
Upon returning to the Matriot I see the General and the Colonel waiting inside Hanger 13 for us.

"Welcome back Adrian how did mission go because I could swear you said that the planet is livable but you found intelligent life that are actually friendly to us due to your assistance" the General says while struggling to contain his excitement

"Yeah but he used unsanctioned technology and attacked an unknown force without investigating first" the Colonel sneered

"Shut the fuck up Colonel Parker before I go with Pathfinder Adrian's idea to feed you to his pet" General Jones says while looking very annoyed

"Wait what pet sir" Parker says while looking very worried.

"Pathfinder why don't you introduce Fang while I attach your new rank pin " I nod ok as he replaces my Captain's stripes with a pin that is the Matriot on top of a star after which I say while smiling "Fang Come" after which he runs up next to me and sits while rubbing on my leg like an enormous house cat " Ok Fang say hi buddy" after saying that he looks at the Colonel and growls while showing his teeth

"Eep keep that monster away from me" Parker squeaks while trying to hide behind the General

"Goddamit get from behind me and show some fucking backbone because that animal is a carnivore and can smell fear" General Jones

"Yes sir "Parker says meekly while shuffling from behind him

"So sir this new rank is equal to a colonel right" I say while walking towards Parker

"Yep go ahead you deserve it son" he say right before I break Parker's nose with a right cross and punch him in the gut "okay Pathfinder that's enough alright"

"Yes sir I understand" I say extremely satisfied

"Now Pathfinder you said you wrote a full report for me and brought me a gift from the Altruins right" he says excitedly

"Yes Sir they made this special for you" I say as I hand him a beautiful musket made from a dark hard wood with decorations made from bright feathers,bones,and something resembling turtle shells and a powder horn with a bullet cast.

"My god Adrian this is the most beautiful weapon I've ever see and I'll cherish always" he says with fire in his eyes

"No problem sir but there is another gift but we have to share this one" I say as I pull out a dark bottle filled with a local made booze

"Ohhoho you read my mind Pathfinder let's go to my office" he says while walking towards his office

After several hours and an entire bottle emptied General Jones falls asleep on a cot in the back of his office while cuddling his new musket, while tiptoeing away from the General's office I slump into my bunk but right as I get settled in I hear [Congratulations Adrian you have earned:

4-M3 combat armor suits(avp)

2-M56 combat harnesses(avp)

2-M40C2 grenade launcher(avp)

1- Dark Green Fremen made Stillsuit(Dune)]

[Goodnight Adrian]

[Goodnight system] after which I fall asleep