*In the Throne room*

As soon as the king announced that Ariel is going to be the crown Prince of Azael, the nobles were rattled as most of them did not know who he was but they waited for the king to ask for objections and as soon as he asked 'any objections', A voice rang out in the hall "We object".

The king squinted his eyes and asked "What is it, Duke Buenos", The duke came forward and Ariel got a clear look at him, he was short but his aura made everyone feel like he was looking down on them.

'i see, self-conscious about his height' thought Ariel.

Buenos spoke again and said "Your majesty with all due respect he's nothing but a halfbreed carrying royal blood, and this kind is not fit to be king. I think you should give the chance to my grandson, he also carries the royal blood and I think is much more powerful than him. so please rethink your decision cousin" as soon as he said that the king's and Robin's eyes went cold, Robin came forward and said coldly "I would like Duke Buenos to reconsider and think clearly".

Buenos looked at him and chuckled, he said "If it isn't our little Robin, always trying to disobey Royal orders. you are lucky that you became the General or else this would've been like the past. You remember right, your little lover, and that old bastard you called master."

As soon as Robin heard it he clenched his teeth and released a bit of his killing intent, which was countered by Buenos's aura as if it's nothing. Just as Robin was about to go out of control, Demon king Kretos said: "Both of you stand down".

He then looked down towards Buenos and said "You said your grandson will be a better choice" to this Buenos nodded and said in a condescending tone "Far better than a halfbreed". Kretos stood up and said "You know, I wanted to give you a chance but you ruined it" while looking at him coldly.

Buenos was a bit confused as the king always relented to their requests after Princess Sophia died, he was like a log of wood without any expression, due to that although the nobles were still afraid of the demon king but it not to the previous degree, today was the first time he saw the same expression which they all dreaded, after a long time.

But he was consumed in his ambition to make his grandson the Crown prince so he still pushed on and said "I don't get it, your majesty. How can this halfbreed be deserving of the throne ". Kretos was angry and this time, he said "He is my grandson, and he will be the crown prince whether you like it or not" before others could say anything Kretos turned to Robin and said, "Persuade them, Robin, You are free to use any means necessary". After saying that Kretos disappeared along with Ariel.

After he disappeared all of the nobles including Buenos looked at Robin, but Robin was looking at Buenos and he ordered "Knights, don't let anyone escape. if someone tries to KILL THEM", when Buenos heard it, he was angry he yelled "ARE YOU AN IDIOT, HOW DARE YOU STOP US FROM LEAVING. WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE".

To this Robin started laughing like a maniac he stopped and then said "I am the demon general of Azael and -" he released his killing intent which pinned Buenos to where he was standing and continued "today I will end your worthless life". Buenos was angry and he released all of his power, he was a True saint, he thought 'Its a good chance if I kill this bastard Kretos will lose his General and it will weaken his hold on the realm. and I will finally be able to become a king' he was happy when he imagined himself sitting on the throne clad in royal clothing.

Then he realized that even after releasing his full strength he was unable to move, as he recognized the power pinning him down he was shocked "What the-" he e stuttered and said "Ho-ho-how can you become a demigod at such a young age, that's impossible. it must be a dream, yes it must be". he heard a cold voice full of killing intent reply to him "NO Buenos its, not a dream, I did manage to become a Demigod. There is still a piece of news I want you to hear only after that I will kill you" said Robin. The nobles were shocked 'How can he talk about killing a Duke like its nothing' but they still did not disturb them as they knew Robin was a demigod and they couldn't do much against him.

Suddenly a man came Running inside in tattered clothes, bleeding from the cuts all over his body and screamed "ITS A TRAGEDY YOUR MAJESTY, THE CASTLE WAS ATTACKED BY UNKNOWN ASSAILANT AND EVERYONE WAS KILLED", Buenos who heard this felt his body went cold, he was bubbling with anger he asked him "What about my son and grandson are they-" before he could complete his sentence two dead bodies were thrown on the floor by two knights, after they threw the bodies they kneeled and said, "General the task is complete". Robin nodded and asked "Any casualties" one of them replied "No, just some injured", Robin nodded and said "You may leave". The knights nodded and after saluting him one more time they left taking the man with them.

Buenos who heard this screamed "Aaaargghhh ILL KILL YOU ILL ALSO KILL THAT HALF-" before he could complete the sentence he felt something swish by. The nobles watched Buenos suddenly scream in pain, then his arms and legs detached from his body and fell to the ground but his body remained in the air he was in extreme pain. "why" he asked weakly, Robin acted as if he has heard the funniest thing said "you killed my lover, killed my master, you introduced Sophie to Harold, you also helped her escape and now you threaten my nephew. you think that after all this I'll forgive you, huh ".

He then used his power to bring him close and then slowly took out his sword and said "I could've killed you before with the help of his majesty, but I wanted to do it with my own strength, as I have that strength now. I will fulfill my promise to Lilly".

After that, he slowly stabbed his chest and said "this is for Lilly", he then took the sword out of his chest *BAM* Buenos fell on the floor, but Robin did not stop there, after Buenos fell down, he stabbed him multiple times while saying "this is for master, this is for Sophie and this is for threatening Ariel", only after turning Buenos's body into minced meat did he stop.

He then looked up in the air, his face and armor which still had blood on them suddenly became clean without a speck of blood. After some time he again looked to the nobles and asked "Any objections".

All the nobles said unanimously "No general, we accept his majesty, Ariel, as the crown prince", Robin smiled at this and said coldly "Good, now get out". After hearing this all the nobles hurriedly left the throne room.

After they left Robin looked at a Knight and said "Get it cleaned up" and disappeared.

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