"BIG BROTHER ARIEEELLL" Shouted Rose as she jumped into Ariel's arms. "I was so worried, are you alright. Does it hurt anywhere, Are you hurt--".

"Calm down Rose, I am alright. I just fainted due to the enormous energy drain"

Rose sighed in relief. But started blushing, when she realized that she was in Ariel's arms. When Ariel saw her cheeks, he knew what was going on and had an urge to tease her. So he suddenly hugged her tightly and whispered in her ears "Man, I was so afraid back there. I thought that I would never see you again."

"M-m-me too, i wa-"


As soon as both of them heard the cough they got out of each other's embrace.

"Ummm, Hello uncle Steyn"

"Hmm, It's good to see you doing fine without any injuries. I can't imagine what that idiot of a grandfather of yours would have done if something had happened to you" Steyn said as he chuckled.

"Ariel, Can you tell me what happened down there. The Thunder King's Realm collapsed and vanished, Do you have any idea what happened"

"No, I don't really have any idea what happened. I just heard something crack and suddenly went unconscious."

"So, Even someone of your caliber can't pass. Well, It's fine as long as you're alright. So now I'll leave you guys to catch up" He said as he went out with the guards.


As The Elf King Steyn came out of the room, he said to his Royal Knight "I can sense hostility and bloodlust around the area focused on Ariel. Protect him. And Find out who is behind this, I want his head"

"Yes, your majesty," Said the Knight as he bowed.


As ariel and Rose were alone in the room the air was strangely awkward. Rose spoke to break the awkwardness after she saw Alex zoned out in his thoughts

"Big brother, What happened during the inheritance"

Alex was startled out of his thoughts "Oh!! Nothing really Nothing happened there---"

Rose looked at him with suspicious eyes as she leaned closer to him "Reaalyyyyy"

"I'm telling you no-nothing happened really" he gulped and said nervously.

Rose suddenly kissed him. "Wha---"

Her face and neck were red from blushing, She hurriedly got up and ran out of the room after saying "That's for making me worry, Idiot Big brother"

Ariel also felt embarrassed but not to a huge degree.

"Well if that's what I get for making you worry then, I guess I must live at death's doors" He chuckled as he touched his lips.


Somewhere in The Capital

"So, What's the plan." said a masked man.

"Well, we strike at night after everyone's asleep" replied the other.

"But, don't you think Steyn would be able to sense us even if we somehow fool the knights, he's way above the level of someone we could take on," asked the man in a doubtful tone.

"Don't worry, His majesty Harold already thought of it and gave me an artifact which can hide the presence of its wearer for an hour from anyone under supreme level and a special weapon which is able to kill anyone under godking level"

"Is that so, Then there's no need to worry. But I want to ask one thing captain"

"What is it ?"

"Why does his majesty want to kill the prince, isn't he, his flesh and blood," asked the man curiously.

"I don't know much, But from what, I have heard. He didn't like him from when the prince was a child. He was always ignored and bullied." said the other.

"Well then let's go and put an end to his miserable little life," he said and stood up.

Suddenly both of them vanished without any trace.



In ariel's room

Ariel couldn't sleep because of what happened in the alternate space 'What happened in there, from what I remember that bastard was too strong for me to handle and I was about to break the seal on my powers forcibly'

He recalled all that he saw during the time he was unconscious, It felt like my body and mind were telling me to let out, as if theres something still holding me back

"Guess this is no time to overthink, I should go to sleep"


A knife flew out and destroyed a barrier formed in front of Ariel and tried to bury itself in his chest but was somehow stopped by another barrier.


Due to the intense power, Ariel was struck unconscious, while it seemed like cracks were forming on the barrier.


In some desolate forest

Robin was alone cultivating, suddenly he felt something snap in his head


He screamed and a blood-red aura exploded from him and with the aura the entire forest was vapourised. Harold moved at an unbelievable speed while repeatedly speaking "PLease be safe, Uncle's coming".

Due to Harold's sudden outburst of power, all the Godking level experts were startled and thought 'Who provoked this monster'


Authors note:- well, been a long time guys. Hopefully, all are safe and well-fed. Pandemic hit hard huh!

BTW If you find any mistakes do let me know.