*Next Morning*

Next morning, immediately after waking up. Ariel rushed towards the training grounds to meet his Uncle. Today, He promised to check his affinities.

As a cultivator a person can Train in any element He wants, But if He is not compatible with the element. Then he would not be able to achieve the same power in an attack as others who have good compatibility with that element, Also if a person has a strong affinity towards a certain element Then he can use its power at will.

Ariel was really excited, Although He knew that Blood and Dark Element should be his most compatible elements, His master instructed him not to train them until He is able to use the Blood Demon Sword. So He was really curious about his other affinities.

He was rushing towards the training grounds when a woman stopped him, She bowed and said "Good morning, Young master", He nodded. She said "Young master, Your majesty has ordered you to go to the Elf village to escort the Elf King to the Royal capital. You will be leaving for the capital in 3 months" while she was saying this she thought 'Awwwww young master is so cute I just want to pinch his cheeks aaahhhhh. 'EASY NOW' don't slip out of character Raechel control yourself.'. Ariel wanted to refute this, but seeing as he had 3 months left, He had ample time to persuade his Grandfather, So He nodded and said "Sure, Thanks for informing me." and then rushed off to the training grounds.

*Training Grounds*

As He reached the training grounds, He saw his uncle was looking at some birds flying in the sky and smiling. He seemed to be in deep thought's, Ariel wanted to catch him off guard. But before He could make a move, Robin turned around towards him as if he has already sensed him.

At this point, Ariel was not even surprised anymore, He just wanted to give it a try . Robin grinned and said "Not bad, You almost succeded today, But then you became too excited and lost control of your aura for an instant, that was enough for me to sense you". Ariel said "Don't worry someday I'll get you", To which Robin replied with a provocating gaze "I'll be waiting".

Robin said "Now then, Come here and sit down. I will help you with your affinities ", Ariel was confused, He asked "Uncle where is the affinity checking Orb ?. Isn't that necessary".

Robin laughed and replied "No, we don't need that. Although it is the quicker and safer way to check for affinities, It doesn't draw out someone's full potential, and sometimes it can misjudge, and you don't really want an error, do you". Ariel shook his head, He then sat down on the ground.

Robin said "Now then, Close your eyes first ... Good, Now let your qi cycle through your body as you do normally while cultivating .... Now, this is the most important step so listen carefully".

"Try and find the source where your Qi is generating from, It's like a round ball full of Qi. Try to feel the auras around it. Do Not, I repeat do not let your Qi go even a bit out of control. Now you're on your own Good luck ".

'What that's it!' thought Ariel 'I thought the alternative way would be more difficult. well, Uncle never jokes about serious stuff, So let's just try it.'.

After removing all unnecessary thoughts from his mind He started cycling his Qi through his body and tried to feel the source his uncle told about. But then He ran into a problem. Even after trying multiple times He could not feel the source.

A frown formed on his face, Robin noticed the frown and said in a serious tone "Ariel, This is a test of your capability. Try harder. If you can't even do this much, Then forget about revenge as you'll never reach the peak of cultivation".

After hearing his words Ariel became angry and He was eager to prove him wrong. So, He started trying harder.

Even though He failed to sense the core repeatedly, He never stopped even once. After a lot of tries, He was able to find the source his Qi was generating from, Ariel was excited to find it, but He recalled his uncle's warning. So He calmed himself and started to feel the auras around the core.

An hour passed since He found the core and started feeling the auras inside. He suddenly opened his eyes.

Although He looked the same, something about him changed. It was not visible but you could feel it. Robin looked at him with shining eyes and thought 'THAT FAST, I knew he could do it, but I did not expect him to find the core so quickly.'.

He said, "Now Ariel tell me about how you felt when you tried sensing those Auras.". Ariel replied "I felt a Strong tingling and Chills all over" hiding the fact that He also felt darkness all over and more than that Never ending Brutal Bloodlust which, If not for his strong will almost consumed his mind. Due to which he had taken a long time to discover other auras, if they even existed around his core.

When Robin heard him his already shining eyes became brighter, He couldn't help but laugh in satisfaction and said" Hahaha Good Good. You have excellent compatibility with Ice and Lightning. Both of which complement each other.". Then he asked Ariel to stand up and follow him.

Robin then took him to The Castle, through the halls, and finally stopped in front of a huge gate. Strangely though there was no one guarding this place.

He said "This is the Royal Armory, No one except some chosen people can access the armory. It is surrounded by an extremely powerful barrier, Which can only be destroyed by a Supreme realm cultivator.

Ariel was a bit shocked, But not too much as He knew his Master was far more powerful than Supreme realm cultivators, He thought 'Heck, that old man once destroyed a universe's sun just to make me a cultivation pill, as far-'.

His thoughts were interrupted by Robin, He said "I wanted you to choose a sword to your liking that's why we're here.

I've altered the defensive array, So from now on you can enter in here without my help. Now before you go inside, Take this-" and he threw a black colored ring towards him and continued "This is a Special Storage ring, I believe it has a storage capacity of 1,000,000 cubic meters. And as a cherry on top, you can keep Contracted Beasts inside, They won't die in there."

He continued "But remember with your current powers you can only use swords from 5th level or below that. Now go". Just as Ariel was about to enter Robin stopped him "Wait, Do one thing. Before heading to the 5th level go to the 10th level and choose a sword that you like, I'm in a good mood today so you can have two swords.". Ariel asked him "Thanks but ummm .... Are you really sure about that ?, I hate to say this but, With my current powers. I think I won't even be able to approach it".

Robin chuckled and said "Well, don't worry. I'll help you with that", he then put his hand on Ariel's shoulder and Used his Qi to make a protective barrier around him "This should help, Now go".

Ariel nodded and then touched the door. He felt a sudden pull and was instantly transported in a room full of different kinds of weapons.

Ariel ignored all weapons in the room and started walking up the stairs, He did not stop until he reached the 10th level. On reaching the 10th level he saw a pathway leading to a door in some distance, He started walking towards the door but before he could reach it, Two figures started emerging from the ground. They were completely made out of stones with axes in their hands, one of them looked at Ariel and said "Intruder huh, Don't worry little brother Blake I got this" and lifted his huge ax and a suffocating aura burst out of him nearly crushing Ariel to death.

If not for the Protective barrier his uncle put on him he would be dead already. *BAM* Before the figure could attack Ariel the other Golem slapped him on the back on his head and shouted "ARE YOU AN IDIOT. Do you want young master to die, He is the Crown Prince and our future Master. Man, If not for you being so stupid, we would have still been alive Jake" He then glared at him.

Then both of them got on their knee and bowed. Blake said loudly "WE WELCOME HIS MAJESTY CROWN PRINCE TO THE 10Th FLOOR." then followed his words in a softer tone "I hope Your Majesty can forgive my Elder brother's disrespectful actions earlier".

Ariel said "It's ok, I believe He was doing his duty. Just be careful next time." and proceeded to open the door and entered the Room, He heard "WE THANK YOUR MAJESTY FOR HIS BENOVELENCE." before the door closed.

After Ariel had entered the room and the door closed. Jake sighed and said "Guess we got lucky huh!", Blake glared at him and said "COME ON, REALLY. You attacked and nearly killed masters only grandson, If He hears about this we're dead. Sometimes I wonder if you're my real brother or mom just took pity on you and picked you up from the trash. If the Master kills us because of your actions ... Man, I hate you". Jake smiled and elbowed him and said: "Realyyy, I wonder who was it that joined the war with me got himself killed". Blake just humphed and looked the other way.

*Inside the Armory*

Ariel entered the Armory and looked around, It was different from the First floor. There were fewer weapons here, But even with the defensive barrier He could feel the aura being emitted from them, It was rushing to attack him. If not for the Barrier He would have been chopped to pieces.

Suddenly the Blood Demon Sword Came out of his soul space and started emitting its Aura. It was so powerful that the Barried was destroyed in an instant without any form of resistance, But the Aura did not affect Ariel. Some weapons tried to fight back with their power but were quickly suppressed.

After doing that it disappeared again into the soul space, The weapons did not try to attack Ariel again with their Auras. In fact, most weapons were so scared that they retracted their Auras as if trying to hide.

Ariel thought 'So that was a show of dominance huh' and proceeded to check the weapons out. He found a black sword Which although it did not attack him it was still releasing a bit of its aura as if showing resistance. He smiled and said "Good, I'll pick you as my sword".

He then picked up the sword, As soon as He picked up the sword an extremely powerful pressure assaulted his hand 'Trying to resist huh!, Too bad I've already made up my mind' He then proceeded to resist the pressure.

After some time the sword accepted him. 'Good' He said in his mind 'From now on you're mine'. Ariel sent the sword inside the storage ring and happily proceeded towards the 5th level.

He then proceeded to choose a Purple sword from there, and then left the Armory.

After that, He went to meet his Uncle, Who then taught him some attacks based on his attributes along with some other techniques.

For the next two months, Ariel worked extremely hard, along with Cultivating he learned war tactics, He assisted his Grandfather in managing the kingdom. He also asked him about the trip to the Elf kingdom. But his Grandfather Tricked him, so he could not refuse it.

After 2 months of hard work, he finally was at the peak of the 9th level star mortal realm. But even after trying extremely hard to break through to the next level, he could not achieve it, He knew it was not possible for him to achieve it with simple training. He needed a Fight, A real fight where he could end up dead.

One day after his training ended, He approached his Uncle and said "Uncle I want to go and hunt Wild beast's", To his surprise he agreed, He asked again "Can I go, Even without guards".Robin nodded and said "Yes you can but on 2 conditions. 1st A party of knights will accompany you to the edge of the forest, don't worry they will remain at the edge of the forest and won't come with you. 2nd I will put my spirit mark on you so that I can come to your rescue if you meet some unexpected danger", Although Ariel was not satisfied with the conditions, He had no choice except to agree so He nodded.

After that, He prepared to go to the Forest

*Next day*

Ariel was sitting inside a luxurious carriage that was surrounded by 10 Armoured knights who were on armored horses. Someone Knocked on the carriage's gate and said "Your majesty Crown prince, we're ready to leave", Ariel replied with "Ok then let's go."

The knight Shouted, "BEGIN THE JOURNEY-"