a little safeness

(after riding on a half angry half calm Pomeranian back to the dorms you went to your dorm hurry and went under your fuzzy covers and got the remote)

bokugo:heh you okay now

yeah I feel a little bit better

bokugo:... would you feel even more better if I made you some food


bokugo:(chuckles) new it ill make something just give me an hour okay

okay..... oh and bokugo


thank you by the way

bokugo:.... yeah..... ya better be for saving ya ass

heh I am

bokugo:no prob(smiles and walks out)

(after he's done cooking)

bokugo;here(hands you a bowl of spicy ramen and boneless chicken with yellow rice)

thank you

bokugo:yeah (starts eating)

(staring at bokugo)

bokugo:what is it

your scratches

bokugo:I'll be fine

nope! (grabs his shoulders and heals him)

bokugo:(blushes)hey! I was fucking eating

sorry damn I was just helping got damn

bokugo:thanks..... so did you really have to lock up like that

it wasnt my fault!

bokugo:Hahahahaha I just messing with you

meh(half of y'alls food is gone)

bokugo:so you only had two

yeah why is that problem

bokugo:naw just.... why only two like I know why but also. asking why

then why the hell are ya askin if you already know(laughs)

bokugo:cause it don't seem right for someone like you , you could had plenty

yeah but I'm not a sluty ass thot neither sooo

bokugo:damn! really(smiles)


bokugo:I know people ask you out a lot so how many times... per week

about like twenty

bokugo;yeah ya get everyone (gets a cold chill)

bokugo you can get under here if your cold you know

bokugo:naw I'm fine

ya sure there room since I have a big ass bed that i manged to get in here

bokugo;... well yeah scoth the fuck over

exactly what I fuckin thought hahaaahhah

bokugo:its warm

yep.... so how many people have you dated

bokugo:.... none

has anyone even ask you out?

bokugo:what the hell you think I'm not fucking ugly

I know I know. geez

bokugo:but yeah not often but yeah every now and then

bokugo so is it because you don't want one or are you a virgin

bokugo:I am not no damm virgin

okay so why won't you date anyone

bokugo:cause..... I don't maybe cause I don't

.... click with the person or just don't like them....

oh I can understand that

bokugo:why did you break up with the two you dated and what color were they

well the reason is they were both abusive but my first one a black guy he was just in it for the money and the second one a white guy he just wanted the fame

bokugo:this exactly why I don't fucking date anyone

.... that or maybe your just not used too lovey dovey relationships

bokugo:..... who said for you to read my mind

I didn't

bokugo:yeah ya did

I can't do that unless I ask the person for permission

bokugo:(rolls eyes)

you seem. like your not used to someone properly loving you right

bokugo:yeah maybe

.... wanna play a game

bokugo:sure..... call of duty


{after the party}


(sleep with your head in bokugos lap and a controller next to your hand)



Bokugo:(half sleep with is arm around you shoulder with the controller in his other

Kiri:bokugo (walks in) what happened at the party m-.... oh I guess she was tired

bokugo:.... huh?..... I'll kill ya e-extra

Kiri:I guess he's sleep too

denki:did you find them

Kiri:yeah and there sleep

Momo:don't blame them we came back at three something

todoroki:so they left at 12 cause they left like there hours ago I think

Kiri:we had too leave or else would be crowed by people and cops tryna get answers on how thoes guys were knocked out like that

Mina:... wait so is Lia and bokugo in the same room (smirks) or bed

Kiri:yeah why

denki:... Mina no we don't know that

Mina:I didn't even get a chance to say anything but like come in he sooooo likes her like likes her likes her..... maybe cause she can get a fired up Adituuide so

denki:yeah that or maybe he just likes her personality

jirou:that the first time hearing you say something about personality

denki:I don't I should take that as a insult or a compliment

jirou:choose wisely

denki:... t-thank you

jirou:hahaha anyways but yeah and seems. to like him back or maybe that's how she is I mean she did say she gets along with more boys then girls so

Momo;but also didn't we ask her how is she more like and she said bokugo so

Mina:yeah so that can also mean she might be attracted to people like her

Kiri:isn't he her favorite character also out of the show


sero:calm down Mina bu-

bokugo:(coming down the stairs) why the hell do you wanna train so late at night for

who said I was training now dip shit

bokugo:then why do you wanna me too... I'm a dumb ass

yes yes you are

bokugo:aye shut up before a smack the shit out of you(says with a. grin)

oh you really don't want my right tho cause I'll put you ass to sleep for a week

bokugo:I love to see you try

... then tomorrow when I leave for hero work you should come with me

bokugo;... seriously like go with a lame hero like you

ya sure I get the most boss fights but you wouldn't want to come with a lame hero too bad It would be so much fun kicking villain ass

bokugo:..... (gives you a side eyelfine I'll go or whatever

okay then we leave at ten

bokugo:yeah sure

ohhhhh look at the donuts(really wants one and face glows up)

bokugo;heh you want one


bokugo:(grabs it) here ya little shit

thank you fucker

bokugo:(smiles) just bring ya ass on heres the workout room(and his voice started fading in to there gym)

Mina:I totally ship them

jirou:don't jump to soon

Mina:whhhhhhhy it fits soooooooo


Kiri:they still really need to know each other better but I do agree

sero:but you keep saying them what about you and Kiri

Mina:..... shut up before I melt you

sero:someone mad huh

bokugo:what the hell you extras talking about


Kiri;wait first off what happened at the party like how did all that start

(turns away)

Mina:you were involved so you stay k!

no k.... Kim K yes but just k no


what can go to my dorm or am I being held hostage

sero:(wraps tape around you and bokugo) held hostage

bruh let me go


let meh gowwww




fine then(turns to a ghost and just walks to the fridge)..... oh yeah bokugo (tape instantly unties him)

bokugo:.... i forgot you do everything I mean fucking everything with your quirk

yep(gets a bottle of water)

Mina:no fair!

I tired ight

mina:you had three hours of sleep

.... which said that I went tot sleep for about 20 mins then woke back up


you got two people that rage on a head set on a game your gonna get tired of yell "HOW THE HELL WERE YOU ALLOWED ON THE DAMN GAME ,YOUR FUCKING TRASH HOW , YOU CAN'T EVEN PLAY RIGHT YOU BITCH ASS HOE and other stuff


..... oh yeah.... we both take that one

denki:ahhhh welcome to the ragers where games make you mad you go off and fuss back

thank you?

denki: ya welcome

deku:so is it true you are a pro hero


deku;cool! how did you become at such a young age tho

well ya see here y'all knew that 80% of the population had quirks but from where I was and the part of the world I knew powers didn't exist at all until around when I was ten I stared to get one and at the time people from my understanding were just starting to get quirks and with people have quirks some wanna do good and others want to do bad and since when I learning to use my quirk and all other stuff.... at this time my head was fucking screwed up with all types of shit like my parent.....y'all know anyways so I was the one that wanted to be a hero know that there weren't that many in my area so I wanted to help and if I got enough money I could helpy mom and dad out so when I became one I was on a roll with kicking ass so eventually and quickly I was put on the news so people saw how good I was and then my fam speed and thats how I got famous and stared get calls of asking save this that and the third

deku:so since you started to sane people and get in the and people seeing how good you are that's how you got here or so famous

exactly izu ya got it!

deku:wish I thought if that sooner

weeeeeeell don't really need to


just saying mainly if I took y'all anywhere else then here y'all would get hella swarmed by fans


can you hand me a bottle if water

deku:ah sure(hands you water)

thank you(black pills appear)

Mina;ah what are those

.... my pills(takes three out)

denki:they look like little Rocks

..... who says there not..


hahahahahahaahhahaahaaaahahhahahahahahahaaaahaha!there not there not but like I said my pills

bokugo:(picks one up) so what's so special ab-Ahhha shit that burn(drops itl

first of there not normal pills there demon acid.... which is why that burns you a human(picks it up) and not me cause demon is in my blood literally (swallows the pill and drinks water behind it) ahhh but it's nasty at the same time

bokugo:then why the hell do you take them

well do you want me to get a head ache then go insane and when I'm insane I go crazy and if I go crazy then every person on earth or at least in a 3446 mile radius from me is screwed

denki:but that-

but also I would move pretty fast so like I said everyone on earth would be screwed

Kiri:so do you get headaches easily

not really but I can get them every now and then but I manage to keep calm as much as I can

Kiri:so what if someone like bokugo were to yell in you ear for a hour straight

bokugo:.... why me out of all people

Kiri:cause uhhhhh you uhhhhh..... a little loud

.... a little bitch he loud as fuck all the damn time what you mean..... but I could take as much as I can cause I have been yelled at in the loudest voice I ever heard I didn't.... but if any longer... let's just say in 5 mins 100 people would be dead

sero:I wonder how long would if fake for the whole earth then

.... look I'm smart but I. not in school school grounds yes but in the class room hell now so I an it calculatein shit


uaraka:so lia I know the party.... whatever happened you had a time right


uaraka:so what if tomorrow the girls can go out to the mall and or for a spa day


you and Momo:my treat(look at each other)....

Momo:oh I can pay for it don't worry about it

no no I can

Momo:but I can also I just have go get the money f-......

(goes in personal bank)..... how much do you think we gonna spend for tomorrow..... and I'll also pay for shopping to... so if y'all want y'all can go on a shopping spree and I'll pay for all if it

jirou:... so now we have another rich girl

i mean I'm not the type to spend my money up pluse a lot of stuff I make my self..... and since I don't spend much I just let me money rack up so from hero work which pays good I just save Mist of it up... and then

denki:so like y'all just gotoney sittin.... and when did you have a private bank

..... only me and my friends and family can use it soo and yes.... and did anyone notice I'm a walking wifi router

bokugo:.... so that's you who I'm connected too then cause I've been confuses on the hell wifi I was using for the last three days

denki:she has strong connection

Momo:do you own a community then

no I just am one

Momo:well we just go half on whatever we all get tomorrow

okay that works