super hour pt. 4

Hawks:so kieshaya can control him to make him stay still

kieshaya:on it!

Hawks:bokugo can distract him so we can catch him off guard

bokugo:yeah sure

kieshaya:well what are you going to do then

Hawks:fly over head and see if there's anymore injured bodies so lia can heal them


kieshaya:wait you can heal

kieshaya:oh so like you have two quirks then good for you

.... didn't I just say I can do a bit of everyt-

kieshaya:why are you still talking

..... (getting pissed off) (walks away to see when she can get to the villain)

bokugo:where are you going?

(points to where she's about to stand at)

kieshaya:why are you worried about her?

bokugo:cause she needs to be fucking able to do her job as a pro

kieshaya:she's a pro?

bokugo:yeah number1 in five states

kieshaya:.... why.... how?

bokugo:cause she's a good hero? is that a problem?

kieshaya:no no just didn't think she was a pro

bokugo:well she is and a damn good one

(messing with your hair in a shy way trying to calm down)

bokugo:(starring at you)

kieshaya:(sees him starring at you) hey bokugo

bokugo:(still starring)


bokugo:(still starring while smilling)



kieshaya:why are you starring at her for

bokugo:I'm not

kieshaya:yes you were

bokugo:I was looking past her not at her okay

kieshaya:then why we're you smilling

bokugo:... cause I was think of you(in head) I'm was thinking of lia and she looks cute twirling her hair)(goes back to think of you)

kieshaya:(smiles then quickly does what your doing)

bokugo:(not paying no mind of her)

kieshaya:(stands in front of bokugo)

bokugo:(still thinking of you)



kieshaya:can I get a kiss plzzzzz

bokugo:uh sure(very Hesatiant) (kisses her forehead)

kieshaya:I meant on the liiiiiiiipss

bokugo:(looks up and at villain and walks to the villain)


bokugo:(jumps down and continues walking and looks at you on his way down) kie ya gotta stay up here remember

kieshaya:... oh yeah okay(stands where she stopped)

Hawks:kids got some beef see where this going (starts flying)

bokugo:(starts making explodtions and yelling) HEY BIG ASS MONSTER THING CATCH MOTHER FUKING CAN HAHAHHAHHAHA!!

Hawks:lia kieshaya keep a look out for when y'all can strike okay!


(nods head)

(now you and kieshaya are alone together what will happen when she's around will she die today will she get smacked dback to the 1700's WHO KNOWS.... well me the author knows but that's besides the point)

kieshaya:hey you


kieshaya:well if your not talking then I will tell you if you flirt with him if he looks your way or anything tell him to fuck off okay okay

why we're just friends

kieshaya:oh don't think that your "so innocent"

but I didn't say I was

kieshaya:well just don't touch him or talk to him go to it!

like what the hell did I do cause like he didn't even tell me he had one matter a fact he said he never had one so that's what he told me so pipe down

kieshaya:well maybe he said that cause we were taking a break but that break is over so like back off

look I didn't want yo man from the jump fucking start s-

kieshaya:oh reaaaaaally cause I see the way you looked at him on TV

excuse me?

kieshaya:don't play dumb you little whore you looked at him like you wanted to kiss him

no! no I didn't!

kieshaya:keep lying and see what happens

oh yeah what tell me what gonna happen huh

kieshaya:oh just wait and see slut

.... (gets on hover board) well we need to do what we came here to do so get to stepping

kieshaya:don't tell me what to do

(rolls eyes and starts looking for somewhere she can sneak up on the villain)

kieshaya:(runs to bokugo) BOKUGO!

Bokugo:huh? ... OH SHIT(flips to another area about to get crushed by ruble) yeah what is it

kieshaya:lia is being mean to me


kieshaya:yeah and she said that if I touch you or talk to you or anything she was gonna do something she didn't tell what she was gonna do but it's something

bokugo:..... (looks at kieshaya then at you).... well will deal with this when this is over kay


{after an hour}

Hawks:(found 52 bodies to heal)

bokugo:(has ducked out the monster but is getting tired and got hit buh some stuff but is fine)

(has been trying to get to the monster but keeps walking away to fast for you to attack him and getting tired)

kieshaya:(has not done a damn thing but just follow around bokugo and is perfectly fine)

villain:HAHAHAHHAHAH(starts to disappear to another location)


ON IT(trying to figure out where he he's about to go with her sences)... I THINK HE'S GOING NEAR THE NEAREST TRAIN STATION

Hawks:OKAY LET'S GO THERE(starts flying to the station)

(quickly heals the bodies and runs after Hawks to the station)

bokugo:(right behind you)

kieshaya:(running like Elizabeth from seven deadly sins behind bokugo) you okay babe!

bokugo:yeah I'm fine lia you good!

yeah I should be

kieshaya:yeah she looks fine like she hasn't done any thing

(just about as beatin up as bokugo which half bad but can still fight)

bokugo:well she looks just as damn bad as me

kieshaya:uhhh ya sure she really doesn't what did you do again cause I didn't see you do anything

trying to hit that monster the best I can but couldn't cause it was moving to fast

kieshaya:for someone that's a pro you sure can't do much about the monster

well if the number two hero needed our help on this what do you think I'm. about to do be iron man or some shit save the day every got damn time

kieshaya:I wish you were iron man and go die-


kieshaya:what did I say that out loud

... (holds head down) what makes you think I haven't already tried that

kieshaya:tired what do you-

I slicked my throat stabed my self done everything I can think of yet I always wake up standing right where I was before I died cause I'm half demon and half angle so you tell me to die Iv already done it before it got to the point where I got Frustrated that I wouldn't just die cause I kept coming back....

bokugo:.... look kieshaya I get you don't seem to like her but at least be nice to her she's trying her best okay you don't her back story so you don't know plus what the damn hell is your problem with her anyways

kieshaya:..... (sees sharp piece of rubble)


kieshaya;(runs faster past bokugo and then pushes you to the piece of rubble making you fall and Piricing you Bodie three the sharp rubble)....

bokugo:KIESHAYA WHAT THE DAMN HELL(wants to hit her but doesn't)

Hawks:.... (sees you) HOLLY CRAP(flies down to where everyone is standing) WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED

(body disappears from where it was then to where it was before she was pushed)

kieshaya:(eyes widen now seeing what you said it true)

see I just keep coming back now stop wasting my time so we can deal this villian damn it(starts back running)

Hawks:..... what just...happened?

bokugo:I..... don't know at all

kieshaya:..... hey bokugo I didn't m-


kieshaya: babe I'm sorry

bokugo:sorry doesn't damn cut it when your messing with lives kieshaya if she died then what huh


bokugo:exactly you wouldn't know what to do .... (runs to the train station)

Hawks:(flies off)

kieshaya:... (runs after bokugo)BOKUGO I'M SORRY PLEASE JUST LISTEN

Bokugo:(stopped running)...


kieshaya:bokugo!..... bokugo? what wr-....

(pinned down the villian in demon form VERY PISSED OFF with everyone else around looking)of you(takes a breath) DO ANY TYPE OF SHIT AGAIN I WILL LIT YOUR ASS ON FIRE OKAY.... and if that doesn't work your ass can burn in hell with my piece of shit dad k(hand cuffs him)

villian:how did you find me? (trying to warp away)

(stands up) well I know your ass cause you tried to steal my staff remember

villian:(still trying to get away)

oh don't even try it cause my cuffs are designed to stop the persons quirk and half way paralyzed there body so your not going anywhere(makes a Buble around him) I'm ready to go back to the dorms

Hawks:(dumps down to where you are) hey how did you catch him

oh just got a little energy to get him. and being tired

Hawks:aye good luck with that girl kid

ima try ima try

Hawks:yeah and ... OH SHIT!

(puts a bubble over everyone srounding you)

(10 more people similar to the guy you just caught)

(swings arms around like where the fuck they came from) RUN THAT BACK TURBO SINCE WHEN WE'RE THERE TEN MORE MOTHER FUCKERS WE GOTTA(wants to just drop dead) bruh it took us all day for this damn guy NOW MORE HELL NAW(starts walking in the opposite direction) ight ima head out

Hawks:(grabs you buy your wrist) ahhh no ya don't come on

damn it! (looks at then villian demon don't know what the hell there thing people creatures again)..... (looks up then down then at Hawks then at the the ten villian them up the them then at Hawks ) bitch you mean to tell me.... MEAN TO TELL ME THAT WE GOTTA DO THIS SHIT ALL OVER AGAIN BITCH IT'S DARK

villian:(using multiple spells and shit)

..... we..... I... um..... why do.... I.... but... like FUCKING HOW!

bokugo:(jumps to where you are) take me fucking now

right this is.... I don't know 2020 is just a piece of shit to us like damn give us a break

Hawks:okay first off Lia. can you try to find out where there coming from



(points to where the villian are)

lily:.... (looks at you then at the villans them you then the villains and keeps doing that for 3 minuets)...

I know that's what I said now can you try to figure out where they came from plzzz

lily:on it and....wooooooooooooooooooow

bokugo:wow what?

ahhhhh let's just say one there like 100 in Tokyo right now


Lily:and ya got missed calls from ya mom and dad

like on earth?

lily:(shaking her head)

..... oh shit