Chapter 203 - I Really Didn't Mean It (2)

"Xiao You is good!"

"Haha ... cool! This is great! "


Spirit world's monk was very unkind. They even laughed so happy when one of them was beaten.

This scene has left many spirit world families speechless. They also know that this time there is indeed some shameless, but what is wrong with doing so for the benefit?

But now that they have done so, what about the irony of others?

"Ha ha ... Xiao you is awesome!"

Yuanbao also burst out laughing, he has been watching the outside movement.

In any case, Xiao You's fame will surely rise. after today, her name will be spread all over the lower world to let everyone know her prowess.

At the same time, it also lets all those who despise Xiao You shut up.

"Hey? Nothing? "

Xiao You found that she didn't hurt. Then she looked at the big brother of the spirit world. At this time, he was miserable. His right arm disappeared and his face was full of pain and horror.