Ariel was surprised when he saw a small girl come inside the room. He thought 'Why is this little girl here'.

"Ummmm, He-he-Hello, Big brother my name is Rose. Father sent me to take you around the city"

Rose was looking at him with shiny eyes. She thought 'finally I can go outside'.

Ariel got confused when he heard the girl so he asked "You, Are you going to show me around", the girl nodded and said

"Yes, My name is Rose. What's your's".

"Oh! my name is Ariel, Nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you too"

Now that Ariel looked at the girl more carefully she's extremely cute, 'Whatever, I'll just go with her' thought Ariel.

"So, where are we going first," he asked.

Rose thought for a second and replied "We can go to the market first"


Both of them left the room together and went to the market. The market of Royal village was extremely large, with most people selling clothes, food, or weapons.

Ariel was not too excited for the market, but he saw that Rose was ecstatic. It felt like she came outside after a long time, so he couldn't help but ask "Hey, why are you so excited".

Rose was shocked when she heard this, She thought that she has done something wrong "Wha- I'm sorry Big brother Ariel. "

"No need to apologize, I just thought that you're too excited."

"Well, my father never lets me go out, so this is the first time I came out in the last two years. That's why I was too excited"

"Oh! Well, it's not a problem, you don't need to apologize. We both can explore and enjoy the day."

When Rose heard him her face lit up, She was beaming with joy 'Big brother Ariel is very sweet hee hee'.

After that both of them started to explore the market, They went clothes shopping, Ariel even bought a ruby hairpin for her. At first, she refused but eventually accepted it under Ariel's persuasion.

They went around the market till evening.

"Whew, I'm exhausted. What about you Rose"

"I'm fine Big Brother"

"Let's continue tomorrow, we can have dinner now."

Rose was somewhat down as the day was going to end, This was the first time in her entire life that she had so much fun in a day. She didn't realize it yet but she was subconsciously starting to develop a fondness for Ariel.

Ariel noticed her expression, He said "Don't be so down, We will meet again tomorrow. It's not like I'm going anywhere for the next few days".

Ariel has also grown fond of Rose.Rose's face lit up as she asked "Really", Ariel nodded.

"Now let's have dinner cuz I'm pretty hungry"

After that, both of them went to a Restaurant to eat.

After eating a scrumptious dinner both of them were satisfied, Ariel paid for the food and then left with Rose.

"Now then, Good night Rose."

"Hu-Huh! Oh yes. Good night big brother"

Ariel saw that she was sad so he pat her head and said "Don't worry we'll meet tomorrow"

Rose's face was red as Ariel rubbed her head "Hee hee, ok".

After that, both of them said goodbye to each other and Ariel waited until Rose was out of his sight and then returned to his room. He was not worried about the safety of Rose as he could sense $ guars around them, All of them were true saints.


While Ariel was lying on the bed he was thinking of something which has been bothering him for some time now.

'Why do I experience such emotional fluctuations everyday, Its been going on ever since I came to this world. There must be something going on', Ariel has also begun to notice his emotional fluctuations. Like today, he was attracted to a little girl. According to his original age, he should have been attracted to mature ladies, but he felt flustered and attracted towards Rose.

'Could it be related to the soul transmigration, Maybe my soul fused with the soul of the little boy. That's why I'm experiencing this. Right, this must be the reason.'

He thought for a solution from the things his master taught him, But couldn't find one.

'Well let's leave it at that, so what if I'm attracted to Rose. It's not like we are ages apart and Ignoring my mental age, we are of the same age'

After deciding all this and after cultivating a little, He went to sleep.


For the next few days, Ariel and Rose went around and enjoyed their time together. They were becoming closer and closer to each other. At first, Ariel felt weird due to the age difference but the feeling soon went away.

Both of them were enjoying their time together, While walking they started holding the hands of each other and the same went on for around a month.

After a month passed Ariel was finally notified that the preparations were complete for inheritance.

Although he was feeling excited, he also felt a sense of loss as he knew that his fun days with Rose were over. He didn't know whether he loved her or not, but he did like her.

Similar to Ariel Rose was also at a loss, She also felt an indescribable feeling for him deep in her heart. When her father told her that Ariel would not accompany her from tomorrow. She started crying and both her father and mother could not stop her from crying.

Finally, her grandfather arrived, he said something in her ear. After hearing him she stopped crying, Her face went red and she started smiling dumbly.

Looking at Rose, her grandfather sighed 'What kind of spell did he put on her for her to be this smitten with him. Well anyway, it's all according to plan'.

He started imagining himself holding a little baby in his hands and grinned 'Truly a future to wish For'


*The Next Day*

"Are you ready boy"

"Yes uncle, I'm ready."

"Be careful while you're in the tomb. If you feel encounter any life-threatening situation break the jade I gave you. You'll be transported outside."

"Yes Uncle"

"Take care, Now go"

Ariel stepped on a red magical circle and a Red beam enveloped him and he disappeared.

'Let's do this'
