Chapter - 12 (Mrs.Sonia Finds A New Maths Teacher) 

Mr. Rajan got off the train at Sealdah Station and started walking behind the throngs of people heading towards the main exit. As he slipped through the metal frame used for checking the commuters at times, he saw the man in a black coat, the Ticket Collector. Mr. Rajan took his train ticket out of his book pocket and came out on the passage leading to the Pre-paid Taxi stand. He kept his pulley down by his side and got into the queue for taxis to take them to various destinations in The City of Joy. Finally, the man policing the queue, hailed a taxi and shoved Mr. Rajan into it.

The city was beginning to bask in bright sunlight as the taxi finally drove along A, J. C. Bose Road, turned to the left at the Moulali crossings, past Philip's towards C. I. T. Road. The cab then turned right and pulled uo near the lane leading up to his house, Mr. Rajan got off the cab, paid the driver and started trotting up. An unspeakable pleasure filled up his entire being as he looked at the entrance of his two storied house. The facade of the building painted in white and maroon with the garden in front looked too picturesque in the early hours of the morning to be real. He let go off the trolley handle and pressed the bell on the door. 

He could hear his wife replying almost immediately, " Coming. Wait a second. "

She found her husband looking tired yet as attractive as she had found him years ago when he came to hers for the first time  with a few members of his family. 

"Welcome home. Didn't you tell me that the train was running late by thirty minutes and that you might not reach home before ten?" She asked her husband as he put his hands around her. 

"I did. But the train made it up once it crossed Naihati Junction. Anyway, how's everybody? " By everybody, he obviously meant his two daughters. 

"Akku had her Debate yesterday. Though her school lost in the semi-final, she won a Prize as The Best Speaker For the Motion. "

"That's great, " replied Mr. Rajan

"She wanted me to be there. Unfortunately, I couldn't. She even asked Anu, which reminds me that her Maths Teacher called me last night to tell me that he is not going to be available for the next year. He is shifting somewhere else." She informed him. 

Then remembering that he was still standing near the door, she brought an abruot end to what she intended on telling her husband, 

"Anyway, we'll talk about all this after you have shaved, changed and showered. I'm sure you have a lot to share with us about Sonu's marriage as well."

Mr. Rajan looked adoringly at his beloved wife. She always knew what he needed like no one did. He thought how lucky he was to have such a caring wife. He started forcing the pulley to their room around the dining table to their bedroom on the other side of the groundfloor.

He was back to the dining table in fifteen minutes as Mrs. Sonia started arranging the plates. Mr. Rajan turned on the TV and switched over to Star Sports. There was a live telecast of a test match between the homeside Australia and India at Perth. He heard the commentator talking very highly of this young Indian batter to have scored his maiden test century on the Australian soil. Next moment the lad was shown putting his helmet back on his head and taking his stance. Mr. Rajan felt happy. It was going to be a fine day. 

Later, he went up to the girls' room. He knocked on the door. Finding no reply, he was about to go back down to their room, when he thought of checking in. Though it was 11.35 in the morning, he was surprised to find the sisters sound asleep, apart from one another. They were great friends and often could be seen sleeping with their arms round one other. Mr. Rajan scampered upto the bed and bending down, planted a kiss on his elder daughter's forehead. Akanksha turned towards him, blinked her eyes open and smiled up to her father.

"Baba! When did you come back? "She asked. 

Mr. Rajan smiled back at his daughter and replied : "Good Morning, Baba. I's back some two hours back. Don't you think it's time to get up?"

Akanksha tried to sit up, rubbing her eyes, 

"Yesterday was a long day." Then remembering something suddenly, she was wide awake the next moment and cried out excitedly," Do you know? Did Ma tell you that I got selected as The Best Speaker, Baba?"

"She did, " Mr. Rajan told her, shuffling her hair fondly. "But I want to hear all the details. So, go grab a quick shower. Both of us seem to have a lot of catching up to do, don't we? "

He then walked to the other side of the bed. Anushka tried turning away from her father, whispering:

" Please don't, Baba. I ain't done with sleeping yet, " she pleaded and covered her face with the sheet next minute. 

Mr. Rajan looked down at his daughter, her eyes tightly shut, shook his head and slowly retreated his steps towards the door. 

Mrs. Sonia had the brunch items placed on the table. Mr. Rajan was savouring his second cup of Darjeeling tea, when Akanksha joined them at the table. "Good Morning, Ma." she said. Then turning to her father, she carried on, " Welcome back, Baba. Hope everything is good at Ritu Aunt's."

Mr, Rajan nodded his hair while Mrs. Sonia wished her elder daughter back. Mr. Rajan got up and came back from his room, carrying a packet of special sweets all the way from Alipurduar. 

"Ritu aunt has sent these sweets and her love. She's also sent a pair of dresses for you and Anu. Regarding the wedding, everything has been sorted out. They are happy now Sonu has acquesced to marry the man of her parents' choice." They spent some more time discussing what happened during the betrothal ceremony. 

Next they talked about the Debate and Akanksha's creditable performance.

"I'm proud of you, Akku. It's a terrific achievement. This award will surely be a precursor of things to happen in the coming days. Isn't there just a little over a year left for your Boards?" He asked his daughter. 

"There isn't," answered Mrs. Sonia for her daughter." That's why I need to talk to you both about Anu. She fared miserably in Maths this year. Though she complained to us about Mr.Dey, her Maths Teacher time and again, we wanted her to continue taking tuitions from him due to his reputation. Mr. Dey called me last night to tell me that he won't be able to teach Anu next year. Shouldn't we start looking for a private Maths Teacher straight away?" She stopped to find out if her words had registered with the listeners or not. 

"Can I say something, Ma? " Akanksha cut in here. When both her parents nodded, she said, 

" I've heard it said that Jishnuda is a Maths wizard. Why don't you ask him to be Anu's tutor? He has his hands full right now, as the ISC and NEET are just round the corner. But there is no harm in asking him once. Is there?" She wanted to know. 

"I am not sure if a high school student can be a good tutor." Mrs. Sonia wondered aloud. "But let me ask him once. Even if he is reluctant, he can direct us to someone better." She remarked. 

If Akanksha was surprised when she learnt later in the evening, from her mom that Jishnu was willing to teach her sister, Anushka was just devastated!