1 p5000 power loader] (avp universe)

[Would you like to dispense you rewards now Adrian]

"Yes system do it now"

[Affirmative dispensing now]

As the system says that the crate of rifles,the power loader,and a plastic looking crate containing the Katarn armor appear in front of me."Adrian can I look at your stuff to see if maybe I can replicate it" Anita asks.

"Sure thing just be careful okay" I say as I use my handprint to open both crates which beep and snap open revealing their contents.

As Anita starts analyzing everything I see a large glass tube with the nexu inside with no instructions on how to open it .

"System how do I open the nexu's container" I say mentally.

[Step one: connect a power source of at least 200 megawatts for 20 minutes]

[Step two:place a drop of your blood inside the slot on the front of the tube ]

[Step three: flip the switch located on the left side and stand still]

"Anita do you have a power source capable of generating 200 megawatts for 20 minutes"I ask and she says "Sure grab those blue cables and attach them where ever you need them"

I do as she says and follow the instructions to the letter and twenty minutes later the nexu crawls out of the tube and looks at me after shaking off the goo from the tube.

"What do I do now system"

[Raise you hand and place it on his muzzle and he will be imprinted and follow your orders provided you don't abuse him]

"System is there any way to keep people from stealing anything"

[You can assign equipment to anyone you trust and they can manually access it and spawn it out of thin air ]

"Awesome how do I do that System"

[While accessing the system simply say "access equipment"and a menu will pop up]

"Ok access equipment"

[Equipment inventory accessed ]

[Please select a subject for equipment access]

"Select Sgt Geneva Coleman and assign the M41A2 pulse rifle she used system"

[Affirmative weapon assigned]

"Geneva I want you to think equip M41A2 pulse rifle okay" she nods yes and her rifle appears in her hand and disappears why she says unequipped Rifle .

After doing all that which takes about six hours I tell the nexu to sleep here and go to sleep in my bunk for the night.